Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1568: God Punishment【6】

The nine people behind him all looked at her with contempt and disdain.

Mu Qianyue raised her brows lightly, "Are you those who were punished by God?"

Her beautiful face was indifferent and tranquil, and she couldn't see any emotional changes. Her eyes passed over the ten people in front of her. The aura of them was ups and downs, unabashedly, like a raging sea, majestic and majestic, unparalleled, one look Knowing that it is the strength of the true god!

There was a touch of surprise in my heart, when did ten powerful men of the true gods appear in the punishment?

Mu Qianyue knows a little bit about the power of God Punishment. Feibao Building is more than just auctioning and selling pills!

Feibaolou also secretly collects information, especially the strength of the major clans in the Profound Sky Realm. Generally speaking, the high-end strength is not hidden from the great faction of the **** punishment, just like the strength of the **** punishment hall master, elders, etc. The purpose of the leaks is to tell everyone that the gods punish those who have gods and the strong, and those who want to cause troubles should also worry about them.

But... isn't the divine punishment only the gods?

The only **** is the palace master of the punishment!

What are these ten true gods in front of me?

Mu Qianyue didn't think that Feibaolou's intelligence was wrong, but something that she didn't know had happened!

Otherwise, if the gods punished ten true gods, the news would have spread throughout the entire Profound Heaven Realm, instead of being unknown to the world!

Therefore, Mu Qianyuekai is sure that these true gods have suddenly appeared recently, and he has not had time to announce it to the public!

What is the ability to make so many people become true gods at the same time?

Bai Xue and the others are in a contractual relationship with herself, and she has the secrets of the contract against the sky in her hands, so that their strength can be synchronized with herself.

But what about the person who is punished by God?

Suddenly, Mu Qianyue's eyes lit up. True God Pill?

It is said that the true **** pill can make anyone of any rank instantly become a true god!

At the beginning, Jing took such a true **** pill, so he suddenly became a powerhouse of true god...

Could it be that these people are also because of the True God Pill?

"Yes! The old man is the Lord of God's Punishment." Tianhui guessed Mu Qianyue's identity with others, but was slightly surprised for a moment, and then continued, "You killed my God's Punishment Young Master and Four elders, today we are to settle this enmity with you!"

How did they know? Mu Qianyue quickly passed this curious thought in her mind, "Yes, I killed it."

She did not lie, nor did she give any reason.

Since the person punished by God knows this, it's useless to lie, and she doesn't need to lie.

"What a courage! Mu Qianyue, you, a low-level person, dare to slaughter my god-punished person! Do you know what our god-punishment represents?" The big elder's eyes were round and angry, and his face was angry. Looked at her.

"Aren't they just a group of self-proclaimed gods? It's self-righteous, arrogant." Mu Qianyue snorted lightly, her white face was calm, and she didn't show any fear because of their persecution.

"Say you are ignorant, you are really ignorant!" The elder rolled his eyes in disdain, with a proud expression on his face, "Our divine punishment represents the heavens! The heavens are the rulers of the entire Three Realms, maintained by the heavens. It is world peace! We are to give orders to the heavens to walk the way for the heavens and punish all villains!"


Mu Qianyue's heart suddenly became clear, and it seemed that the person behind God's punishment was a heavenly dream!

Otherwise, they would never know that she killed the young master who was punished by the gods and the four elders. Mu Qianyue did not have the slightest pity for those five people. They wanted to kill herself and Jing, but she was not the Virgin. Keep their lives?

But she will not explain.

No wonder they can become true gods all at once, and they must be ghosts of Tianmeng!

The True God Pill was researched by Pan Yinyin, but now it has become Tian Meng's method to deal with her, which makes Mu Qianyue very unhappy.

Although she hasn't admitted that she is Pan Yinyin, this kind of discomfort does exist in her heart, perhaps it is a woman's intuition.

"The great elder is right. A villain like you is not worthy of living in this world. Only death is your destination!" The third elder snorted coldly and looked at Mu Qianyue with contempt.

"Let's talk, are you going to do it yourself or we do it?" The Lord Tianhui said in a cold voice, his eyebrows were full of coldness and solemnity, and the words fell, his eyes turned to look at the two people, Bai Xue and Yuan Han next to him, " Presumably the two of you are the sacred beasts Baihu and Kunpeng, right? I know it was Mu Qianyue, a despicable villain who used extremely despicable means to force you to stay by her side. Don’t be afraid! We will save you both. Yes, when we kill Mu Qianyue, you will be free!"

"You don't have to thank our hall master, our hall master has always been kind, if you really want to thank you, you can stay with us and punish me." The elder said, his face was arrogant, and he didn't notice Bai Xue and Yuan Leng. It looked like a face of ice, "Our God Punishment represents the Celestial Clan, and if you want to go to the Primordial Realm at that time, it is not impossible! I believe there will be better development for you! There is the right place for you. !"

The great elder talked in excitement, the Kunpeng that the palace lord liked, then this white tiger beast would belong to him!

The great elder was excited when he thought of getting a sacred beast white tiger right away.

Bai Xue gave him a cold look with an idiot look, "Where is the idiot?"

"Hehe...It's another person who goes out without thinking!" A sneer of sarcasm evoked from the corner of Yuan Han's mouth.

These people's calculations are really loud, and they clearly hit him and Xue'er, but they just say so boldly!

He and Cher have to be grateful to them...

A group of decent villains.

Huo Xi's eyes were also cold.

The grand elder's face instantly froze, a green and a little ugly.

But for Baihu and Kunpeng, he couldn't get angry, they were ancient mythical beasts! To get one is to get an extremely powerful force! !

Above the same level, cross-level combat, invincible!

He just assumed that Baihu and Kunpeng were controlled by Mu Qianyue, and after a moment of stiffness, he continued to say, "I know that you and Mu Qianyue signed a soul contract. Once she dies, you will die. Don't worry, we There is a way to unlock the soul contract in his hand, so Mu Qianyue can't restrain you at all! Just rest assured!"

"Yes, the two of you are the ancient mythical beasts, so don't help Zhou be abused!" Another elder echoed.

The other elders all had such an expression.

"Mu Qianyue, you can just suffer to death by yourself, don't drag down these two mythical beasts!" Tianhui said coldly.

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