Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1630: The Realm of God【1】

"Yue'er!" He tried hard to move forward.

In the strong wind, their hands were held together.

"Jing, alive, we still have Xiaoling and Jiujiu...Don't let them lose their father again..." Her voice was swept away by the wind, and she could hardly hear her.

So tired, I really want to sleep, and she really wants to hold his hand tightly, but she has no strength, and it feels very difficult to move her fingers...

"Yue'er! Hold on to me!"

The holding hands were once again ruthlessly separated by the violent force.

Nalanjing could only watch that figure fall into the endless darkness of nothingness!


Nalan Jing didn't even think about it, and immediately chased after him, trying to jump into the void, but was grabbed by Fulin, "Master, you can't go in!"

"Uncle Fu, let go!" Nalanjing's eyes were red, and the purple eyes that used to be like glass were red at this time. He whispered and struggled desperately, but he was seriously injured at the moment. Strength break free of Fu Bo's shackles.

"Master, I can't promise you this time! Please allow the old slave to be self-willed! Master, the mistress's greatest wish is to live well. If you die, what will Xiao Linger and Jiujiu do? They have lost their mothers. , Do you want them to lose their fathers? Do you want them to lose their fathers and mothers from childhood like you in this life?!" Fubo also snarled in a low voice, and he hugged Nalanjing tightly. His waist, but Nalanjing, who was caught in madness and pain, couldn't hear it.

Fulin had no choice but to slash Nalanjing's neck with a palm, knocking him out.

"Hey...why is the fate of the master and the mistress always so rough? Why can't we live a life in peace and quiet?" Fulin's eyes also overflowed with sad tears. A woman such a good mistress, heavy Love is righteous, gentle and kind, tenacious and forbearing, and loves Sansheng III with his master, but still can't escape the control of fate.

At this moment, he really asked for fate!

"Yue'er!" Yanxin's eyes opened wide and her canthus was about to split. She turned and flew towards the crack at the time, but was grabbed by the arm by Di Tian, ​​"Xin'er, you can't go, there is danger!"

"You let go!" Yan Xin raised her hand as a palm hit his chest directly.

If it weren't for him, she wouldn't be caught by Ditian, and she wouldn't have had the opportunity to save Yue'er and Jing'er!

The **** Ditian once again indirectly killed her Yue'er and Jing'er!

She hates it!

"I won't let go! The cracks in time and space are extremely tyrannical. The cracks in time and space here carry the power of the ancient prehistoric, which is not comparable to ordinary places! Yue'er and Jing'er are probably not good enough, I can't let you take risks anymore! "Di Tian grabbed her hand tightly.

Yan Xin was furious, and slapped Di Tian several times in succession, and finally broke free from the imprisonment of Di Tian. She rushed towards the endless void without thinking, "Jing'er, if I can't die, I will definitely help you Yue'er brought back..."

More than 60,000 years ago, she was not present and she did not protect Yue'er well. This time she absolutely can't let Zai Yue'er die in front of her, otherwise she will never forgive herself!

"Xin'er!!" Di Tian was shocked and shouted, but Yan Xin had already gotten into the endless void.

Di Tian thought for a while, hesitated for a while, but still didn't rush in, he really loved Xin'er.

Xiner is the woman he loves most in this life, and the most important woman, but in the face of life, he still gave up...

"Hehe, Yanxin, this **** is still doing it by herself. I thought I would still find a chance to do it. It seems that I don't need to do it myself, so she went to her own death." Yan Mo was almost happy when she saw it. .

How could a fool like her beat herself?

Is my daughter-in-law no better than his own life?

The daughter-in-law is dead, so you can find another one. How many women of the Celestial Clan?

Tian Meng is dead. Seeing how calm her Qing'er is, she doesn’t care at all. She is like the fool of Di Yuchen, who hurts the sound block several times and even died for her. This kind of person is in her eyes. Just a fool!

Yan Xin is even stupid!

There really is a foolish mother who has a foolish son! Yan Mo snorted disdainfully.

"Hey..." Di Tian sighed deeply, and his figure swept across the sky, repairing the cracked space-time cracks, and the originally black firmament, like the end of the world, immediately returned to silence.

The wind is calm and thunder stops, and the world is clear.

It's just that the hall of the Chaohui Hall was a mess, and it was ruined in a disastrous manner, indicating that it had experienced an extremely tragic battle here.

Qunchen was also very sighing, but he didn't expect the end of the matter to be like this, it was really sighing.

The lunatic Tianyi didn't even want his soul to avenge his daughter, and Yan Xin didn't even want his life for Pan Yinyin...

It's all a bunch of lunatics!

In their eyes, perhaps the lives of others will never be more important than their own, and they will never understand the feeling of life and death intermingled with life and death.

"Fulin, quickly bring Chen'er down to heal." Di Tian said lightly.

Fulin’s eyes are a bit complicated. Now that the young lady and the mistress are gone, he really doesn’t know where the damned master is going. The master has suffered such a serious injury. It is undoubtedly the best to stay in the Celestial Clan. Here is the best. The medicine, and the pill hall, can also make the master’s injury heal as soon as possible without leaving any sequelae. Otherwise, it would be hard to say if you go to other places...

And if the demons took advantage of this to attack and kill the master, it would be very troublesome.

So after weighing the powers again and again, Fulin took Nalanjing back to the Temple of Worry-free.

When Di Yuqing heard Di Tian’s words, there was a touch of shock and hatred in his eyes. Today, Di Yuchen and Yan Xin made the Celestial race like this and killed Tian Xingmo, Tian Meng and Tianyi also died because of it. The father not only did not punish him, but also told him to go back to heal...

The father is really partial to him!

It's not a little bit eccentric!

And what about yourself? He showed loyalty and filial piety, but he still couldn't get his special look! !


Is it because he is a concubine, because he is not bleeding?

But he is also his own son!

Besides, it is him who has been by his side for these sixty thousand years! For Pan Yinyin, Di Yuchen did not hesitate to abandon the heavenly clan, destroy his body, reincarnate...

But the father's heart is still biased towards Di Yuchen!

He doesn't understand why this is! !

How could he compare to God Yuchen! ! ! He hates it! !

It's so unfair to hate his father! !

Di Yuchen, I will never let you live in the world. Your existence will only hinder my progress and cover my light!

You wouldn't come back originally, how great!

But you have to come back!

A bit of hatred flashed through Di Yuqing's slightly drooping eyes.

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