Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1585: Affectionate as the sea【1】

"Is it really too busy, or did you deliberately forget it?" Dai's eyebrows raised lightly, and she looked at the opposite Heavenly Mother with sarcasm.

Tianmu's face became stiff.

The atmosphere in the hall instantly stiffened, and the ladies of the palace looked down one by one, but the atmosphere didn't dare to show one.

"Bold! You a little princess dare to question Tianmu? Tianmu is a celestial body, and is busy on weekdays. How can you have time to think about these little things?" Tianmu's personal court lady yelled coldly at Mu Qianyue's eyebrows.

The ladies of the Worry-Free Hall who were waiting for Mu Qianyue looked at Mu Qianyue with worry, and then at Tianmu. After all, they dared not speak, and bowed their heads one by one.

Tianmu is the most powerful woman in the entire Celestial Clan except God, and rules the entire harem! Who dares to offend Heavenly Mother? That is undoubtedly looking for death!

It seems that Tianmu doesn't like this princess! Yes, I heard that she is the reincarnation of the Pan Yinyin family of more than 60,000 former traitors, how could Tianmu like her?

This time, I brought her back together because of His Royal Highness!

"Hehe, a little princess? Hmm... it's small enough, but it's bigger than you, the maid who waits for people. You dare to despise the princess. In fact, it doesn't matter if you despise me, but you are even the prince. Let's despise it together! Are you going to talk about a little prince in the future?" Mu Qianyue wasn't scared, what about Tianmu? It was the same in her eyes.

The maid’s face changed drastically when she heard the words, her legs softened in fright, she knelt down towards the mother, and her face was pale, “Mother, the servant girl didn’t mean that. The servant girl was too angry just now, so she didn’t choose to say anything. The slave and maidservant did not mean to disrespect His Royal Highness! Even if the slave and maid were given a thousand and ten thousand courage, the slave would not dare!"

The body has been shaken into chaff.

The punishment of the Celestial Clan is different from that of the human world. A mistake is made here, but even the soul will disappear in serious cases.

Contempt of the prince can be big or small, it depends on how Mu Qianyue makes a fuss.

"Centrifugation, don't you know your loyalty? Next time you must not say that, get up." Tianmu said gently, but a cold light flashed quickly in the slightly drooping eyes. This Pan Yinyin’s mouth is much stronger than before. A few words almost took the life of Centrifuge. Fortunately, it is in the Temple of Wuyou at this moment. If it is in the Temple of Tianluan, Centrifugal will not die, but it will be demoted from the sky. Ethnic.

"Thank Tianmu." Centrifugal wiped the cold sweat from his head.

Want to settle things down with just a few words? That is called renunciation, and there is no punishment even!

Is Mu Qianyue so bullying?

A cold light flashed in her eyes, and she sighed faintly, "Hey, Jingchu and I return to the Celestial Clan, now even a palace lady can insult me ​​at will. It seems that the position of the prince is really not good! Not even a court lady..."

"Mu Qianyue, you are not the princess now, so have you put on the air of the princess?" Tian Meng sneered.

"Oh? Do you mean that another woman will replace me as the princess?" Mu Qianyue turned her eyes to her and asked seriously.

When Tianmeng choked, the words that rushed to the throat almost came out, or he swallowed the words back under the eyes of the heavenly mother, "Of course not."

"Since there is no, why are you saying this?"

"As we all know, if you want to become a princess, you must get an order from God to be regarded as a true princess." Tian Meng replied reluctantly, with a hint of vigilance in his heart.

"I and Jing were both brought back by God to ask you and Heavenly Mother to pick them up. Isn't this an order from God?" Mu Qianyue's lips curled up, "Or you don't put God in your eyes at all? You say If this matter reaches the ears of God, what will God think?"

"You..." Tian Meng's expression changed, and she didn't expect Mu Qianyue to dig such a big hole to wait for them to jump.

Suddenly Nalanjing's voice came from nearby, "What happened?"

Nalanjing, who had changed his clothes, came out of the inner hall, and saw that the atmosphere in the hall was a little condensed, and could not help but ask.

A dark purple-red robe, embroidered with the finest gold silk on the soaring five-claw golden dragon, his eyes are majestic, as if flying out at any time, adding a touch of compelling extravagance to Nalan Jing’s handsome features. And Lengao.

Tian Meng's eyes were almost straight. At this moment, she seemed to see the cold and arrogant Prince Di Yuchen standing in front of her again...

Seeing her gaze infatuatedly and frantically at her husband, Mu Qianyue felt a little displeased in her eyes. She stepped forward and hugged Nalanjing's neck, "Jing, you look so handsome today."

"Your husband, when am I not handsome?" Nalanjing squeezed her cute little nose with a smile in her eyes.

Seeing these two close friends, Tian Meng was trembling slightly with anger, and she was almost certain that Mu Qianyue had deliberately showed her affection in front of her!

Tian Meng guessed well, Mu Qianyue did it on purpose.

Humph! If you hit her husband’s idea and count her, she will make Heavenly Dream easier?

She can hit Tianmeng all the time, which is what she likes most.

"What happened just now? Did someone bully you?" Nalanjing hugged Mu Qianyue's waist and raised her head. There was a trace of cold light in her purple eyes, and she coldly swept towards Tianmu and Tianmeng.

In addition to the two of them, who else? The court lady here didn't dare to deceive the Lord, so there were only two women, Tianmu and Tianmeng.

Of course, the possibility of Tianmeng is the greatest, and the possibility of Tianmu cannot be ruled out.

He just went in and changed his clothes. How dare these people bully his wife?

"Okay, okay, don't make any noise." Tianmu sighed helplessly, and looked at Mu Qianyue with indignant and self-blaming eyes, "Yinyin, it's all the negligence of the mother, it is the queen who forgot to prepare you Her new clothes, the empress is here to make up for you."

Before Mu Qianyue spoke, Tianmu immediately said, blaming herself in every word, but it was alluding that Mu Qianyue was narrow-minded and didn't understand tolerance.

Speaking to the renunciation beside him, he said, "Fenciment, go and fetch the golden feather garment from the palace."

She was so gentle and kind at the moment, like an elder who spoiled the younger generation.

Nalanjing understood as soon as he heard it, his eyes became cold, and he waved his hand to stop, "No need."

"Chen'er, what's the matter? Yinyin's clothes are not suitable for banquets. It is better to wear the golden feather clothes of the main palace. Although the golden feather clothes are only worn once, they are still very suitable for Yinyin." Tianmu persuaded. .

Nalanjing's eyes were a little disgusting, and there were faint signs of anger on her face, "The clothes you wear also want to be worn by my women? My Nalanjing's woman has no status and power?!"

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