Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1620: Yanxin's strength [4]

The entire Celestial Clan has only 17 Ninth-Order Celestials!

This is definitely crushed in terms of quantity!


The sharp and sharp sword pierced Tian Xingmo's abdomen fiercely, right in the middle of his dantian, only to hear a muffled sound of the dantian, the sound of his broken dantian, countless spiritual energy spilled out of his body, I saw Tian Xingmo's body fell from the air and hit the ground fiercely, his brain burst, blood flowed, shocking and terrifying!

Until he died, Tian Xingmo still opened his eyes unwillingly, as if he couldn't understand how he would die...

The officials in the temple looked at Tian Xingmo's corpse, staring one by one in horror. Just like this, a generation of God died? This is a strong man in the realm of God! After being broken through the pubic region like this, he fell to his death! !

Everyone saw that even Tian Xingmo in the Divine Realm was dead, and everyone was stunned, stunned and stunned!

Looking at Nalanjing and Fulin, the eyes were full of fear and fear. These two people are really killing gods!

Especially Nalanjing, there are 108 puppets beside him! It's terrible!

It's a pity that such a person is not God!

"Chen'er, you actually killed him?" Di Tian's eyes were red, his canthus eyes were splitting, his face was blue, and he was extremely angry. He noticed the situation just now, but was dragged by Yan Xin and wanted to support him. Tian Xingmo was too late, but he never thought that Chen'er would actually kill Tian Xingmo! He is the only one who knows the way of reincarnation!

Tian Xingmo's dantian was broken, and his cultivation was completely dissipated, it was useless, otherwise it would be okay...

"He's damned." Na Lanjing looked cold, disdainful and snorted coldly, looking at Di Tian's eyes as alienated as a stranger.

Anger was surging in Di Tian's chest, "It seems that you also want to turn against the Lord?"

"You don't kill him, I have to do it myself." Facing Di Tian's oppression, Nalanjing stood up proudly without the slightest fear.

When Yan Xin saw that Tian Xingmo was dead, she took her hand, moved her body, and fell back beside Nalanjing and Mu Qianyue, blocking Di Tian’s oppression back, "Di Tian, ​​I said I'm here to kill people today. Tian Xingmo tried to kill Yue'er in the Desolate of Heaven. If I hadn't appeared in time, Yue'er would have died, so why should we take revenge now?"

Yan Xin didn't say anything about Mu Qianyue's star rebirth.

"Okay, very good! Are you both going to betray me?" Di Tian's voice was cold, terribly cold, and sinking.

Looking at Yanxin with a cold face, the emperor's chest rose and fell slightly due to the weather, and said angrily, "Do you really think I can't deal with you now?"

"You are God, holding the seal of the sky in your hand can destroy the heavens and the earth. Why, are you planning to destroy your relatives again now?" Yan Xin raised her lips coldly, her eyes full of mockery.

"Fine, kill him if you kill him." Di Tian took a deep breath and sighed, Tian Xing Mo is dead, what's the point of further investigation?

"Husband!!" Yan Mo's eyes widened in disbelief, Nalanjing and Fulin joined forces to kill Tian Xingmo, the alchemy **** of the Celestial Clan, just forget it?

"Tian Xing is the alchemy **** of our Celestial Clan. He has made a lot of contributions to the Celestial Clan. He has even dedicated his life to the alchemy. Now he has been beheaded in front of the officials in the Hall of Chaos. Can it be taken lightly? Otherwise, what is the face of my Celestial Clan? Isn't this chilling the officials? Who will dare to serve the Celestial Clan in the future?" Yan Mo said unwillingly, her eyes filled with anger, why not I understand why Ditian would not pursue it. Is it because of Yanxin?

The officials were also discussing after hearing the words. Many people were on Yan Mo's side. Naturally, they had spoken for Yan Mo. They all agreed to ask Emperor Tian to punish Yan Xin and Nalan Jing and the others...

"Enough!" Ditian yelled angrily, "Tian Xingmo himself provoked the cause of the matter. If he hadn't tried to murder the princess, Xin'er would not kill him, so he took the blame for the matter. That's it, no one is allowed to say!"

What Di Tian said was still very useful. His cold voice echoed slowly in the hall, terrifying and terrifying. Sure enough, one by one did not dare to speak anymore, even Yan Mo did not dare to speak again.

"Xin'er, you should continue to live in Fengluan Palace this time when you come back. It has been empty, and I know you will come back." Ditian gathered his anger and said calmly to Yanxin.

"Want me to stay?" Yan Xin raised her brows, and a sharp sharp flash of light flashed in her breathtaking purple eyes.

"What do you want?" Di Tian frowned.

Yan Xin curled her lips coldly, and her eyes fell coldly on Yan Mo's body, "Now it's time to calculate the account between us."

"Sister Xin, I know you have always had opinions on me, but my husband and I love each other sincerely, why can't you tolerate me?" Yan Mo's heart was burning with anger, making her rush forward and take the picture in front of her. The urge to tear his face.

"True love? Haha... You didn't have resources for cultivation back then. I gave you! There was something you didn't understand in your practice back then, and you were the one who I raised! Back when you were bullied by the tribe, you were also the one I maintained! As for you, you have taken away my lover and my things. Have you lived comfortably these years?" Yanxin’s beautiful face was filled with frost. It’s time to settle these old accounts, or else think she’s Good bully?

She Yanxin is no longer the soft-hearted and talkative Yanxin!

"You!" Yan Mo's face turned pale, and she bit her teeth to make a pitiful look, "Sister Xin, I know you love your husband deeply, but my love for him is no less than you! I didn’t take away your lover. I was forced to... If I hadn’t lost my life to my husband, I wouldn’t marry my husband! I knew you would suffer so much. I would rather die than marry your husband. !!!"

Ditian frowned dissatisfied, "Xin'er, this matter has passed more than 90,000 years, can you still not let it go? I blame it for this matter. If I hadn't taken a few more glasses of wine, I wouldn't have gone to the wrong room... …"

"Heh..." Yan Xin sneered when she heard the words, "Go to the wrong room? Di Tian, ​​Di Tian, ​​you are so clever, you don’t even know such simple calculations! Back then, it was clear that they had taken a slight dip in your wine. Psychedelic San, I poured you a few more glasses of wine. They deliberately set up a maze there and made you walk into Yanmo’s room. I am sorry that you still thought it was your own fault, but you don’t know it is a They carefully calculated a plan!"


Di Tian's face instantly became cold, his face was extremely ugly, gloomy and terrifying, like wind and rain coming, "Yan Mo, what she said is true?"

Looking at Di Tian's almost cannibalistic eyes, Yan Mo's slightly drooping eyes quickly flashed with a guilty conscience.

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