Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1653: 诛 heaven [3]

"Thank you for the life-saving grace of the two beautiful sisters." The young man wiped the blood from his mouth, stepped forward, and looked at Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er gratefully.

"You're welcome, the person you want to thank is our master. If it weren't for our master to make us take action, we wouldn't be nosy." Xiao Xuan'er raised her chin proudly.

"Master?" The young man condensed his eyebrows and looked up, only to see a light purple figure walking slowly among the layers of verdant forest, like a fairy walking in the painting, beautiful and refined, without a trace of earthly atmosphere. .

"Are you their master? Thank you for saving me." The boy has a delicate face and his eyes are clear and clean.

"Yes." Mu Qianyue nodded with a faint smile on her lips.

"Under Lingfeng, I can't remember your great kindness, and I will repay it later." The boy said earnestly every word.

"You are polite. My name is Mu Qianyue, what is this place? Is there any town near here?" Mu Qianyue asked.

"This is Meimu Mountain, and the nearest town is a thousand miles away, but for us it is just a tea time. Are you going to the town?" Lingfeng blinked her beautiful big eyes, cute It's like a little Zhengtai.

"En." Mu Qianyue resisted the urge to pinch his face and nodded.

"Just as I am free, I will take you there!" Lingfeng said.

"Yes!" Mu Qianyue nodded happily. Someone led the way when she first came here. Naturally it is the best. Maybe she can get some useful information from the little guy.


The tall city wall is made of yellow bricks, and it has a desolate and simple atmosphere.

"This is not Cangmo City anymore." Lingfeng's eyes looked at the crowd surging in the city with a look of excitement.

"Lingfeng, is this the first time you have come out? How do you look at your excitement?" Xiao Xuan'er asked curiously.

Lingfeng scratched his head in embarrassment, "It is indeed the first time I came out, and the first time I have met so many people!"

Xiao Xuan'er touched his head with some sympathy, and couldn't help thinking about how she had spent a thousand years alone in the palace of unfeeling before, and her gaze at Lingfeng was even more pitiful, "How old are you this year? ?"

"Hehe...I'm 10,000 years old this year, and the clansmen said that I was too young and they wouldn't let me out, saying that there were too many bad people outside!" Lingfeng looked helpless.

Ten thousand years...

Too young...

Hearing Lingfeng's words, Mu Qianyue, Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er twitched their mouths helplessly.

Well, it turns out that 10,000 years old in this Heavenly Jade Realm is still a kid...

However, the same is true in the Primordial Realm. As for why they have difficulty in improving their strength after 10,000 years of cultivation, it is because their meridians are wider than ordinary humans, more than ten times that of ordinary humans, so they need to cultivate. The true elemental power is more, and the upgrade is more difficult.

However, at the same realm, they would definitely be able to kill each other in seconds, even without much effort.

This is why Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er are both in the realm of God, but they are not opponents of the demon lord when they join forces.

If it weren't for Mu Qianyue's bloodline of the Azure Dragon and cultivated the immortal body of the stars, he would definitely not be able to defeat the Demon Lord! Even so, it was just a fluke to win the last time. In the real fight, she was not the opponent of the devil at all!

Mu Qianyue and the group of four entered Cangmo City. Although there were many people in the city, many things still showed primitive style.


As she walked, Mu Qianyue suddenly stopped, her eyes fell on a stall under her feet, and she saw a piece of green wood placed there.

Na Qingmu looked ordinary and strange, but deeply attracted Mu Qianyue's gaze. This was Qing Linmu!

The best elixir to create the body of Warcraft is also one of the most important!

Ever since I found Qinglong and Xuanwu, the matter has been delayed because they have not been able to find the elixir to reshape the body.

Qinglin wood is a kind of peerless sacred wood, which contains the essence of heaven and earth, sun and moon aura. The most important thing is that it attracts the blood corpses of various beasts as nourishment to grow, so it is born with the breath of beasts, and it is also the most It is suitable for refining the flesh for the demon clan.

But the growth of the Qinglin wood is very slow, and it may take tens of thousands of years to grow a little bit, and the arm-sized Qinglin wood in front of me has grown for at least one hundred thousand years...

She paused and walked back to the stall, "How can I sell this green wood?"

"Girl, the old man doesn't sell this blue lin wood, only bartering things, if you can bring out something that makes my heart beat, this blue lin wood will be given to you." Sitting in front of the booth was an old man, His slightly closed eyes slowly opened, a ray of light flashed under his eyes, and a deep and secluded gaze fell on Mu Qianyue's face.

The thing that moved his heart?

Mu Qianyue raised her head and looked at him. For a while, the corners of her lips curled up with a smile, "I guess you don't look down on what I have. I see that you are the peak strength of the 9th-order Tianzun, so I must have been stuck here for a long time. ?"

"Yes! Lao Fu Ka has been in the realm of Tier 9 Heavenly Sovereign for more than 30,000 years." The old man said without shy, "The little girl has good eyesight, and she can see through the strength of the old man at a glance, presumably your strength is not below me. But. , If you don’t have something that can move my heart, I cannot give you this Qinglinmu."

"According to my observation, the reason why you have been staying on the ninth-order Heavenly Sovereign and can no longer make progress is because your body has accumulated too much toxins that cannot be discharged." Her crystal-like jade face was filled with a faint smile, as crisp as The fall of the heavenly voice made the old man's body tremble fiercely.

He raised his head excitedly and looked at Mu Qianyue with shining eyes, "Little girl, do you have a solution? If you can help me expel the toxins from my body, this green forest tree is yours. !"

To know this problem in the body, I don't know how many years it has troubled him!

For 30,000 years, he hasn't improved anymore, and his strength has been stuck there! Seeing that everyone who was weaker than him had surpassed him, and seeing the time of Heaven's Tribulation getting shorter and shorter, he didn't even know whether he could survive it!

Over the past 30,000 years, he has also found a lot of pill masters, but they were unable to expel the toxins from his body, so that he was almost disappointed!

This time he accidentally got Qinglinmu. He wanted to try his luck in the city to see if he could meet a **** pill. In this way, he could also rely on the pill to make progress!

"Of course." Mu Qianyue is still very sure about this, "but I still need to observe your body carefully, and then formulate a set of detoxification methods."

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