Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1610: Transfer【1】

Tianxingmo was unwilling to let Mu Qianyue escape like this, so he attacked Zui Linglong even more frantically. The majestic force bombarded Zui Linglong continuously, and finally made Zui Linglong faintly broken... …

Mu Qianyue had already fallen into a coma, she didn't know all this.

"En? Such a powerful force...a bit familiar..." In a valley far away from here, the woman stood in front of the wooden house, looking at the dazzling white light that went straight to the sky, and could not help but wrinkle. He raised his eyebrows, and the beautiful purple eyes were filled with doubts, "This breath seems to be a holy artifact of the Pangu clan..."

The Pangu clan was wiped out by the Celestial Clan in the name of a rebel tens of thousands of years ago, and Zui Linglong also lost his whereabouts. What's wrong with this breath now?

With doubts in her heart, the woman moved quickly towards the white light.

Here, Tian Xingmo was still attacking Zui Linglong frantically. He only heard a slight crisp sound of'click'. A slight crack appeared on the petals of Zui Linglong. Under the bombardment of Tian Xing Mo's money, the cracks were like Spider webs generally expand and spread...

"Haha, Pan Yinyin, even if you have the Pangu clan's holy artifacts, how about drunk and exquisite? Under absolute power, any artifact is just a display! Today you will definitely die!" Tian Xingmo grinned, showing Sen. Cold and terrible smile.

After hundreds of thousands of years, Zui Linglong is no longer as good as before, and he is now in the realm of God, so it will be a matter of time before Zui Linglong is crushed.

Tian Xingmo looked gloomy and cold, raised his palm, patted a palm again, and landed fiercely on the white viburnum in front of him...


A dull explosion sounded, and I saw Drunk Linglong shattered, turned into a sky full of light and shadow, and countless flesh and blood flying in the air.

Mu Qianyue's figure and Zui Linglong turned into countless fragments together, floating in the air.

"Hmph! Lucky for you!" Tian Xingmo looked at the flesh and blood flying all over the sky with cold and merciless eyes, with a disdainful expression on her face. Her body exploded, which is considered lucky, otherwise she would fall into his hands. It's better to live than to die!

However, the death of the body does not mean that the soul will die!

Tian Xingmo immediately searched for Mu Qianyue's soul around, but strangely found that her soul could not be found. Her soul seemed to have disappeared in this world.

"Did her soul dissipate in the explosion just now?" Tian Xingmo frowned tightly. This is not impossible. You must know that Pan Yinyin is only the strength of the sixth-order Tianzun. In front of him, like an ant, it is possible to destroy her soul with a palm!

Thinking of this, Tian Xingmo snorted coldly, swiped his sleeves coldly, and left the area.


The valley is quiet, the air is fresh, the flowers bloom in full bloom, and the butterflies are flying around. It is like a fairyland on earth.

There are two connected huts in the valley. Although the layout of the wooden huts is simple, it has a good atmosphere, elegant and noble, and indifferent and leisurely.

There is a spiritual pond in the house, the spiritual pond is not big, about ten square meters in area.

At this time, a woman was squatting on the edge of the spirit pond with a slight frown.

The woman wears a simple white long dress, like exploding black hair, simply rolled into a fairy cloud bun, her face is not covered with powder, but she is beautiful and beautiful, especially her pair of purple eyes that are as clear as glass. It is extremely attractive.

"Unexpectedly, someone in this world really made the body of stars. It surprised me." The woman whispered. Her eyes were attracted by the white flower bone in the spiritual pond. She knew that it was gestating at this time. With a unique life.

"In another month, you should be able to wake up." The woman sighed quietly, stood up, turned and left the house.

The time flickered, and in the blink of an eye it was twenty days away.

I saw that the originally quiet valley suddenly trembled, and the spiritual energy in the air seemed to have life and consciousness in an instant, rushing crazy toward the wooden house, toward the spiritual pond in the wooden house, and finally all poured into the spiritual pond. In a white flower bone...

The surging spiritual energy finally formed a whirlpool in the air and went down crazy.

Even the space is distorted!

Feeling this change, the woman in the pharmacy hurried back, her beautiful eyes flashed with joy, "Is the person in the flower going to be resurrected? It seems to be faster than I expected!"

Although the flower bone flower in the Lingchi hasn't bloomed yet, its volume is much larger than before. At this time, the flower bone flower is at least two meters in size. It is no longer just the size of a fist like it used to be. Like a child, growing up day by day, is it finally about to be born now?


The flower bones in the Lingchi finally slowly bloomed out petals, one by one...

The dazzling white light filled the entire space and rushed straight into the sky.

Layers of white light are like water waves, refracting upwards, unparalleled.

With all the petals blooming, the white light dissipated, revealing a figure in the flower stamen, the snow-white skin was as shiny as a newborn baby, and the blue silk like a waterfall draped to the ankle, just covering her grace Figure.

The person in the stamen fell asleep, sleeping soundly.

The long and curly eyelashes are like cicada wings, so soft that people want to reach out and touch...


The Keren'er in the flower stamen let out a hum, and then slowly opened his eyes. The star-like black and bright black eyes were blank for a moment, and then they became sharp, like a sword like a sheath, with a forceful look. Edge!

This is where?

She remembered that she seemed to be dead?


She is dead, but she is also born again!

As long as the blood does not die, she will never die!

Mu Qianyue sat up suddenly, looked around, and finally landed on the woman in white in front of her. When she saw her clear and beautiful purple eyes, she couldn't help being stunned.

She unexpectedly has the same purple eyes as Jing!

Whether it was ten thousand years ago or now, she was the second person she met with purple eyes!

"You are awake." The woman in white had a slight smile on her lips, her eyes were very gentle, "No, you are not awake, should I say congratulations on your birth?"

"You saved me." The vigilance and doubt in Mu Qianyue's eyes faded and turned into a calm expression. She stood up and realized that she was not wearing any clothes!


Her face instantly blushed, and after confronting each other for so long, she found out that she was not wearing clothes!

Fortunately, the opposite is also a woman, otherwise she would really commit suicide and die again!

"It doesn't matter, it's all women. These are my clothes. If you don't mind, you can put them on first." The white-clothed woman smiled, her palms swayed, and a white robe flew towards Mu Qianyue, taking the spring Covered up.

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