Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1637: Pan Yinyin【6】

"No wonder I feel the breath of Yue'er on her body... so it is." Nalanjing clutched her chest, her face pale as snow, he took a deep breath, "I will go find Yue'er now."

"It's useless, she's Yin'er now, she won't come back with you." Yan Xin frowned.

"I said why the master would not want us, and even beat us... It turns out that she is Pan Yinyin, she is the master's previous life." Xiao Xuan'er looked in a daze, and immediately frowned in confusion, "But Pan Isn’t Yinyin’s mind the master’s? Besides, Pan Yinyin is also dead, so how could she control the master’s body?"

Sheng'er also looked confused. 4

"That's Yin'er's obsession! Yin'er died with hatred more than 60,000 years ago. The hatred in her heart towards Di Yuchen was too deep, so she left a trace of obsession, which hasn't dissipated yet. This time it should be in Yue'er. When the injury encounters danger and the consciousness falls into a deep sleep, Yin'er's obsession dominates the body." I have to say that Yan Xin has already analyzed it, as if she had seen it with her own eyes.

"Then how can we awaken the memory that belongs to the master?" Shengerxiu frowned, with a worried look on her face.

"Pan Yinyin's obsession?" Nalanjing frowned.

"Unless Yue'er's consciousness is awakened, Yue'er can truly wake up." Yan Xin sighed quietly, "I just don't know how Yue'er's consciousness is now..."

"Jing'er, where are you going?" Yan Xin glanced at the distant figure in front of her, and quickly caught up with her and asked.

"I'm going to get Yue'er back." There was an extremely determined aura in the light voice.

"She will kill you!" Yan Xin shouted.

"If I can't bring her back safely, I'd rather die!" The cold and straight figure is very resolute and decisive.

"Hey..." Yan Xin didn't stop her any more, but sighed heavily. Chen'er's temperament was clear to her. Once the decision was made, she would hardly change anything, otherwise he would not have been in Pan Yinyin more than 60,000 years ago. After he died, he chose to blew himself up, and he would never accompany her through the three lives and never give up. From this we can see how deep his affection for Pan Yinyin is! !

I only hope that he can awaken Yue'er's sleeping consciousness!

"Lord, wait for us..." Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er hurriedly followed, how could they lose their share after finding the master.

Before they didn't accompany the master to let the master face so many dangers alone, this time they said nothing would leave!


The last setting sun fell on the side of the day, and the surroundings were completely dimmed, and the world was lonely, with only a few cicadas remaining.


The evening breeze blows, the branches sway, and the shadows are vivid.

In the quiet night, the lonely figure walked aimlessly on the curving bluestone path in the woods, and sorrow and grief flooded her like a tide, wrapping her up, making her even more lonely.

The dead leaves falling in the wind seemed to sing the sadness of this moment.

He couldn't see his fingers, only the silver-white moonlight shone on his shoulders. Only the girl’s slender back can be seen on the cold hill, carrying too much and too much...

In the past, those eyes that were as clear as lake water were full of tears, scarlet, confused, painful, helpless...

Di Yuchen is dead...


Isn't the person he loves a heavenly dream?

Why did he blew himself up? Is it really for her...

Do not!

She doesn't believe it!

If he really loves her, why did he never see her when she was confined more than 60,000 years ago, but turned around and married Tianmeng as the prince!

Therefore, she did not believe it! !

Unless he tells it himself! !

No... even if he said it personally, she wouldn't believe it! Is it not enough to taste the pain more than 60,000 years ago? Do you want to be fooled by him again?

He is dead, that is what he deserves, that is what he deserved!

But why does the heart hurt so much, the pain is almost numb...

Staggering, stumbled, and about to fall, a broad, powerful and warm palm quickly stretched over, supporting her soft and delicate body.

It's so familiar...

She raised her head mechanically, and saw those purple eyes full of tenderness and care, just like before...

"Dust..." She murmured as she looked at him idiotically.

The next moment she pushed him mercilessly, "No, you are not dust, you are not him, although you look exactly the same, even your eyes are the same, but you are not him! You are not..."

Their breath is different.

Even after more than sixty thousand years, she can still tell it at a glance.

Can't you forget it?

She got up from the ground and continued walking aimlessly.

Nalan Jing quietly followed behind her.

"Don't follow me..." A cold and ruthless voice came from the front.

He still followed closely behind.

"Don't follow me anymore!" She looked back suddenly, with a pair of ruthless and cold eyes looking at Nalanjing in front of her.

"I won't go."


The long sword cut through the air, and Sen Leng's blade rested on his slender neck.

"Give you three seconds to disappear from my sight, otherwise I will kill you!"

"I said I won't go! Even if you kill me, I won't go!" A force of sword aura lingered around her neck, Nalanjing's brows were still not wrinkled, and there was peace in her purple eyes.

"Don't think I really dare not kill you!" The sword in Pan Yinyin's hand slightly hardened, the sharp blade pierced his skin, and a trace of red blood fell down the sword, dripping on the ground, and sank. in the dark.

"You kill me, and I won't go!"

"Why follow me!" Pan Yinyin frowned.

"Because you and my lady look alike...I'm waiting for her to come back." The purple eyes, as clear as lake water, stared affectionately at the gorgeous face on the opposite side.

The affectionate gaze made Pan Yinyin breathe, and there was a momentary sense of suffocation. At this moment, she seemed to see the man she once loved so deeply and stared at her so affectionately.


She shook her head, and a mocking sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth. The man she loved betrayed her, betrayed their vows, and was no longer her dust...

"She looks like me, what does it matter to me? I'm not your wife, don't follow me anymore! Otherwise, I will really kill you!" Pan Yinyin came back to her senses, snorted coldly, and put away her hands. The sword continued to move forward.

Nalanjing still followed behind him unhurriedly.

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