Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1570: Defection? 【2】

"Huh! You can't blame us for this!" Yuan Han hummed lightly, pinching his fingers, and a white light lit up from his body and Mu Qianyue's body, which was a sign of the cancellation of the ordinary contract.

Then Bai Xue's body also lit up with this white light.

Of course, all of this is under the control of Mu Qianyue, and it is just a scene she performed together with Bai Xue and Yuan Han.

Sure enough, Tianhui and the others were overjoyed when they saw it, with an expression of excitement on their faces, and their faces were red with excitement. These two sacred beasts really broke the contract with Mu Qianyue!

that is really good!

"Give us things." Yuan Han Chaotian will stretch out his hand, with a strong momentum and unparalleled strength, like a high king.

Tianhui looked painfully at the Tianchi water and colorful jade crystals in his hands, and obediently handed these two things into Yuan Han's hands. Although these things are precious, it is still worthwhile to exchange two sacred beasts for God’s punishment. of!

And this Tianchi water and colorful jade crystals must have a lot for the heavens, right? After he killed Mu Qianyue, he would ask the ancestor for another...

Tianhui's heart was filled with this thought, so he gave these two things to Yuan Han generously. After all, he still had to show his sincerity.

Although the Great Elder and others were jealous, they also felt that they were still a bit worse than the two sacred beasts.

This is Baihu and Kunpeng!

Take out Dorafeng! And it's still in the realm of true gods, how much combat power has to be increased?

Yuan Han took the hand unceremoniously, and the palm of his hand shook, he received the ring space on his fingers, and then he raised his brows lightly, "Although we promised to join the divine punishment, Mu Qianyue is always our former master. Whether it's morality or the former master and servant relationship, we won't take action against her."

Bai Xue's face was calm, and she stood quietly beside Yuan Han, the same meaning on her face.

Tianhui was waiting for people, but he was overjoyed when he heard the words. Tianhui smiled and said, "As long as you don't intervene, you can just watch."

The great elder and others also looked excited. As long as the two divine beasts did not interfere, they had ten true gods, and they could deal with Mu Qianyue one true god.

It's not going too smoothly!


They thought there would be a fierce battle, and they even laid out a battle plan, but they didn't expect to persuade the two monsters to turn their sides so easily.

After that, Yuan Han and Bai Xue walked out of the encirclement slowly, leaning on a tree trunk beside them to watch the play calmly.

Ten people in the Tianhui surrounded Mu Qianyue, all exits were sealed, and it was almost seamless.

Their icy eyes looked at Mu Qianyue with contempt as if they were looking at a trapped beast.

Tianhui's face was gloomy, "Mu Qianyue, since you don't want to do it yourself, then we have to kill you personally! But if you can provoke ten true gods to besiege and kill, you won't die! This honor, you will It is the first in the Profound Sky Realm!"

The murderous eyes of the Great Elder and others locked on Mu Qianyue's body coldly, preparing to kill with one blow to prevent her from escaping.

I have to say that Tianhui and the others are still very cautious. After thinking that Bai Xue and Yuan Han have rebelled, the ten people still shot together.

However, they did not count that Bai Xue and Yuan Han had not turned against each other!

This is called being clever and being clever!

"Really?" Mu Qianyue's lips pursed with a cold smile, and her chin raised slightly, making her beautiful face even more glamorous and noble, like a white and flawless Qionghua!

A cold and terrifying aura radiated from her like a mountain, and the unparalleled coercion enveloped the world, making Tianhui and the others' complexion greatly changed.

"Are you a second-order true god?" Tianhui's face suddenly sank, and his eyes were full of shock.

The nine great elders also had a look of horror, it seemed that they never expected Mu Qianyue to reach the realm of the second-order true god!

But didn't the ancestor say it? She is just a first-order true god!

Then when did she reach the second-order true god?

The words of the ancestors cannot be wrong! That is the second-order true **** Mu Qianyue has become in these few days!

This cultivation speed...

It's horrible to describe it!

Tianhui secretly rejoiced in his heart, fortunately, they witty persuaded the two sacred beasts to turn to each other, otherwise this situation would be really uncontrollable, maybe they would let Mu Qianyue run away!

"Don't panic everyone! Mu Qianyue is just alone, even if she is a second-order true god? Don't forget that we are ten true gods! It is not always certain who wins and who loses!" Tianhui calmed his mind and opened his mouth. His voice is strong and strong, and it has a soothing effect.

The great elder and others felt relieved when they heard the words, yes, no matter how great Mu Qianyue is, they are only one person, they are ten! The victory lies in the large number of people, which can make up the gap in strength!

At this moment, suddenly two muffled sounds of "punk" came from the side, and then two figures fell to the ground with a "plop", and the warm blood splashed on Tianhui’s face. Only then did I come to my surprise and turned around to see that the great elder and the fifth elder were both pierced in their hearts from behind, and the sharp and cold sword penetrated through the chest, dripping with blood...

Apparently the two of them are dead!

Killed instantly!

Tianhui only noticed that it was Bai Xue and Yuan Han who had killed them both...

"You..." Tianhui's face was furious, his eyes widened, and he could almost burst out fire, but he spit out two words, another string of warm blood floating in the air, directly splashing all over him Yes, I saw their four elders instantly cut their throats by Mu Qianyue!


Four dull sounds of falling to the ground sounded, this time the four elders died! !

In the blink of an eye, ten people, only Tianhui and three other elders were left.

Tianhui’s eyes were about to split, and the only three remaining elders were scared of cold sweat. They quickly retreated from Mu Qianyue, Baixue and Yuan Han, and stood beside Tianhui with a vigilant look. Angrily looked at Mu Qianyue three.

Especially Tianhui was furious, his eyes were gloomy, and he asked in a cold voice, almost gritted his teeth, "Baihu, Kunpeng, what do you mean? Haven't you already agreed to join my god's punishment? Why kill my **** Punisher?"

"Hmm...I see them upset." Baixue blinked playfully.

"You are clearly helping Mu Qianyue!" Tianhui was so angry that his body trembled.

Because their attention was almost shifted to Mu Qianyue's body just now, and Bai Xue and Yuan Han had reaped their benefits, so they never thought that Bai Xue and Yuan Han would lay hands behind their backs.

In addition, Mu Qianyue deliberately revealed the strength of the second-order true god, and the powerful aura and coercion gave them a moment of shock. Yuan Han and Bai Xue were right at this opportunity to suddenly make a move and defeat the enemy with one blow!

Tianhui and the others were furious at Bai Xue and Yuan Han's rebellion. They were extremely angry, and they did not notice for a while, causing Mu Qianyue to kill four consecutively.

The ten spirited gods instantly lost six of them!

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