Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1603: Reincarnation Flower【4】

The words of God's will fell, and Fu Bo immediately understood the key.

No wonder he said why Tian Xingmo would attack the mistress, is it for God's will? Is it to let her replace the mistress?

Ha ha... This God's Will really can put gold on her face, she said she is worthy of the master?

It doesn't matter whether the master likes it or not!

Mu Qianyue was speechless for the cheeky of God's will, but a woman who thought she was in love with her husband like this, she met so many times, and was calm.

Just glanced at her lightly, and didn't even pay attention to her. In Mu Qianyue's eyes, God's Will was nothing but a clown.

Mu Qianyue's contempt completely angered God's will. Her face was grim and cruel, "Grandpa, kill her, we will get the reincarnation flower and give it to God, then God will definitely reward us! Even if I promise Yu Yu It is not impossible for Brother Chen to be a princess!"

God is now in need of reincarnation flowers, they have contributed to reincarnation flowers, and then ask God to give them marriage, God will certainly agree, and then Pan Yinyin also died in this famine, no one knew...

Oh, how perfect this plan is!

Tianyi's heart was filled with joy and excitement, and she suddenly admired herself a little, and found that she was so smart!

This plan can be said to be foolproof. In this famine, Mu Qianyue is only a Tier 3 Heavenly Venerable. Even if he has Fu Lin by his side, how can he be his opponent?

So this time Mu Qianyue is bound to die!

"Mother, you go first, I'll stop them!" Fubo knew that they were murderous, and as soon as he lifted his footsteps, he stood in front of Mu Qianyue without a trace, and whispered.

It is impossible for Mu Qianyue to really leave Fubo and escape alone. This is not something she can do. Moreover, Fubo always treats her and Jing as juniors, and takes care of her, whether it is in her previous life or in this life. .

She couldn't repay this kindness, so she was even more unlikely to leave Fubo and escape alone at this time.

"To live together, to die together to die!" The cold voice fell, with a cold and solemn killing, and the determination to regard death as home.

Fu Bo was silent, he knew Mu Qianyue's character, and he would do it if he said it. She would not run away. He still knew her temperament. Isn't this her?

"Okay!" Fubo nodded, the light in his eyes cooled bit by bit, "My old bones have been silent for tens of thousands of years. It's time to move around!"

An aura of mega power radiated from Fu Bo's body, overwhelming the audience, extremely shocking.

Mu Qianyue stood beside him, feeling the strongest, this is definitely the strength of the high-ranking Tianzun! I just don't know which level it is!

Unexpectedly, Fu Bo turned out to be the strength of Tianzun! It is really surprising!

"Fulin, your strength really hasn't changed at all. After tens of thousands of years, you are still an eighth-order Tianzun. I am now with the strength of a ninth-order Tianzun. You will not be my opponent!" Tian Xingmo's face A cold smile appeared on his face, and an aura more majestic and mighty than Fu Bo radiated from Tian Xingmo's body.

Seeing Fubo's rickety but straight figure, Mu Qianyue felt a sorrow and grief in her heart. She knew that Fubo's strength had not improved for tens of thousands of years because of her harmony with Jing! Over the years, he has been looking for the two of them, as well as Jing's mother, Yan Xin.

So he didn't have time to practice.

Otherwise, Fu Bo's talent must have already become the strength of God!

No matter how bad it is, there is also the peak of the 9th-order Tianzun!

Fu Bo thought that Mu Qianyue's sadness was due to the death of Mu Qianyue, and she smiled and comforted her and said, "Although his strength is one level better than me, it is okay for me to protect you and leave safely. "

"No!" Mu Qianyue shook her head, her eyes were clear and firm, "I said I won't go, let's fight together!"

The palm of her hand flickered, and the Extinction Sword was already in her hand, and a fierce and domineering aura radiated from her, Tier 4 Tianzun!

The purple dress was windless, and her long hair fluttered, making her white and beautiful face even more chilly, like a winter plum, defying wind, frost, snow and rain.

"En? Fourth-order Tianzun?" Tian Xingmo suddenly narrowed his eyes, his eyes were cold and solemn, "I didn't expect you to rise to the first rank in just one month after coming to Tianzhihuang!"

His words fell on everyone's ears like a burst of thunder, especially the incredulously will of heaven staring at his eyes, his face filled with disbelief, "No! Impossible! How could she be promoted to the first rank in just one month? "

When they came to the Desolate of Heaven, they only improved a lot in strength, but they were far from reaching the realm of breakthrough! We must know that they have only been promoted to the first rank for hundreds or even thousands of years. How could Mu Qianyue be promoted to the first rank in a month? This is absolutely impossible!

But there is nothing wrong with what Grandpa said!

Grandpa is a ninth-order Tianzun, so you can see Mu Qianyue's strength at a glance!

Divine Will bit her mouth tightly, and her eyes looking towards Mu Qianyue were full of jealousy and anger. Just now she arrogantly said that her talent was higher than Mu Qianyue, but now she was beaten by Chi Guoguo!

She has been cultivating for more than 30,000 years, she is only a true god, and Mu Qianyue is only twenty-five years old in this life, she is already a fourth-order Tianzun!

This talent...

It's not a little bit worse!

But when I thought that my pill technique was in the realm of Danzun, and Mu Qianyue was only the pill emperor, she breathed a sigh of relief. She couldn't compare to her in pill technique!

At last she found a little comfort.

"Pan Yinyin will be handed over to you, and I will take care of it." Tianxing Moyin's eyes swept towards the six elders, and five of them showed that their auras were all mid-level or so. Tianzun, as for another elder who was severely injured and temporarily lost his combat effectiveness, so he stayed away from the theater like Tianyi.

There are five of them, it is enough to kill a fourth-order Tianzun Mu Qianyue. You must know that two of those five are third-order Tianzun, one fourth-order Tianzun, one fifth-order Tianzun, and one seventh-order Tianzun.

Enough to deal with a Tier 4 Tianzun!

Even if the two Tier 3 Celestial Venerables can’t kill Mu Qianyue, they can absolutely stop her from moving, and pair them with a Tier 4 Celestial Venerable. It’s a matter of minutes to kill her temporarily, even those two Tier 5 Celestials. , Seventh-tier do not need to shoot.

You must know that even if Mu Qianyue reached the strength of Tier 4 Heavenly Sovereign now, her aura would be unstable, and it was absolutely impossible to be the opponent of Tier 4 Heavenly Sovereign Elder.

He has been a Tier 4 Heavenly Venerable for thousands of years, and his aura has long been as solid as a rock. Can Mu Qianyue be comparable?

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