Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1591: It turned out not to be his own...

"Huh! Does His Royal Highness want to protect a traitor?" Tianyi sneered, his eyes clearly ridiculed and disdainful.

"You say that she has stolen the demons and betrayed the heavens. This prince will find out! It is fair to return the moon!" Nalan Jing faintly threw a word but seemed to explode in the crowd.

"His Royal Highness, what do you mean? Are you saying that we are slandering her?"

"More than 60,000 years ago, the evidence was solid and firm. How can so many of us see it with our own eyes?"

"His Royal Highness really makes us chill..."

The hundreds of officials were unhappy, and there was a lot of discussion, all of their voices were filled with dissatisfaction and anger, but they did not dare to break out, only Yin and Yang were talking strangely.

"My prince said, I will check it!" Nalanjing snorted coldly, his majesty expression was beyond doubt.

"Chen'er, Hugh is messing around! The things that happened more than 60,000 years ago have passed, and the evidence is conclusive, and everyone has seen it with their own eyes. There can be no slander. This matter will not be mentioned again!" God Chao Nalanjing He scolded, seeing that Nalanjing's eyebrows were no longer speaking, he turned his gaze to the people, his eyes slowly narrowed, and his eyes were filled with displeasure, "Are you questioning the Lord?"

There was no emotion in the cold voice.

Everyone was shocked and a little bit stunned. They looked at the Wingshen Empress who looked a little bit iron, and then hurriedly lowered their heads, "I dare not wait."

"Don't dare? I think you are very brave!" God stood up leisurely, his eyes narrowed like an eagle, and slowly swept over the crowd, "A person is not a sage, who can be indifferent? Besides, the sound of Pan Yin After being punished by two lives, she also gave birth to a son and a daughter for Chen'er. If the merits and demerits are offset, it is not impossible to give her a chance to reform."

"Yes, yes, what God said." The officials wiped sweat and nodded like smashing garlic. They almost forgot the temper of God. What God dislikes most is that some people question his decision.

Tianyi snorted unpleasantly, but did not dare to say anything, and sat back in his position.

"God is really magnanimous, and Yue'er will definitely behave well in the future." Mu Qianyue smiled sweetly, with a well-behaved face.

Who can not act? She is not stupid!

However, she is basically certain now that she must have any use value to God, otherwise God will not defend her in this way in front of everyone, and give her a chance to change it again! If God really wanted to stand on her side, she and Jing would not have misunderstood more than 60,000 years ago, let alone die...

She hasn't forgotten what Wuya said, what the Celestial Clan liked more than 60,000 years ago was her ability to refine alchemy...

So this time God invites her to come back and must ask for something, is it asking her to refine alchemy?

If it was alchemy, what kind of medicine would it be? Will the pharmacists of the Celestial Clan be helpless?

"Well, that's good. Sit down." God is quite satisfied with Mu Qianyue's performance.

After such a fuss, the banquet that followed was quiet, and nothing happened.

After the banquet, Mu Qianyue returned to the Worship-Free Hall with Nalanjing, and couldn't wait to find Uncle Fu.

"Fu Bo, are you loyal to me?" Mu Qianyue stared at Fu Bo and asked directly.

"Haha..." Uncle Fu chuckled lightly, his eyes were gentle and kind, like a kind elder, "Mother, just ask if you have any questions, the old slave must tell the truth."

"Tianmu is not Di Yuchen's biological mother, is she? She is Di Yuqing's biological mother?"

"The mistress is really observant." Fubo laughed, then slowly constricted the smile on her face, and sighed, "Tianmu is indeed not the master's mother, Di Yuqing is his biological son!"

Mu Qianyue frowned, did not speak, nor interrupted him.

Nalanjing didn't speak either, but cast his eyes on Fu Bo.

"More than 60,000 years ago, the master's mother was the true heavenly mother of the heavenly clan..." Fu Bo's expression had to become solemn, and he sighed heavily.

Di Yuchen's mother was Yan Xin, the first beauty in the Three Realms. She was born with purple eyes and was talented. She was a descent from the Yanhuang family. At that time, even God couldn't help but become obsessed with her demeanor. Later, the two married and became very affectionate. They were an enviable couple of gods.

But once God was drunk and mistaken Yan Mo for Yanxin. The two had a relationship. Yan Mo was the current Tianmu, Di Yuqing's mother.

Yan Mo's status in the Yanhuang clan is not high, it's just a sideline. No matter her status or talent, she is far inferior to Yanxin. In the Yanhuang clan, Yan Mo was always bullied by disciples of the same race. It was Yanxin who helped her, solved her, and guided her to practice.

At that time, Yan Mo always followed Yan Xin's butt, sweetly calling sister Xin...

It was the birthday of the Yanhuang patriarch. Yanxin and God went to the Yanhuang clan to attend a birthday banquet, but God drank too much and regarded Yanmo as Yanxin. When Yanxin knew about it, the raw rice had been cooked and she was so angry.

Yan Mo's innocent body was given to God, so Yan Mo was the concubine.

Yanxin has a strong temperament, and she has said that she will be a two-person for her life, but God has turned away from his oath, and therefore has a barrier to God, and God is angry and does not understand and does not give face, plus Yan Mo has a kick. , So that the relationship between Yanxin and God became more and more rigid.

In the end, Yan Xin didn't ask about world affairs, and left the heavens to relax, which gave Yan Mo a chance.

Later, Yan Xin came back because of Pan Yinyin and Di Yuchen's affairs. It's a pity that Pan Yinyin was already dead at that time. Di Yuchen was confined in the Nether Abyss. Yan Xin had a fuss with God over this matter. God finally decided to release Di Yuchen, but at that time Di Yuchen jumped on the stage of reincarnation and entered into reincarnation...

The relationship between Yanxin and God has reached an extremely stiff state. In frustration, Yan Xin left, never appeared again, and lost her trace ever since.

Yan Mo was promoted to Tianmu.

The atmosphere in the hall was a bit dull, deadly silent, and the needle drop could be heard.

Nalanjing's fingers underneath her sleeves could not help but curled up gently. That's it... It turned out that he was very disgusted when looking at Yan Mo. It was from the depths of his heart.

Mu Qianyue took his hand, and suddenly understood why Yan Mo would deliberately embarrass herself with Tian Meng, dare to feel that the two of them are the real mother-in-law, and she is just a thorn in their eyes!

Also, what scene of God sleeping in Yan Mo by mistake when drunk is clearly a calculation. If it is not calculated, the dignified God will sleep the wrong person? It's just that they are courageous enough that even God dared to calculate it together! It's really amazing!


It's just that Yanxin regards Yan Mo as a good sister, but she was put on one side, not to mention betrayed, she also robbed her husband, her position...

No wonder Yanxin is discouraged.

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