Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1583: Go to Tianzu【1】

Is she such a stupid person?

Thinking of her words, she left stupidly?

No one should ever want to destroy her relationship with Jing!

When I dreamed that Mu Qianyue would not eat hard and soft, her eyes were red with anger, "Mu Qianyue, would you die because of your brother Yuchen more than 60,000 years ago? Does he need reincarnation? He belongs to the Celestial Clan. God! You have caused him to do this, and you are still obsessed with it! You are simply a catastrophe. You killed Brother Yuchen more than 60,000 years ago and killed him when Brother Yuchen was Emperor Yan 10,000 years ago. In this life you Do you want to kill Brother Yuchen? You are a vicious woman, why is your heart so cruel?"

Mu Qianyue’s eyebrows were covered with a layer of frost, her eyes were as cold as a knife, and her narrow and deep eyes were stained with a biting killing intent, "Heavenly Dream, who caused all this, I think you are more Clear. Yes, I don’t remember what happened before, and I’m not Pan Yinyin anymore, but what you have done to me will be returned to you slowly! I will also check the past events one by one. Clear! If you owe me, I will let you return them all!"

"Obviously you caused Brother Yuchen to die twice. You still say me?" Tian Meng's face was a little distorted, but when she looked at Mu Qianyue's cold eyes, she couldn't help but shrank with fright, but she thought of her own strength. With regard to status and status, there was a hint of disdain on her beautiful face, "Mu Qianyue, when you used to be Pan Yinyin, you were not my opponent. In this life, you are not even more!"

"Heh...really? Then let's try our sights!" Mu Qianyue's eyes were cold, and it was her.

The last words Tian Meng said was equivalent to her confession.

In fact, Mu Qianyue was not surprised, because Wuya had talked about her grievances with Tian Meng before and about Yan Shu. Besides Tian Meng, Mu Qianyue could not think of a second person.

However, what makes Mu Qianyue wonder is that Tian Meng should hate herself deeply, but she has not dared to do anything on the bright side. She seems to be afraid of something? What is this for?

That's good, she has time to develop and strengthen her strength!

If Tian Meng is now doing it on himself, it is really hard to say who wins and loses.

Throwing a faint sentence, Mu Qianyue didn't bother with Tianmeng anymore. Instead of wasting words with her, it was better to seize the time to practice and bridge the gap.

Looking at Mu Qianyue's slender and beautiful figure, Tian Meng's teeth were itchy with anger, her eyes were extremely red, and she looked a bit hideous and scary.

It was the third day in the blink of an eye. Di Yuqing saw Nalanjing's attitude resolutely, and he did not want to go back to the Celestial Clan with him. Slowly fell silent, and the patriarchs gradually recovered from the excitement and excitement.

Who knew that five days later, the people of the Celestial Clan came again, and this time the momentum was even greater. In addition to the Heavenly Dream, even the Heavenly Mother was here!

At this moment, the entire Yanhuang realm was boiling, and each and every face was filled with excitement and excitement!

Tianmu is here, did you personally come to pick up His Royal Highness? It can be seen that God and Heavenly Mother love His Royal Highness!

Tianmu wore a gorgeous purple-red phoenix robe, her appearance was young and beautiful, her temperament was extremely noble, and her body was full of majestic and graceful breath, which almost made people afraid to give birth to a trace of profanity. This was Tianwei.

This is Tianmu? The mother before Jing? Mu Qianyue stood faintly on the spot, standing beside Nalanjing, looking at the woman who walked closer...

Nalanjing's face was faint, standing still on the spot, not greeted him, there was no wave of expression on his face, his brows were lightly frowned like a green mountain, this is his mother? Why can't there be a trace of joy in his heart?

"Chen'er! My Chen'er!" Tianmother's eyes fell on Nalanjing's body, exclaimed in joy, and quickly walked over. Her beautiful eyes were already filled with tears, which looked like a kindness. 'S mother saw her long-separated son.

Nalanjing's brow furrowed a little deeper, and the purple eyes were even deeper, making it impossible to see the bottom.

"Chen'er, the queen mother has finally seen you again after more than sixty thousand years!" The heavenly mother's eyes flushed and looked at him with a little excitement, like joy and sadness, reaching out to hold Nalanjing's hand, but Nalan couldn't see it. The trace blocked it back.

"Tianmu's words are serious." Nalanjing said lightly.

Mu Qianyue's eyes turned on Nalanjing and Tianmu's body, and she found that Jing and Tianmu did not look alike, and Tianmu's eyes were black.

Hmm...Jing’s purple eyes and looks are not known by whom, if they are inherited from God, they are not normal like Tianmu.

"Chen'er, did you not come to pick you up early after you blamed your mother? In fact, when Qing'er and Meng'er came last time, I wanted to come, but I didn't dare to act without God's order, although I It's Tianmu, your father's wife, but if you want to come to the Profound Heaven Realm, you must get your father's consent to come. Chen'er, don't blame the mother, okay?" Tianmu looked at him tenderly and lovingly. With tears in her eyes, her expression is gentle and gentle.

Mu Qianyue noticed that Nalanjing’s cold face could not help but soften. In this life, when he was very young, both of his parents died. Apart from Cang Ming and Xuanye, there was no one else beside him. I have enjoyed the kindness and tenderness of his parents. Although he has never shown it in a small way, in the depths of his heart, he should be desirable!

Then Tianmu's gaze fell on Mu Qianyue's body, the corners of her lips were lightly hooked, and a gentle smile appeared, "Yinyin, you have made mistakes before, and God does not intend to pursue them. Since you have a relationship with Chen'er, you did it. We don’t have the heart to separate you from the husband and wife of the third generation. I heard that you gave me a grandchildren? Where are they?"

Her eyes were full of expectation and joy. Looking around, Mu Qianyue could not find a trace of falsehood in her eyes.

"They are not here, they have gone out to practice." Mu Qianyue said.

"Oh." There was disappointment in Tianmu's eyes.

"Chen'er, don't vomit with your father, and come back to the Celestial Clan with us? Although you are not in the Celestial Clan for these years, there are people cleaning and tidying the Sanyou Hall every day. Everything is the same as before, nothing has changed, Prince. Your father has always kept it for you, which shows how much he loves you. Don’t you want to see your father? Your father has not been in good health in recent years, and he missed you very much." Lan Jing didn't like her touch, so he didn't pull his hand, but looked at him gently and said.

"You and Yinyin will live in the Temple of Wuyou after you go back, and if your father sees Jiujiu and Xiao Ling'er, he will definitely be happier! Hey, Qing'er and Meng'er have been married for a long time in the past tens of thousands of years. Yes, but there have been no heirs. Your father is looking forward to having a grandson.” Tianmu smiled, saying all the usual things, most touching people's hearts.

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