Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1633: Pan Yinyin【2】

"Where is this?" She stretched out her hand to hold her head, and looked around, only to see a dark patch. Besides, she couldn't see anything else.

"En? What a powerful force." Daimei frowned. A majestic and terrifying force was ups and downs around her, terrifying, making her even more puzzled, "When have I been promoted to the realm of God? Death? But I obviously blew myself up at the beginning!"

Thinking of the last picture in her mind, a burst of heartache spread deep in the bottom of her heart, penetrated into the bone marrow, and spread to every part of her body.

"Di Yuchen, why did you treat me like this? Why didn't you believe me and slaughtered my people! I hate you!!! My Pan Yinyin will never die with you in this life!"

"Sister, I'm sorry, it was my fault, I killed the entire Pan clan, I killed you! Sorry! If time goes back, I will definitely not marry him again!"

Tears fell from her face, fell into the endless void in a flash, and drifted away with the wind.

The world is lonely, only her mournful cry reverberates in the world, even more lonely and sad.

"En? I seem to sense the power of my sister's blood...Is my sister still alive?" Pan Yinyin raised her head, and a touch of joy surged in her sad eyes.

She squeezed her hands and closed her eyes. After a while, she suddenly opened her eyes, with an excited smile on her face, "Great! Sister is still alive! Sister is not dead! Sister, wait for me, I will come to you! "

"Those who owe us, I want them to pay their debts!" ​​The black pupils are like a pair of unsheathed peerless swords, sharp and dazzling, shining with breathtaking cold light.

Pan Yinyin stood up, slapped his hands on the defensive light ball in front of him, and with a strong pull, the space was torn apart, and his body moved and his footwork spread out like a stream of light flying away.


Wanhua Pavilion, all women, all rouge dresses, and the same hair bun, like a group of nine-day fairies, are particularly eye-catching.

It's just that the atmosphere in the air is a bit dull, condensed, and terrible.

Among the crowd, Pan Zhijun wore a dark red robe, setting off her slender figure even more cold and proud, and her picturesque eyebrows were full of murderous aura.

"Pavilion Master, are we really going to attack the Celestial Clan?" a woman next to her stepped forward and asked softly.

"En." Pan Zhijun nodded, and a bit of hatred flashed in his eyes, "I have waited so long, I can't wait any longer! Tianyi is dead, Dantang is destroyed, and Di Yuchen betrayed the sky. The clan has set up the Temple of Siyue. The Celestial Clan is just the end of a group of crossbows. It is not terrible! We still have the hope of victory!"

"However, if our Wanhua Pavilion fights against the Celestial Clan, it will surely provoke the flames of war, and the lives will be disgraced. If the demons take the opportunity to invade, I am afraid they will occupy the Celestial Clan on a large scale, and the world will fall into terrible danger, countless innocent people. Will..." The woman didn't continue to speak afterwards.

"I know!" Pan Zhijun's lips raised a ruthless arc, "But how long will I have to wait? I thought Yinyin could join me to kill the old thief with me this time, but she died. That’s it! This time her soul didn’t stay! So I can only rely on me for revenge, I can’t wait any longer! I don’t have so much time to wait!"

"The second lady is too capricious. You have been waiting for her for tens of thousands of years, but she does not have you in her heart, let alone the Pan clan. It was wasteful of your effort to find her!" The woman complained in a low voice of dissatisfaction.

"If it weren't for the fact that you have been with me for 40,000 years, I can kill you directly with your words alone." Pan Zhijun's eyebrows were cold, his head turned slightly, and his eyes looked at her coldly. , The woman shuddered fiercely, and quickly lowered her head, "Pavilion Master, Ju'er dare not, Juer is just a little embarrassing for the Pavilion Master."

"Yinyin is my favorite sister. I don't blame her for this. She died more than 60,000 years ago to save the entire Pan clan. If she didn't blew herself up back then, I wouldn't be able to survive! It's just that! She has been reincarnated twice, her temperament has changed drastically. It is no longer the same sound as before, and will never chase behind my **** to transfer the sound of my singing to her..." Pan Zhijun sighed quietly, looking forward There was a trace of emotion and sadness in the eyes of the sky.

Suddenly Pan Zhijun's eyes widened in horror, and a familiar figure came into view. The light purple dress was flying and intertwined with the long black hair.

The familiar eyebrows and the familiar smile are just like more than 60,000 years ago...

"Sister, I'm back." Pan Yinyin stepped into the hall with graceful steps.

"Yinyin?" Pan Zhijun stared in surprise, or Yinyin called her sister for the first time when she came back, knowing that she had resisted herself before that.

"Sister, it's me, your Yinyin." Pan Yinyin's lips looked at her with a smile.

"You are Yinyin? Not Yue'er?" Pan Zhijun frowned suspiciously.

"What Yue'er? Sister, why haven't you seen the sound for a while? Sister, I was not good before, and it was all my fault that caused the Pan clan to perish! Those who owe us, I will definitely Let them all come back!" When he said this, a ray of resentment flashed in Dan Feng's eyes, who had a narrow and beautiful voice.

"Oh..." Pan Zhijun's face was calm, and there was a terrible storm in his heart. What happened to Yue'er? very strange!

"Yinyin, where do you come from?" Pan Zhijun asked after thinking about it.

"I don't know what's going on. I remember that I blew myself more than 60,000 years ago, but when I woke up I found myself in the endless black hole of time and space, and became the realm of God, so I tore there. The space is back.” Pan Yinyin's beautiful face was puzzled.

"Then do you remember Nalanjing? And Nalan Xueling, Jiujiu..." When Pan Zhijun asked, he kept his eyes on her face, unblinking, for fear of missing her expression. .

"Who are they? Are they sister's friends?" Pan Yinyin frowned in doubt, her beautiful face showed a hint of coldness, "Sister, I am not interested in outsiders now, I just want revenge, kill Ditian, kill All the people of the Celestial Clan, including Di Yuchen!"

"Vengeance is certain, but this matter needs to be discussed carefully..." Pan Zhijun said.

"Okay, I hope I don't wait too long!" Pan Yinyin's body was bitterly cold, like ice and snow in winter, as cold as people's hearts.

"Pavilion Master, the second lady has just returned, and she must not be in good condition. Do you want to let the second lady take a rest?" Juer, who was standing beside Pan Zhijun, reminded softly.

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