Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1612: Yan Xin【2】

"Don't say anything that my life is more precious than yours. In my eyes, everyone's lives are equally precious and important! I don't want you to have an accident either." Mu Qianyue said with a serious face, she held Bai Xue's hand. Softly comforted, "Well, am I okay? Without my absolute certainty, I would not take this risk."

In fact, this time she really almost died out of her soul. How could Tian Xingmo miss the chance to torture her? If she fell into Tian Xingmo's hands, she would definitely suffer torment and be extinguished by his soul again.

Fortunately, Zui Linglong protected her once, but Zui Linglong was broken.

She would not tell them about the danger, lest they worry about it.

"Master, where is this place, is it still a waste of heaven? What about Tianxingmo?" Bai Xue asked.

"Well, here is still a famine in the sky, Tian Xingmo has already gone back." Mu Qianyue said.

"Miss?!" Fubo noticed Yan Xin beside her, her body trembled, and her whole person became extremely excited and happy.

Mu Qianyue frowned in confusion, shouldn't Uncle Fu know that Yan Xin is here?

"I used to contact him, so he didn't know that I was here." Yan Xin smiled at Mu Qianyue.

The main reason is that she is avoiding Ditian and does not want to have any contact with him anymore! She knew that Di Tian had been looking for her for tens of thousands of years.

His betrayal, his distrust, made her extremely disappointed in him, and she didn't want to see him again, and the desert of heaven was the best choice. The chaotic air here could shield all intent search.

That's it.

Mu Qianyue suddenly.

"Uncle Fu, I have worked hard for you these years." Yan Xin smiled.

Fu Bo was always in tears, "It's not hard, it's not hard at all. Miss, have you been alone in this famine all these years?"

Although the environment here is beautiful, it is very lonely!

There is no one to accompany, some are just fierce beasts, and the lady who doesn't like loneliness has stayed here for tens of thousands of years! !

Fu's heart was filled with distress.

Yan Xin had a calm expression on her face, "It's very good here, I like it very much."

It's really good here. Although lonely for tens of thousands of years, she has lived comfortably, making her more happy than those days in the Celestial Clan.

Forber knew this was because the young lady didn't want him to worry, who would really like to be alone?

When Bai Xue and Yuan Han saw Yan Xin's purple eyes like those of Nalanjing, their eyes flashed with surprise.

"She is Di Yuchen's mother." Mu Qianyue introduced to the two of them.

At this moment, suddenly thunder came from the sky. The weather was clear for thousands of miles, and the clouds were covered with violent winds. The sky and the earth were dark, as if the end had come suddenly!

This sudden scene caused Mu Qianyue, Yan Xin and others to stare in surprise. What is going on? Why did the sky suddenly change?

This is not a sign that it is going to rain, but it is clear that someone is going to survive!

She didn't have the time to overcome the catastrophe, nor did Yanxin, Bai Xue and Yuan Han didn't need to overcome the catastrophe...Fu Bo did not want to cross the catastrophe.

Is there anyone else in the Desolate of Heaven?

Mu Qianyue's eyes were full of doubts, her gaze rolled over several people.

I saw Fubo walked out of the wooden house, looking at the thunder tribulation that was brewing in the nine heavens, and a touch of vicissitudes and bitterness appeared on his slightly old face. He did not expect the tribulation to come so quickly.

"Uncle Fu, you..." Yanxin's beautiful purple eyes filled with surprise and surprise.

Uncle Fu turned to look at Yanxin, with a wry smile on her face, "Yes, it's my robbery."

I just saw the lady, and thought I could get along with her for a while, but I didn’t expect to be separated so soon. This time the separation is probably a farewell!

With his current strength, he can't handle this thunder at all!

The fate of unacceptable thunder is ashes, and if you accept it, it will reach the realm of God just like the sky.

Since ancient times, it has been so difficult to become God!

Fu Bo's slightly rickety back looks even more lonely and distressed at this moment.

"Uncle Fu, your catastrophe? Shouldn't it be a few years away?" Mu Qianyue looked surprised and puzzled.

"Originally it was still a few years away. This time I was seriously injured, and the soul was also seriously injured. The deadline has been advanced." Fu Bo said.

"Miss, mistress, I can no longer be with you in the future, you have to take care of yourself." A layer of mist surged in Fubo's eyes, and the gust of wind blew the corners of his clothes, as if he would be blown by the wind at any time. Ran away in general.

"Uncle Fu, you won't die." Mu Qianyue's mouth curled up with a graceful arc, her palms shook, and a jade box appeared in her hand. She walked quickly to Fu Uncle, opened it, and a faint white light came from From the jade box, the air was filled with a rich and elegant fragrance. It was the reincarnation flower that I picked before.

"This...isn't it to be dedicated to God?" Uncle Fu was surprised.

"I never thought about giving it to God. Uncle Fu, you will eat it soon, so that you can survive the catastrophe smoothly." Mu Qianyue stuffed the reincarnation flower in his hand into Uncle Fu's hands without hesitation.

Looking at the reincarnation flower in her hand, Fubo's eyes were hot, and a warm current flowed in her heart. It turned out that in her heart, she is more important than God!

He thought that his mother would offer this reincarnation flower to God...

"This..." Fubo's face showed hesitation. After all, God also needs this reincarnation flower. It will not be long before God should also experience the tribulation. It is also the day of God's deadline, so God will There was an urgent need for Tian Xingmo and the others to refine the life-saving pills, but they didn't want to be so bold as God's will, so they dared to use the life-saving pills to design Mu Qianyue.

In fact, 90,000 years ago, the success of God’s calamity was extremely difficult. The second calamity of this calendar may be difficult to pass. If God has a reincarnated flower, the probability will increase to 80%...

If God’s calendar fails, what awaits the heavens will be a catastrophe! When the heavens are in turmoil, fighting for power and fighting each other, if the demons take the opportunity to invade, the entire Three Realms will fall into infinite crisis, and the souls will be burnt...

"Uncle Fu, I didn’t think so much, nor did I want to think so much. In my eyes, you are my relatives, and you are more important than them! Forgive my selfishness. Just pretend to be my relatives and friends..." Mu Qianyue's clear eyes fixedly looked at him.

She is not the savior, nor the Virgin.

"Uncle Fu, you can eat this rebirth flower. It's time for God to change people. Ditian has already become enchanted." Yan Xin's voice faintly sounded.

"Okay." Fubo stopped hesitating and swallowed the reincarnation flower in his hand.

The reincarnation flower melts in its mouth, and immediately turns into a mass of pure and incomparable power, pouring in from the pharynx, a steady stream of vitality rushing into the body, nourishing his body, his tendons, his bones, and his All limbs are horrified...

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