Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1626: Memories of the Past [3]

"Do you finally know what pain is?" Tian Meng's gaze became ferocious again, "When you took Brother Yuchen from my hand, why didn't you think about how painful I was?" Tian Meng sneered, " Fortunately, Brother Yuchen has changed his mind now. Brother Yuchen must have known me. Brother Yuchen still loves me. If it weren't for you, you would have married Brother Yuchen!"

Tianmeng’s voice continued to echo in Pan Yinyin’s ears like a curse, words like knives and lines like sharp arrows piercing her heart, making her feel painful.

A drop of tears fell from her pale paper face.

Chen, didn't you say you would love me forever? Why should we violate our promise and our oath?

Chen, didn't you say that we should trust each other?

Do not……

She doesn't believe that Chen will marry Tianmeng! Tian Meng must have deliberately hit himself like this!

"I believe Chen, he won't marry you, he will definitely come." Pan Yinyin took a deep breath and said calmly to Tian Meng, as if to himself.

"Heh, stop dreaming! Tonight is the time for brother Yuchen and I to be in the bridal chamber. How could he come to save you..." Tian Meng sneered disdainfully.

Seeing her calm face, Tian Meng curled the corners of her lips lightly, and a happy and wanton smile appeared on her delicate and beautiful face, "I will let you see the bridal candles of Brother Yuchen and I with my own eyes."

When the words fell, there was a bang, and a bronze mirror fell on the ground.

"Hehe, Pan Yinyin, you are suffering and suffering right here, and then slowly disappears in smoke, and you die silently, even the body and soul can't be left, and brother Yuchen and I will love Wanwan. Years, stay together white head..."

Then Tian Meng raised his neck gracefully, turning away like a victorious peacock.

With the departure of Tianmeng, the surroundings fell into silence again.

She doesn't know what time it is now, because there is always this dim look in the Nether Abyss, there is no night and day, only eternal thunder punishment.

These sky thunders are not big, not even one tenth of the sky thunders when crossing the catastrophe, but they exist day and night, even the heavenly sovereign can't carry it for three months...

It's like stabbing your heart fiercely. You will bleed to death immediately. If you cut your body with dense scars, although it is not fatal, it can slowly let your blood flow away. To die, but the process of waiting for death will be more painful.

This is the case in the Nether Abyss.

There has always been a felon, traitor, etc...

And she is the crown prince of the Celestial Clan, the hero of the Celestial Clan, but no one believes her...

Endless loneliness, the darkness swallowed her, making her cold and desperate heart even colder...

The days here seem to have no end.

A burst of milky white light suddenly radiated from the bronze mirror on the ground, and a festive picture suddenly appeared in Pan Yinyin's sight.

In the picture, Di Yuchen wears a big red wedding robe with a golden dragon embroidered with golden silk, and a golden crown tied with hair, which sets off his already beautiful face even more majestic and handsome, like a god.

He holds the red silk in his hand, and the person holding the other end is the same big red wedding gown. She is wearing a phoenix crown and a halo, a face with delicate makeup under the phoenix crown and tassels, smiling brightly and cheerfully, happy and happy. Happy...

The heart throbbed in pain, and the pain made her unable to breathe, and it hurt into the bone marrow!

Tears blurred her vision and fell like a torrent of rain, covering her already pale face.

The world seemed to collapse and fall apart!

All the colors are lost at this moment...

He really married Tianmeng!

Heh...what a ridiculous thing, she's still here waiting for him silly, waiting for him...

I thought he would believe in himself without hesitation, thought he would rush in to save her desperately, thought he would live and die with him...

As a result, he betrayed himself, turned around and married Tian Meng, her enemy!

"Di Yuchen!!!"



She looked up to the sky in pain, tears of despair and sadness came out wantonly.

Why do you want to tell her that you love her for a lifetime, and if you say that you love her as a baby in your hand, do you lie to her?

Is she too naive and believes in love too much?

It hurts so bad...

The picture in the bronze mirror disappeared at some point.

As if a century had passed, the figure of a heavenly general slowly appeared in the air, "Pan Yinyin, God's grace, you can come out."

As his voice fell, the Ten Thousand Years Profound iron chain originally locked on her instantly disappeared into the air.

Losing the shackles of the iron chain, Pan Yinyin softened and fell to the ground. It took a long time before she regained her strength.

The dress on her body had long been covered with blood stains, and her black hair was casually draped on her back, covering her thin and slender figure.

It took a long time for her to return to her senses, and slowly got up from the ground, her eyes dull, and she walked forward step by step...

The dazzling rays of light surged, and Pan Yinyin closed his eyes uncomfortably.


The familiar call sounded in her ears, but it made her feel so strange...

A warm and generous palm stroked it up, held her hand, and brought her into a familiar embrace, "Yin'er, I'm sorry..."

"Enough!" Pan Yinyin broke free from his arms, pushed him away, looking at him coldly and strangely.

"Yin'er, I..." Di Yuchen was dressed in a black robe and was still unbelievably handsome, with complex guilt, self-blame and distress in his purple eyes.

But it also made Pan Yinyin's heart more painful. His self-blame and guilt confirmed everything she saw in the bronze mirror. He really married Tianmeng...

"Di Yuchen, we will never see each other from now on." She took a deep breath and tried to keep the sadness and anger in her heart from overflowing, and the pain that was like a moment of time still made her feel unhappy.

The words of indifferent alienation fell gently, but it was as if a sharp sword was inserted into Di Yuchen's heart, making his face instantly bloodless.

"Yin'er..." An unbelievable look flashed in Di Yuchen's purple eyes.

"My Pan Yinyin has nothing to do with the Celestial Clan from now on!"

No more nostalgia, turned around and flew into the clouds and disappeared into the air instantly.

The picture turned again, and what appeared in front of him again was the scene of Pan Zhijun leading the Pan clan to kill the Celestial clan in anger. The blood flowed into a river, and the corpses piled up like a mountain, but in the end he was defeated...

Later, the Celestial Clan issued a lore order, and countless Celestial Soldiers and Generals entered the realm of the Pan Clan. Pan Yinyin blew himself up on the spot to save the tribe...

Even so, it did not change the destiny of the entire Pan clan...

All the memories resounded quickly in Mu Qianyue's mind like walking horses and flowers, and she couldn't return to her senses for a long time...

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