Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1562: The Pan clan [4]

The warm yellow candlelight shone in the room, and the air suddenly became quiet, and only Mu Qianyue was left.

She still sat motionless, frowning, thinking about what Pan Zhijun said.

"Lady, what are you thinking about? So absorbed?" Nalanjing's gentle voice sounded in his ears, his body had a touch of home, with the smell of matches and dishes, which made Mu Qianyue feel very warm.

"Thinking of you." Mu Qianyue smiled.

Nalanjing put the food box in his hand on the table, took out a dish of dishes from it, and the rich aroma came to his face.

There are a total of four dishes and one soup, all of which are delicious, all of which are her favorite. There is also a black chicken soup with fresh mushrooms and ginseng.

Mu Qianyue swallowed her saliva and felt that her saliva was about to fall off. As her strength got higher, she sometimes practiced, retreats, and other things. Recently, she has indeed eaten less, although she won’t starve to death if she doesn’t eat. Mu Qianyue still likes three meals a day, so that she can feel fulfilled and fun.

Nalanjing placed two sets of chopsticks and rice, sat down in front of her, picked up a white jade bowl and placed a bowl of soup in front of her, "Madam, have a taste."

"En." Mu Qianyue took a sip of the chicken soup, only to feel the lingering fragrance of her teeth, it was delicious, and not greasy. Soon after two bowls of belly, he ate some rice and vegetables, and then he satiated.

Nalanjing raised her sleeves and wiped her oily mouth, her eyes were gentle and full of petting, "Take a good rest, we will go home early tomorrow morning."

Mu Qianyue did not answer his words, but after thinking about it, she wanted to look at him and asked, "Jing, do you know what happened more than 60,000 years ago?"

Nalanjing paused, then shook his head, "I don't know either."

"Didn't you ask Fu Bo?" Mu Qianyue continued to ask.

"Lady, what do you want to ask?" Nalanjing looked at her, her purple eyes sometimes deep and sometimes clear, Mu Qianyue sighed quietly, "It's nothing, I'm just a little curious, I'm going to retreat and practice. "

When Tian Shuo died, the Tongtian Pagoda was naturally gone, but the space was still there. Mu Qianyue had separated that space from the Tongtian Pagoda.

With a movement of her mind, Mu Qianyue entered the Tongtian Continent in her dantian to practice.

Originally, Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing had discussed going back to Canglang City early the next morning, but considering that Qinglong and Xuanwu needed a soul pool to repair their soul’s injuries, Mu Qianyue did not rush away. It took them both to the soul cultivation pond.

Ever since Mu Qianyue found Qinglong and Xuanwu, they have been keeping them in the sky-reaching space to recuperate. These days, they rely on the medicinal power of the soul-raising flower. Although they have repaired many injuries, their souls are still incomparable. The pool is useful to them.

Half a month later, the souls of Qinglong and Xuanwu were no longer as faint as before, but had a real feeling, the Wuya breath and power were dozens of times stronger than before.

Seeing this scene, Mu Qianyue was also extremely excited, their soul wounds were finally healed, she no longer had to worry, she didn't want to raise the soul pool so badly!

The soul can be repaired so quickly, such a severe injury. Before, Qinglong and Xuanwu spent a lot of ways and ingested a lot of nourishing and nourishing medicinal materials, but they still had no effect, but the soul-cultivating pool just stayed in it. For half a month, the effect was so good!

Mu Qianyue decided to dig out the soul-cultivating pond and the jade together, and put it into his sky space. As a result, a deep pit with a length and width of more than ten meters appeared in that secret place!

Anyway, putting the soul cultivation pond there is a waste, she might use it later, and she doesn't need to be afraid of soul injury anymore.

The next step is to find medicinal materials for the two of them to reshape their bodies.

"Thank you, master." Qinglong and Xuanwu stood in front of Mu Qianyue with a gentle and intoxicating smile on their handsome faces.

"You two are so polite to me, do you want to be beaten?" Mu Qianyue deliberately raised her fist. If they didn't desperately protect her inheritance, her strength and memory would not be restored, and they made a promise. , She just waited for ten thousand years in that nihility space, this kind of loyalty, this friendship, she might not be able to repay the Three Lives III!

For both of them, she is also willing to give everything!

"Master, we are content to continue to be by your side. There is no rush to reshape the body. After all, those medicinal materials are not easy to find. Everything depends on chance." Qinglong said.

"Yes, master." Xuanwu nodded afterwards.

Mu Qianyue also knew this. Which of the medicinal materials is not very hard to find? You can't buy it if you have money!

"Master, there are more important things waiting for you now. We are not in a hurry to reshape the body." Qinglong raised his lips and smiled, "When our strength reaches the level of God, hehe, we can automatically condense. Physical body."

"God?" Mu Qianyue asked in confusion.

"Well, it is said that the true **** is the monarch, and the monarch is the god. Now the master is the true god, we believe that this day will never be far away! When the master becomes the god, we can naturally condense into the flesh." Xuanwu explained.

"Okay, I will work hard to cultivate and strive to reach the realm of God as soon as possible." Mu Qianyue nodded solemnly.

In the morning of the next day, Mu Qianyue, Nalanjing, Mu Xueying and others set off together back to Canglang City. As for the Yanhuang clan, Nalanjing did not care, nor did he want to. The Yanhuang clan was dead or alive. What to do with him? The incident of Yan Shu also made Nalanjing extremely disappointed with the Yan and Huang clan.


There was a stiff and sad breath in Feibao Building, which was not like the cheerfulness and brightness of the past, but seemed to be covered with a layer of dark clouds.

When Meng Ximo heard the news of Tian Shuo's death, she almost fainted. Her beautiful little face was pale as paper, and her tears were filled with tears, which made people feel distressed.

First, Nalanye was taken over by Demon Lord Wuya, not knowing his life or death, but now Tian Shuo is dead...

For a time, the entire Feibao Building was immersed in a sad atmosphere, and there was no more laughter.

Since Mu Qianyue returned to Feibao Building, she started a crazy retreat mode, almost racing against time.

But the effect of practicing in this way is minimal.

When the strength reaches such a realm, the more difficult it is to advance further, the true energy required between each level is extremely huge!

However, Mu Qianyue learned from Yuan Han that if you want to quickly improve your strength, you can go to the mountain to try your luck.

It is said to be a sacred mountain, but it is extremely dangerous. There are countless ferocious beasts and countless precious and rare medicinal materials. Most of these medicinal materials are rare medicinal materials that can enhance their skills for hundreds of years, but they are very close to the divine punishment. , Because the sacred mountain was delineated by the divine punishment, over time it became the force of the divine punishment^

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