Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1639: Pan Yinyin【8】

When she moved her body, the Phantom's footwork unfolded. Just as she was about to rush towards the nine days, dozens of figures rushed down from the sky.

It is Juer and them!

"Second Pavilion Master, Great Pavilion Master..." Juer immediately shouted as soon as she saw Pan Yinyin, their bodies were extremely embarrassed, each covered in blood and wounds.

"Where's my sister?" Pan Yinyin's gaze swept away, but he didn't see Pan Zhijun in the crowd. Her heart couldn't help but her expression became pale, and the fingers under her sleeves were also tightly gripped, sharp. Her nails pierced into the flesh, and she didn't feel the pain, as if there was a huge palm holding her throat invisibly, making her unable to breathe.

At this moment, she was afraid to hear what she didn't want to hear!

"The Great Pavilion Master, her body was destroyed in order to save us, and now the Great Pavilion Master's soul is in the ring." Juer quickly handed Zhong Najie forward.

Hearing Juer's words, Pan Yinyin was obviously relieved, and his pale, paper-like face eased slightly, but the soul of my sister was still there! As long as the soul does not die, there is hope for the body to be reshaped! And when the soul is gone, it disappears forever...

The slender green fingers took the nun in the orange, and the mind penetrated into the nun space, only to find that my sister's breath was extremely weak, so light that it could be blown away by a gust of wind...

Pan Yinyin's heart trembled again.

"Yinyin, I'm sorry, my sister may not be able to accompany you anymore, you will be alone in the future, you must learn to be strong..." Pan Zhijun's voice came out faintly in Na Jie, very thin and weak, as if Floating from above the nine heavens, nothing is ethereal.

"Sister, don't drop Yinyin, Yinyin doesn't want to be alone..." Tears slid down her beautiful white face.

With a movement of her mind, the majestic and mighty true vitality emanated from her body, rushing towards the ring, but it could not repair Pan Zhijun's injured soul.

"Yinyin, don't waste your true energy. It's useless. My soul has been hit hard before, but now my body is destroyed. I don't have much time left. I can hold on until I come back to see you. At the last glance, I was very satisfied, you must live well..." Pan Zhijun's voice was as thin as a mosquito with a hint of relief.

"By the way, elder sister, I got the Peerless Qinglian, it will definitely heal your soul!" As if thinking of something, Pan Yinyin's desperate eyes suddenly burst into joy and excitement, and the palms of her hands flicked. A jade box suddenly appeared on the palm of his hand. When the jade box was opened, a light blue light was refracted from the box, and a strong spiritual energy filled the air.

"Peerless Qinglian needs to be refined into a pill. Great Pavilion Master will not last long..." Juer's eyes were filled with worry and anxiety. The soul of the Lord has...

"I will refine it now, Juer, you take my sister's soul to Frozen Valley." Pan Yinyin wiped the tears from her face, her beautiful face was a bit firmer and less vulnerable.

"Yes." Orange nodded.

"Wait, I'll heal your injuries first." Juer and the others have suffered serious injuries. It is also very important to treat them at the moment. Only when their injuries are healed can they pass the aura to the sister and let her persist. a little time.

When the realm of life was unfolded, the surroundings were like everything in spring, full of vitality.

The injuries of Juer and others also improved quickly, and healed at a speed visible to the naked eye...

The true energy is also quickly full!

Pan Zhijun opened his slightly closed eyes and held Pan Yinyin's wrist with his trembling hands.

When his mind moved, he immediately took out the Great Precipitation Tripod, and began to refine the pill on the spot.

There was no more Pan Zhijun's voice in Na Jie.

Pan Yinyin held Na Jie's fingers trembling slightly, she hurried towards the back of the sleeping hall, and Juer and the others quickly followed.

Originally, there were more than 1,000 disciples in Wanhua Pavilion. This time, they went to the heaven with King Pan Zhi. Now there are less than a hundred or so people left. All of them were seriously injured, and some were even severely injured to a coma and were brought back by their companions. of.

After Juer and the others recovered from their injuries, they immediately took the Najie containing the soul of Pan Zhijun to Hanyu Valley.

Pan Yinyin took out Honghuangding on the spot and began to refine the peerless Qinglian.

After a while, I saw Juer rushing over, "Second Pavilion Master, it's not good, the soul of Great Pavilion Master is about to dissipate!"

Pan Yinyin's face turned pale, an unsteady mind, almost frying the stove, she bit her lip firmly, and tried her best to restrain the panic and panic in her heart, "Do everything possible to stabilize my sister's soul! At any cost! !"

She just came back, is her sister going to die forever?

Do not! She can't let her sister leave!

As long as one hour is strong, the Qinglian Pill can be refined!

"Yes!" Juer hurried back.

Seeing Juer's disappearing back, Pan Yinyin was anxious.

No, one hour is too long, I wonder if my sister can hold on for that long! She must shorten the time as soon as possible!

Gritting your teeth, the true vitality in your body is pouring into the medicine cauldron, you must speed up the progress and speed up the pill!

Layers of fine sweat leaked from her and her forehead, and her mental energy was overdrawn, causing her head to feel dizzy, and her body shook. She gritted her teeth and stood up straight again.

I don't know how long it took, Juer rushed out again, "Second Pavilion Master, we have exhausted all our methods! Great Pavilion Master..."

Pan Yinyin's heart was tight, and he couldn't care about anything else. As soon as he gritted his teeth, the Qinglong Minghuo gushed out of his body, wrapped the pill in the medicine cauldron, held his palm, and the footwork flashed out at the same time, a light purple figure Has turned into a gust of wind, rushing towards the Hanyu Valley behind!

When she rushed to the cold jade valley, a strong medicinal fragrance overflowed from her palms.

There was a faint white mist floating in the air, and the air seemed to be frozen. It seemed that with a breath, it could freeze immediately.

On the cold jade bed in the middle was a very faint figure. If you didn't look carefully, you would not see it at all.

The faint figure seemed to melt into the white jade bed.

Pan Yinyin quickly rushed to the Hanyu bed, crushed the Qinglian Pill with soul power, and then input it into Pan Zhijun’s soul body, and saw that the powder immediately turned into a pure medicinal power to nourish and repair her soul... …

"The second pavilion master, the soul of the pavilion master seems to have recovered some..." Juer shouted in surprise, "peerless Qinglian is really useful! Great! Great pavilion master is saved!"

Only in the next moment, Juer couldn't shout anymore, and all the cheers and excitement seemed to be stuck in his throat.

Because the remaining powder of Qinglian Pill Pan Zhijun's soul no longer absorbs, the excess powder is slowly dissipated in the air.

"Second Pavilion Master, what's going on? Why is this?" Juer asked with horror on his face.

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