Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1575: People from the Celestial Race [3]

Mu Qianyue's brows wrinkled almost invisible.

"Miss Mu, do you need me to take you to the Emperor Yan now?" The elder asked when Mu Qianyue didn't speak.

Mu Qianyue shook her head, "No need. I will wait for him in the Hall of Longevity."

The Hall of Longevity is the residence of Nalanjing in the Yanhuang and Huangyan realms.

Since Jing is now talking with the people of the Celestial Clan, she still doesn't intervene in this, after all, she doesn't want to contact the people of the Celestial Clan prematurely.

"Okay, when Emperor Yan finishes receiving the people of the Celestial Clan, I will report to Emperor Yan." The elder replied.

Mu Qianyue nodded, and then went straight to the Palace of Longevity.


Inside the chamber

Nalanjing is dressed in a delicate and loose white robe with moiré patterns. She sits lazily on a wide chair made of thousand-year-old pear blossoms, with her ink hair tied with a jade crown, and her narrow and beautiful purple eyes are gently raised, with a look. The light is like a king on top.

The corners of the white lips lightly evoked a cold arc, looked at the middle-aged man in the central station of the hall, and said quietly, "You said you are from the Celestial Clan?"

"His Royal Highness, his subordinate's name is Kong Qingfei, and he is here to pick you up and return to the Celestial Clan in accordance with God's mission!" The Celestial Clan envoy hurriedly bowed his hands.

On both sides of the hall stood dozens of elders of the Yan and Huang clan, looking excitedly at the Celestial Envoy, especially when they heard him say to accept Lan Jing to the Celestial Clan, the excitement in their eyes The color is even worse.

Emperor Yan is really the prince of the Celestial Clan! And this life is the Yandi of their Yanhuang clan, the reincarnation of their ancestor...

If Emperor Yan returns to the Celestial Clan, the Yanhuang Clan will definitely follow Feihuang Tengda, and they will have the opportunity to enter the Primordial Realm together and go to the Celestial Clan!

Nalanjing's expression was extremely indifferent, and the expression on his face was not moved or excited by Kong Qingfei's words, "You must be mistaken, I am not a prince of the Celestial Clan, so please go back."


The hopeful Yanhuang clan suddenly heard Nalanjing’s words, and instantly felt heartbroken. There was a look of heartache and regret in his eyes, and many people even asked Nalanjing to persuade Nalanjing, just saying that you are expensive. As the prince of the Celestial Clan, it would be a pity if you don't return to the Celestial Clan, or that only if you return to the Celestial Clan, the Yanhuang Clan can become stronger and so on.

The expression on Nalanjing's face was frosty, and she rolled her eyes coldly, "Are you from the Celestial Clan or the Yanhuang Clan?"

The cold tone was full of displeasure and murderous aura.

The Yanhuang clan and others immediately fell silent, and as expected they did not dare to speak again, for fear that they would upset Nalanjing.

Kong Qingfei said, "His Royal Highness, you have been away from the Celestial Clan for more than sixty thousand years. It is Shihuo who has gone back. Don't vomit with God anymore. There has not been a day when God stopped thinking of you in these years."

Nalanjing squinted her eyes lightly, but did not speak any more, her eyelids drooped slightly, the brilliance of her eyes flashed, making it difficult to see her emotions.

"His Royal Highness, after you have gone to the Celestial Clan and received the baptism of the Celestial Clan, you can stay wherever you want. You can come and go freely anywhere. You can be in the Profound Sky Realm or the Huanzhou Continent. "Kong Qingfei continued.

The elders of the Yanhuang clan immediately looked forward to Nalanjing with their gazes, their diligent and expectant gazes were almost pierced.

Nalanjing's index finger lightly buckled, and his fingers lightly buckled on the back of the chair, "What about my family?"

"Nalan Xueling and Jiujiu are your children. They are naturally members of the Celestial Clan. They will return to the Celestial Clan with you, and they will be the little princess and prince of the Celestial Clan. This is what God promised you! "Kong Qingfei said, his face showed a confident look, I believe His Royal Highness will definitely be moved by this.

People from the Yanhuang clan have long been so excited that their breathing has changed.

It seems that God is really worried about Emperor Yan!

Unexpectedly, Emperor Yan was really the reincarnation of the Prince of Heaven!

"What about my lady?" Nalanjing's eyes were sharp, and she swept at him coldly.

"She is naturally your concubine, and she will definitely return to the Celestial Clan with you." Kong Qingfei said.

Nalanjing stood up, flicked the sleeves of the wide white robe with moire patterns, and slowly stepped down from above, "I need to discuss this matter with my lady before making a decision."

"Okay, the subordinates will go back to report to God and tell him the good news." Kong Qingfei was overjoyed and respectfully gave Nalanjing a bow, then turned around and quit the Chamber of Deputies and returned to the Celestial Clan.

After Kong Qingfei left, the slightly solemn atmosphere in the hall relaxed slightly.

"Emperor Yan, have you decided to return to the Celestial Clan? That's great!"

"Emperor Yan is the prince of the Celestial Clan, and I must go back sooner or later! Our Yanhuang clan did not expect a Celestial prince!"

"Yes, this is our honor! It is also the honor of the Yan and Huang clan!"

"Emperor Yan, what do you plan to return to the Celestial Clan? Do we need to make arrangements now?"

"Emperor Yan represents our Yanhuang clan. Let's prepare now. We can't let Emperor Yan lose face in the Celestial Clan."


The patriarch and the elders were talking about it, with a look of excitement, and didn't even notice Nalanjing's cold face.

"When is it your turn to decide my matter?"

Nalanjing's icy voice was like a basin of icy cold water, falling from the top of his head, instantly pouring everyone down.

The patriarch and the elders slowly regained consciousness, each of them looked very embarrassed, but they did not dare to get angry when facing Nalanjing.

Nalanjing was not only the Yan Emperor of the Yanhuang Clan thousands of years ago, but also a true god-level powerhouse, and the prince of the heavenly clan...

No matter which one it is, they will never be able to surpass it in their lifetime.

Nalanjing snorted coldly, and stepped out of the chamber of discussion. As soon as he walked outside the chamber, he saw a person walking over, "Emperor Yan, Miss Mu is here, and now waiting for you in the Hall of Longevity. Originally, she wanted to see you directly. Yours, when I learned that you met with the Celestial Venerable, I went to the Hall of Eternal Life."

Moon is here?

Nalanjing's cold face showed a touch of joy and nodded, "Okay, I get it."

When the words fell, his figure quickly walked out and disappeared into the air in the blink of an eye.

As night fell, the moonlight was as cold as a hook, and the silver moonlight was sprinkled in the Hall of Longevity.

The door of the sleeping hall was open, and the bright yellow glazed lamp in the hall was bright.

Nalanjing walked into the hall and saw the figure lying on the table asleep. The light yellow light shone on her, making her look a little thin and thin, like a waterfall of blue silk hanging on her back. When blowing in from the window, dancing gently, like a naughty child dancing secretly...

She was lying on the table with both hands, revealing half of a delicate and beautiful side face, with long and curled eyelashes covering her eyelids, which was extremely touching, like a delicate porcelain doll.

Nalanjing's heart moved, and his eyes fell on her with pity. How long has she not had a good rest?

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