Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1622: Mu Qianyue VS Tianmeng [1]

Tian Meng looked at Mu Qianyue with a frightened expression, and then shrank behind Yan Mo. Yan Mo gave her a shameless look. When she was suspected by Ditian just now, Tian Meng was afraid of getting into trouble and stayed away from him. Now because Mu Qianyue wanted to kill her, she came to seek her own asylum again, hehe, she is the most shameless to such a person!

But Yan Mo didn't say it. Although she didn't like Tianmeng, her father Tianyi was a great minister of the heavenly clan. He was very powerful. Qing'er still needed to rely on Tianyi's power.

"Meng'er, don't be afraid, there is a queen here, and she won't let her hurt you." Yan Mo smiled softly towards Tianmeng, with a gentle and kind appearance.

"Yanxin, seeing you come to the realm of God now, you are becoming more and more defiant, and now you want to let Pan Yinyin kill my daughter? Do you really think the heavens can't help you?" Tianyi walked out slowly among the crowd. The handsome and resolute face was gloomy, and cold and murderous intent surged in his eyes, and his eyes swept to the opposite Yanxin with disdain and contempt.

Tianyi was dressed in a black robe, and the cold and murderous air hovered around him, making him look full of momentum, like a **** of murder.

"God, I, Tianyi, have been diligent and loyal for the Celestial Clan for tens of thousands of years. I have never had two hearts. Now Yanxin wants to kill my daughter and begs God to rule for her! Borrow my Celestial Sacred Scepter!" Tianyi lifted his robe, knelt on one knee to Ditian, and said angrily.

Di Tian's face was very heavy, and his eyes filled with anger, Xin'er was really getting more and more lawless! He is like this, she must be aggressive!

"Okay, you can take it."

With a wave of his sleeve, a scepter slowly appeared in the air, suspended in front of Tianyi's eyes.

Tianyi's eyes were joyful, his gaze was terrifying and terrifying. He took the magic staff and turned to look at Yan Xin with cold eyes. Finally, his eyes fell on Mu Qianyue, "Pan Yinyin, you shouldn't come back! Stay honestly." Is the Nether bad? I have to come and die!"

Nalanjing moved and stood in front of Mu Qianyue, "Lady, don't be afraid, I am here."

Mu Qianyue stretched her hand away from Nalanjing in front of her, her black eyes as bright as stars swept towards the opposite Tianyi, "Although I now know what happened more than 60,000 years ago, who was wrong, but I owe me Yes, I will come back one by one one day!"

Tianyi is a nine heavenly rank, she is not afraid, when the two really fight, it is not certain who wins and who loses!

Countless celestial soldiers swarmed, surrounding Mu Qianyue, Nalanjing, Yanxin and Fulin. The atmosphere in the air was solemn and terrifying, which made people feel suffocated.

"Father, please give me the scepter, I will kill her myself!" Tian Meng walked out from behind Yan Mo slowly, cold and murderous in her beautiful eyes, she walked to Tianyi's side with hatred. Angrily looked at the opposite Mu Qianyue.

Tianyi frowned slightly, "Meng'er, she is an eighth-order Tianzun."

"Father, I just ascended to the seventh-order Tianzun yesterday. With the help of the magic scepter, Meng'er is still sure to kill her!" Tianmeng raised her lips and smiled, besides, she still has a pill that can temporarily increase her strength. If she is not sure, she will never come out!

"Okay." Tianyi thought for a while, and he was there anyway, and God was also there. Then Meng'er was really in danger. God would not watch Meng'er die, and the power of the scepter was so powerful. !

Tian Meng took the magic scepter, and his eyes swept over like a cold poisonous snake.

"It's time to resolve our grievances." Mu Qianyue gave Nalanjing a relieved look, and took a step forward, looking coldly at Tian Meng, her slender figure exuding bursts of chill.

Although she has not recovered her previous memories, and she does not know what happened to her and Di Yuchen more than 60,000 years ago, Tian Meng is definitely her enemy. She used her bones to make Yan Shu and destroy her for two lives. It can be seen from her happiness that the enmity between her and Tian Meng is very deep.

Even if it is not the hatred of more than 60,000 years ago, the hatred of more than 10,000 years should be resolved!

She is not the kind of person who has suffered and still doesn't speak!

Everyone didn't act at this moment, but focused on Mu Qianyue and Tian Meng's body, and an invisible cold breath was floating on Di Tian and Yan Xin's body.

Nalanjing's purple eyes, like colored glazes, were calm, and he didn't show any worries. He was still very relieved of Yue'er's strength. If Yue'er was not sure to kill Tianmeng, she would not stand up, he What we need to do now is to prevent Tianyi from doing tricks in secret.

"Mu Qianyue, I will defeat you. More than 60,000 years ago, you were inferior to me, and now you are still inferior to me!" Tian Meng's beautiful face floated with a sneer of contempt, and she raised her slender neck, like The noble swan looked down at the ants under his feet coldly.

"Really?" Mu Qianyue's face was lightly windy, and she was not angry because of it. A faint frost covered her picturesque eyebrows, her palms swayed, and the Extinguishing Sword was already in her palm, as if she felt When the hatred and anger in the master's heart came, a faint red glow surged on the Extinction Sword.

"Swish!" Two figures swept the sky, and the strong murderous aura swept across the sky, filling the entire space.

"Mu Qianyue, you ruined my happiness, so you will never be allowed to live! As long as I still have a breath, you will never want to stay and fly with him!" There is biting hatred in Tian Meng's eyes. The slender fingers clenched the magic staff in his hand and creaked.

"Then you can go and die." Mu Qianyue snorted disdainfully, and the fierce and mighty power burst out from her body, lifted her wrist lightly, and the Extinction Sword slammed forward.

With a wave of the magic staff in Tian Meng's hand, he smashed the sword light from the front, and slowly disappeared into the air like a water wave. The corner of Tian Meng's mouth evoked a smug sneer, "Even if you are now an eighth-order Tianzun, Nor will it be my opponent."

The scepter is worthy of being a sacred artifact of the heavenly race, it is indeed powerful!

Di Yuchen, I will let you know who is better and who is more worthy of you! I will destroy her by myself and make you suffer for a lifetime!

Tian Meng's eyes quickly flashed across a cold, bloodthirsty, merciless, hideous and terrifying.

Mu Qianyue's eyes were slightly cold, it seems that this magic staff is a bit powerful! However, do you think this can defeat her?

The light purple robe had no wind, and her hair was flying in the violent wind, and the mighty and ferocious power burst out from her, "The blood of the blue dragon, the talent is open!"

Leng Li's terrifying aura is ups and downs all over her, although she is still the eighth-order Tianzun, but it is the eighth-order peak, and her aura is obviously much stronger than before.

A head of red hair is arrogant and wanton, and his red eyes are even more enchanting and cold. At this moment, Mu Qianyue seems to have become an ancient demon god!

The red light on the Extinction Sword in his hand flickered, and the throughput flickered, even more sharp.

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