Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1573: People from the Celestial Race [1]

At this moment, she has been promoted from the ninth-order true **** to the third-order Tianzun realm.

Above the true God is the Heavenly Lord, and above the Heavenly Lord is God!

The strength of Bai Xue and Yuan Han instantly rose from the first-order true **** to the third-order Tianzun realm!

This speed can no longer be described in words!

The shocking world is beyond words!

Huo Xi stood quietly, his narrow and beautiful peach blossom eyes were deep and complicated, and the distance between him and her was getting farther and farther...

I thought that if I became a sixth-order **** emperor, I could get closer to her, but I realized that it was still so far away...

"Huo Xi, here's this for you." Mu Qianyue flicked her palm, and Tianchi water and colorful jade crystal appeared in her hand and handed it to Huo Xi.

Huo Xi was dressed in full red, standing in the sun, as if covered with a gorgeous gold coat. His chin was lightly raised, and his eyes were slightly surprised to look at Mu Qianyue in front of him, "Master, I can hold the water in Tianchi , But Qi Cai Yujing, keep it, you need it more than I do."

Mu Qianyue shook her head, "The colorful jade crystal does contain majestic energy, but it has no effect on me. It is only useful for people in the realm of true gods. Perhaps the lowest level of the colorful jade crystal in the Primordial Realm is A kind of spirit stone."

Hei Liang's pupils squinted. It seems that it is time for her to go to the Primordial Realm. Her strength is already at the top in the Profound Heaven Realm, and she will not be improved if she continues. If she wants to become God, it seems Can only go to the ancient world.

Huo Xi was taken aback when he heard this, "Is it useless?"

This was also the first time he saw the colorful Yunjing, deeply shocked by the majestic energy inside, but didn't know that it would be useless for people in the realm of true gods.

But what the master said would not be false, so he reached out and took it.

Now he just needs this colorful cloud crystal, so keep it!

Seeing that he accepted it, Mu Qianyue showed a happy smile on her face. Bai Xue and Tiange will become Tianzun as her strength soars, but Huo Xi will not. He will be the lowest in this group. of……

In fact, Huo Xi's talents are even better than those of Tian Ge, but Tian Ge and them are in a contract with her, so they can synchronize with her strength, otherwise Tian Ge and their strength will only be weaker than Huo Xi.

However, Huo Xi did not feel jealous or resentful because of this. He just hated that he was not strong enough to protect Mu Qianyue, and always let her face the enemy's persecution and humiliation again and again!

If his strength can be stronger and stronger, the master won't have to suffer so many grievances...

Under the fiery red sleeves, Huo Xi's slender and powerful fingers gripped tightly, holding the colorful jade crystal in his hand.

The colorful jade crystal seemed to have a warmth, burning his palms, and letting an unyielding faith rise in his heart.

With a flick of his palm, he collected the Tianchi water and the colorful jade crystal into the ring space.

Over there, Bai Xue had already burned all ten corpses on the ground into ashes. As the wind blew, they floated in the air and completely disappeared in this world, with no soul left.

This can't be said that Mu Qianyue is cruel. If she is not cruel, she may disappear with her soul.

Regardless of whether it was a young girl or Pan Yinyin, the ending of those two lives was death, and her relatives and friends were also implicated, so the last thing she needed was kindness!

"Master, where are you going now? Back to Canglang City, or Yanhuang Realm?" Bai Xue asked, standing beside Mu Qianyue.

"Go to Moyue Sect." Mu Qianyue's eyes flashed coldly.

Before, because of her strength, she couldn't help but save Nalan Ye, but now she is a Heavenly Sovereign, and it is absolutely enough to deal with the true gods!

Besides, there are two Tianzuns, Bai Xue and Yuan Han, that's enough!

This time it is necessary to bring Nalanye back intact!

After making up his mind, Mu Qianyue, Bai Xue, and Huo Xi rode in Kunpeng, and arrived at Moyue Sect in about half an hour.

However, she almost lifted the entire Demon Moon Sect and still did not find Wuya...

I pressed the elders and subordinates of the entire Demon Moon Sect. They didn't know, but the leader of the Demon Moon Sect finally said that Wu Ya went to the Primordial Realm half a month ago...

Mu Qianyue's brows were twisted tightly, her face was very ugly, how could Wu Ya suddenly go to the Primordial Realm?

If he went to the Primordial Realm, wouldn't Nalan Ye be even more dangerous?

It seems that going to the Primordial Realm cannot be delayed.

Mu Qianyue decided to go back to Canglang City first, and then discuss with Jing.

Then Mu Qianyue and his party hurried back to Canglang City.

Kunpeng's huge wings spread out in the air, reaching a hundred feet long, covering the sky and the sun, and almost enveloped the entire Canglang City.

At this time it was originally around two o'clock in the afternoon, and the summer sun was still violent. Everyone in the city suddenly felt that the sky was suddenly dark, as if it was dark for an instant. They all looked up in shock and saw the huge Kunpeng above. Everyone was scared and silly.

"What kind of monster is this, my God! It's so big!"

"Could it be that the monsters are going to attack the city? The monsters in the Cangshan Mountains ran out?"

"No! World of Warcraft is about to siege the city! Everyone pay attention to it!"

The originally quiet crowd suddenly rioted.

Even His Majesty Gray Wolf in the palace was shocked. He rushed out of the palace anxiously, taking a few Emperor Martial Artists into the sky to see what was going on.

Although there are big monsters in the Cangshan Mountains, they have already made an agreement with the humans that they will not launch an attack on the Wolf City. What is going on with this strange bird in the sky now?

Kunpeng only existed in legends, so almost no one had seen him, so that Kunpeng appeared above the sky and no one recognized him.

His Majesty Canglang and several emperor martial artists leaped into the air and flew up to mid-air, only to find the woman standing on Kunpeng's back, wearing a purple dress, flying in the air, the blue silk like a waterfall is floating in the wind, and her beautiful face is indifferent and cold. , Looks like a fairy who doesn't eat fireworks in the world, so beautiful, for fear that it would be blasphemy to look at it more.

"Miss Mu! It's you!" His Majesty Canglang's eyes lit up, and his pale face showed an excited smile, and he was obviously relieved.

He is very familiar with Mu Qianyue. Weiwei's good friend, it is precisely because of the close friendship between Weiwei and Mu Qianyue that the Canglang Kingdom is saved from annihilation...

It was also because of the Feibao Tower in Canglang City and the presence of such a powerful and incomparable genius and power as Mu Qianyue that the Canglang Kingdom would rise rapidly and become the first of the four great nations.

Therefore, for Mu Qianyue, he was more awed and pleased, for fear of making Mu Qianyue unhappy.

Mu Qianyue nodded faintly, and gave a good grace.

"Miss Mu, are you just coming back from outside? I will host a banquet in the palace tonight to pick up the dust for you?" His Majesty Cang Wolf asked cautiously, and even your word became you unknowingly.

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