Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1647: Pan Yinyin【16】

With a movement of her mind, she entered the sky-reaching space.

Seeing the green water and green mountains below her feet, everything grows, her expression gradually becomes confused.

How did this space come from? I remember that there was no such space in her body before. When she woke up, not only did the world change, but there was also an inexplicable space in her body...


A quiet and graceful shout of a woman sounded behind her.

She looked back, and under the vast blue sky, the woman in a light purple dress looked at her with a smile, her prosperous face seemed to be covered with a halo in the faint sunlight, hazy and dreamy.

"Who are you?!" Pan Yinyin's expression immediately became vigilant, staring at the face exactly the same as himself.

There are people in this world who look the same as her!

"Are you Yue'er?" Pan Yinyin asked with a somewhat uncertain eyebrows.

"Yes, it's me, my name is Mu Qianyue." Mu Qianyue's lips curled slightly.

Pan Yinyin stared at her blankly. She was Yue'er... Di Yuchen and Yue'er in Wuya's mouth?

No, he is no longer Di Yuchen, but Nalanjing, Di Yuchen is dead!

Di Yuchen, a big liar, said that he would love her for life, but after being reincarnated, he fell in love with a woman who looked exactly like her...

Ha ha... Di Yuchen had already lost her more than 60,000 years ago, let alone reincarnation...

Even Nalanjing, she would make him feel better, who made him the reincarnation of Di Yuchen!

The debts of the previous life will be paid in this life!

It's just a causal cycle.

"Yinyin, you misunderstood him. From beginning to end, Di Yuchen has never forgotten you. The person he loves has always been you! It has never changed!" Mu Qianyue looked at her seriously.

"Heh, do you think I will believe what you said? Tell me, how did you come into my body?" Pan Yinyin looked at her vigilantly and sharply, and a bloodthirsty cold light appeared on the corner of her lips. "Who are you? Why do you look exactly like you?"

"Pan Yinyin, more than 60,000 years ago, you were dead and blew yourself to death. Now you are just a touch of soul. In fact, I am you and you are me. To be precise, I am your reincarnation. Now you have invaded my body, that's why you mistakenly think that you are alive..." Mu Qianyue sighed helplessly.

Pan Yinyin's obsession is too strong, and has been occupying her body forever, she can't drive her out at all.

Because in the structure of the soul, she and Pan Yinyin's soul are very similar.

If it is forced out, it will only hurt both sides, and this body will eventually become a walking dead.

Some time ago, her soul was severely injured, but now she has recovered a little bit before daring to appear in front of Pan Yinyin.

Hearing that, Pan Yinyin's eyes were incredibly wide-eyed, she was dead? She died more than 60,000 years ago?

No, it's impossible!

The elder sister said that she was not dead, it was the void that the elder sister threw her soul into, and it was the divine weapon that Drunk Linglong protected her, so she was able to rebuild her body...

"You bullshit! I don't care who you are, and I don't care about your conspiracy, you never want to fool me!" Pan Yinyin glared at her eyes, and a cold, bloodthirsty chill emanated from her, filling the whole world. .

"Although you can enter and exit this space at will, this space was not created by you, so you are not the master of this space, and I am. This is the best proof." Mu Qianyue is not afraid. Anger, a movement of thoughts, wherever the eyes pass, everything is resurrected, a hundred flowers bloom, birds vying, a splendid and vibrant scene.

Pan Yinyin stared at the scene like a dream in front of him in a daze.

"If you don't believe me, you can try." Mu Qianyue's voice rang in her ears.

She came back to her senses in a daze, trying to control this space with her mind, only to find that she couldn't do it at all!

She is like a dust in this space, humble and small.

"Sixty thousand years of time is really enough to change too much." Mu Qianyue sighed faintly, "Ten years ago, I accidentally fell into the endless void in a battle with Tian Meng. It was Drunk Linglong at the time. Protected me so that I was not crushed by the power of time and space, but Drunk Linglong’s power was too strong. I had to break through to the realm of God before I could break Drunk Linglong’s defenses and come out from it. I spent ten years. The time has broken through from the 9th-order Tianzun to the realm of God, but because of the absorption of too much time and space power in the past ten years, they are violent and raging, and almost destroyed my meridians. I tried my best to resist. I fainted, and when I woke up, I realized that you had invaded my body."

"Heaven? That bitch, I'm going to kill her by myself!" Thinking of the face that made her hate and anger, Pan Yinyin's beautiful face was a bit hideous.

"She is dead." Mu Qianyue said lightly.

"Who told you to be nosy?" Pan Yinyin frowned unhappy.

"You made a mistake, I just avenged myself!" Mu Qianyue hummed lightly.

"These are just your one-sided words, why should I believe you? Are you trying to lie to my body?" There was a chill in Pan Yinyin's eyes.

A deep frustration flashed in Mu Qianyue's eyes, "You see for yourself how well you fit this body."

Pan Yinyin frowned, but he checked it, and a dignified look gradually appeared in his eyes, "What have you done to me, why do I only fit the body 90%..."

"Because this is not your body, but my body, so your fit with this body is only 90%. If it is the soul of this body, the fit will be 100%, you should be very clear about this." Mu Qian Yue said lightly.

Pan Yinyin's face changed constantly.

"Pan Yinyin, you died more than sixty thousand years ago. I am your reincarnation, and you are my past life. Mr. Pan Zhi has asked me to leave Nalanjing and join Wanhua Pavilion. I Did not promise her, so she lied to you after you seized my body."

"You are talking nonsense! Sister can't lie to me! Also, why did you refuse your sister's invitation to be with that grieving man, don't you know that Di Yuchen is responsible for me?" Pan Yinyin's eyes gradually changed Got red.

"Di Yuchen didn't take you down." Mu Qianyue looked at her tightly, and said word by word earnestly, "In the previous life, when you were imprisoned in the Nether Abyss by the Demon Lord and Tian Meng, Di Tian went to find Over you, let you refine the Heavenly Soul Pill for him, but the Heavenly Soul Pill is too cruel and you refused, but do you know why Ditian asked you to refine the Heavenly Soul Pill?"

Pan Yinyin was taken aback for a moment, her eyebrows condensed in contemplation. She had thought about this problem at the time, but did not understand it.

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