Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1624: Past memories【1】

The violent power made the space violently twisted.

The corners of Mu Qianyue's lips gently raised a icy arc, and the Life Extinction Sword in his hand was raised, and a great sky-high sword quickly formed in the air, and the light ball hitting forward greeted him.


The sound of a complete explosion blasted across the sky, it was terrifying!

Tian Meng's figure was shaken back, and she stabilized her figure after taking dozens of steps. The anger and murderousness in her eyes became more intense, and her look was as hideous as a demon.

Facing Tianmeng’s fierce attack, Mu Qianyue was able to cope with ease. Even though she had a magic staff in her hand, her experience in the face of battle was not worse than Tianmeng, and Tai Chi Jiuchang was really strong. Power is more physical, defense, etc.

Coupled with the phantom footwork integrated with the heavens, I saw Mu Qianyue turned into a smear of afterimages, and the sword lights fell like a lot of sky and earth, densely packed, like a storm and rain bombarding the sky!

Each sword carried the power of destroying stars, and Tian Meng was retreating under this fierce sword power.

Tian Meng's pale face showed a humiliating look. She never thought that she had served the Supreme Pill and had a magic staff in her hand. She was not Mu Qianyue's opponent! It's still a disadvantage!

Is this magic scepter fake? No, it's impossible! It is impossible for God to take out a fake scepter, that is, Mu Qianyue's power is too strong!

How could she have such strong power? Tian Meng couldn't understand how, Mu Qianyue's dantian was not the essence of spiritual energy, but the power of stars!

Three thousand worlds, only stars are the strongest!

"Boom boom boom..."

Tian Meng was blasted out once again, her body hitting the rows of stone pillars in front of Tianmen, breaking three Optimus pillars until she finally stabilized her figure.

Countless fragments and smoke were flying all over the sky, and the scene was a mess.

"Puff!" Tianmeng finally couldn't hold on, spouting blood again, and the three stone pillars collapsed and pressed towards her!

Tian Meng hurriedly tried his last strength to hide, but his face became even paler, and the hand holding the magic staff couldn't help shaking.

How could this happen, how could this happen, she had a magic staff in her hand, why couldn't she beat Mu Qianyue? !

This is impossible! !

"Even if you hold the sacred artifact of the Celestial Clan, you won't be my opponent!" Mu Qianyue fell from the sky, with the long sword in her hand pointed at the throat of the opposite Tianmeng.

Tian Meng's face was gray and pale, she stood up swayingly, and looked at Mu Qianyue with hatred, "Mu Qianyue, I will not lose to you! No! You are the **** person! !"

The corners of her lips raised slightly, and she suddenly pulled out a strange sneer, "Mu Qianyue, you have something with me, don't you know it!"

Is there something with her? Mu Qianyue frowned,

"That's it." Tian Meng's palm flickered, and a transparent crystal bottle appeared in her hand, and a little bit of light radiated from the transparent crystal bottle in her palm, making Mu Qianyue feel a familiar feeling.

What is this?

There was a trace of confusion in Mu Qianyue's beautiful eyes.

Suddenly, Tian Meng quickly opened the bottle cap, and the dots of shining light rushed towards Mu Qianyue and got into her mind.

Countless memories swarmed in, making her a headache, as if to tear her apart.

The scenes were criss-crossed like a film, gradually becoming clear before her eyes...

The breeze is blowing, and the snow-white Qionghua is flying all over the sky, holy and beautiful.

Under the Qionghua tree, the girl wore a lavender dress, and her ink hair like a waterfall was combed into a delicate bun. She only wore two purple pearl hairpins on her head. Her delicate and beautiful face was not covered with powder. Still breathtakingly beautiful, peerlessly refined, more holy and charming than the Qionghua.

She reached out her hand to catch the falling petals, but her mind floated away.

"Girl, how can the Pan clan go?" The man's pleasant but somewhat cold voice came from behind.

The girl looked back and saw those purple eyes that were as clear and clear as glaze, as if they were the cleanest color in the world. At that moment, Mu Qianyue fell into those eyes unexpectedly...

The eyes are facing each other for a moment of eternity.

The scene turns, the man and the girl are fighting side by side, fighting together against the demons, living together and dying together...

Then there is the scene of a man and a woman getting married, a very grand and grand wedding, which caused a sensation in the entire Three Realms and envied countless people...

Don't even think about it and know that Pan Yinyin and Di Yuchen are in this picture.

"Pan Yinyin, why are you arguing with me? Brother Yuchen was originally mine, and it was because of you that made him change his heart! Pan Yinyin, I hate you, you **** it!" On the Jiuyou platform, Tian Meng looked at the woman angrily and hatefully, her face was grim and sad, and she roared in a heartbreaking low voice.

"Dust has never loved you before, so how did she change her heart." The woman's face was calm, and there were no fluctuations on her beautiful face, which formed a sharp contrast with Tian Meng's anger and hatred.

The light purple dresses are blowing in the wind, fluttering in the clouds, dreamy and unparalleled.

"It's because of you! If it weren't for you to show up, Brother Yuchen would marry me! He had already agreed to Tianmu!" Tian Meng clasped his hands under his sleeves.

The woman frowned and she didn't seem to want to continue entangled with her on this issue, but Tian Meng suddenly slapped herself severely. Suddenly, Tian Meng's face turned pale, blood and vomiting continued.

The woman's brows became even deeper, and a bad premonition rose in her heart. Suddenly, she saw the demon rushing out of Jiuyoutai, and at this time, God and others just arrived.

"God, the crown prince injured me and released the demon..." Tian Meng put one hand on the injured chest, stumbled and ran towards God and the others.

Before the woman could explain, Tianyi asked angrily, "Prince Princess, we finally sealed the Demon Lord, why did you let him out!"

"I..." The woman just uttered a word, and the Demon Lord's icy laughter rang out behind her, "Hahaha... My evil spirit came out again!"

The devil laughed wildly, with black hair dancing wildly in the wind, domineering over the clouds, watching the world.

Standing beside the Mojun Wuya, he was also dressed in black, handsome and cold, his eyes locked affectionately on the light purple figure in front, his eyes were very complicated.

"Pan Yinyin, I will not forget the agreement between us." After the devil dropped this sentence, his figure shook, and it turned into a black mist and disappeared into the air.

Undoubtedly, this sentence of the devil instantly pushed Pan Yinyin to the cusp of the storm, and countless accusations, abuse, hatred, and hatred all flooded her...

"Yinyin, follow me." Wu Ya reached out to Pan Yinyin.

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