Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 161: Purple Shadow Eclipse Heart

"In that case, don't blame me for being impolite." Pang Zhengnan sneered with a sullen face, and leaned forward, with an excited expression on his face, like a ferocious wolf seeing the prey.

Mu Qianyue flashed at her feet, and hurriedly hid to the side. Her flexible figure was as light and agile as a rabbit. She hid in an instant. Pang Zhengnan was startled, but she did not expect that she would escape her own attack. A bit more prosperous, such a prey can be conquered to have a sense of accomplishment!

Mu Qianyue knew that there was a huge difference in strength from him, so she did not fight with him, but chose a way of wandering to consume the true energy in his body. At the beginning, Pang Zhengnan was very excited and did not find Mu Qian Yue's strategy, until he discovered that the true vitality in his body was only half left, he was surprised to find that he was being played!

"I won't play with you anymore, this time I'm going to be serious, but don't worry, I will treat you tenderly, I promise to let you fly to the sky." Pang Zhengnan rubbed his hands excitedly , The desire on the face~ I hope to reveal it unabashedly.

His feet flickered continuously, his speed suddenly increased more than twice, and he came to Mu Qianyue in an instant.

Mu Qianyue's eyes did not show any panic. Before he flew over, the palm of his hand was turned, and a violent essence pill was immediately swallowed into his mouth, his aura rose instantly, from a seventh-order martial artist to an eighth Venerable martial artist, at the same time displayed the'hidden' body technique.

Pang Zhengnan rushed over excitedly, and the distance quickly narrowed. He even smelled Mu Qianyue's body scent, and took a deep breath. The fascinating scent of soul made him fascinated, as if the blood on his body was boiling instantly. Blood spurts.

Seeing that she was about to hold her arms full of Wenxiang Nephrite, but strangely, the next moment, the girl in front of her suddenly disappeared from the ground, seeming to melt into the air, leaving only a string of shallow ripples.

"Zheng!" The sound of the sword sounded suddenly to the back, followed by a cold murderous aura coming from behind, cold and biting, and instantly enveloped him.

Pang Zhengnan was shocked, and there was no time in his heart to think about how the person in front suddenly ran back, and he raised his sword to resist.

"Clang!" With a crisp sound and the sound of sword strikes, the long sword in his hand suddenly broke into two halves. Looking at the blade that was suddenly broken by the fierce sword energy, Pang Zhengnan's face was as earthy and ugly.

The sword not only represents his weapon, but also represents the victory or defeat of a battle. The sword break means that he has fallen into a disadvantage!

"Puff!" There was a muffled sound.

The Yanlong Sword pierced his chest straight, and the red blood suddenly flowed out, and there was a sharp pain in his chest. The pain made him almost fainted. His footsteps smashed back a few steps. Can stand firm.

Pang Zhengnan raised his head and looked at Mu Qianyue with a look of astonishment, his brows were tucked tightly, as if he still couldn't understand why Mu Qianyue suddenly ran behind him!

"Twice! If this is your full strength, I advise you to obey me."

Mu Qianyue stood with a sword, her purple robes flying in the wind, her eyebrows like Dai's eyebrows filled with compelling coldness, this Pang Zhengnan's strength was really strong, and she made a stealth attack by herself. Although successful, she was right. The injuries he caused were not serious. The stealth attack can only be carried out once, and once it is unsuccessful, the other party will be more vigilant if it is the second time. It will not be so easy to attack again.

It seems that the gap between the respected warrior and the king warrior is not so easy to bridge.

If you can't beat it, then run away. It's not her style to smash.

As soon as his figure moved, he quickly fleeed forward. Pang Zhengnan had been chasing behind him all the time, and the distance was getting closer, 500 meters, 400 meters, 300 meters...

Two hundred meters...

One hundred meters...

Fifty meters...

Ten meters...

Three meters...

"Haha, Mu Qianyue, I told you a long time ago that you can't run away. If you stop now and choose to obey me and take care of me, I will still grant you the position of lady." Such a beauty is rare, especially this temperament is strong enough, he likes it! It must be more flavorful when tamed!

Mu Qianyue stopped her figure suddenly, turned her head, her beautiful face was open in the wind, her slightly condensed eyebrows were like willows in the morning, and her pink lips were more like delicate flowers, bewitching people's hearts.

Upon seeing this, Pang Zhengnan was overjoyed. She finally knew that the person who knew the current affairs was a handsome man, and it didn't take him a lot of effort. The injury on her chest won't ask her to settle the account. Thinking like this, he couldn't help slowing down, his face The ferocity also faded a bit.

Suddenly, a handful of purple powder floated in the wind. Before Pang Zhengnan had time to react, it was already blowing into his nose and mouth along the wind.

The purple powder flying in the wind, with a shallow fragrance, is intoxicating, as if to be immersed in this gentle country. Pang Zhengnan was shocked, a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart, and he quickly reached out and covered his mouth. Nose, it is too late.

As soon as the weird powder entered his mouth and nose, it immediately turned into water vapor and quickly flowed into his body, blended into the blood and true essence, even if he wanted to use the true essence to force it out.

"You, you dare to poison?" Pang Zhengnan's eyes were angrily open, and he looked at Mu Qianyue with a stern face, and asked with gritted teeth, his fists clenched and rattled, very frightening.

Mu Qianyue stood in place gracefully and indifferently, her beautiful little face no longer panicked, but indifferent and tranquil, elegant and blue, and her expression was very innocent and said, "Is it normal to be poisoned? Who has stipulated the fight? Can’t you use poison? Besides, to deal with a scum like you, using poison is worthy of you, no thanks."

"You!" Pang Zhengnan was suddenly so angry that his chest was undulating violently, and his face became pig liver-colored, and his eyes were fierce. He gritted his teeth and said, "Knowingly take out the antidote! Otherwise, don't force me to kill. you!"

However, within a few breaths, Pang Zhengnan's face had a blistering blue air, his lips turned purple and black, and his body couldn't help convulsing. He was shocked, what kind of poison is this, it is so terrible! Even he can't hold him as a king martial artist!

"I think you are stupid? Do you think I will give you the antidote? Want to kill me? I'm afraid you don't have that ability right now." Mu Qianyue smiled, she has never been merciful to enemies, especially It is this kind of person who dares to covet himself.

Until now, Pang Zhengnan realized what a serious problem, he grinned, "Okay, very good! Mu Qianyue, I will make you pay! I will make you kneel before me begging for mercy!"

As soon as the voice fell, he quickly took out an elixir from the space and threw it into his mouth, only to see that his original lifeless face was a bit clearer, and the black air between his eyebrows also faded a lot. And it is fading down at a slow rate...

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