Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1662: 诛 heaven [13]

Why is there another God Realm? !

The woman in front of me who laughs so much but is cold and biting is in the realm of God, so why is this woman in purple clothes also in the realm of God?

Are all so young, isn't God Realm so worthless?

Feng Yunxin's face was not much better than Feng Tiancheng, the same pale face, under this strong pressure, her body trembled uncontrollably, and she wanted to fight two gods before. , And want to grab something from them! Even the three elders are just a ninth-order Tianzun!

But when Feng Yunxin heard Mu Qianyue say that she was not a member of the Spirit Race, her eyes showed surprise, and the proud and self-righteous expression returned to her face again, "Huh! What if you two are in the realm of God?" Do you want to be an enemy of my Xuan Clan? If you dare to hurt me a bit, my Xuan Clan will definitely not let you go, and will do my best to chase you!"

What I said is so arrogant!

"Kneel down!" Xiao Xuan'er's mouth was almost crooked, and she shouted angrily, mixed with strong coercion, such as the pressure of a hundred thousand mountains.

Feng Yun couldn't help her legs softening, and she knelt directly in front of Mu Qianyue. The tremendous pressure made her unable to lift her head, and she didn't even have the strength to move her fingers.

Seeing the mocking gazes of everyone around, Feng Yunxin's face was even more blue and white, extremely ugly. She glared at Mu Qianyue and Xiao Xuan'er and said, "Dare you let this lady kneel down for you? "

How dare these **** humiliate her so much! Thinking about her magnificent second lady of the Xuan Clan, she grew up in the palm of her hand that was held in her hands since she was a child. Where did she suffer such grievances and humiliation?

This is more uncomfortable than killing her!

Xiao Xuan'er curled her lips in disdain, "What can't you dare?"

"You dare to humiliate this lady so, my Xuan Clan will never let you go!" Feng Yunxin gritted her teeth and looked extremely angry.

"It seems she still doesn't know where she went wrong." Mu Qianyue's lips lightly hooked, and she cast a deep gaze at Xiao Xuan'er, "Xuan'er."

"Yes, master." Xiao Xuan'er showed a sly light in her eyes, and while rolling up her sleeves, she sneered and approached Feng Yunxin.

"You, what do you want to do?" Looking at Xiao Xuan'er's ill-intentioned and cold smile, Feng Yunxin's heart was full of panic and fear, but she was put under heavy pressure, which made her unable to move. , I could only watch Xiao Xuan'er getting closer...

"What are you doing?" Xiao Xuan'er sneered, and walked to her, "Of course I was teaching you!"

When the words fell, there was a crisp bang, and a slap was slammed on Feng Yunxin's face, and her fair and beautiful face was instantly swollen.

That slap slapped Feng Yun's heart directly, and she didn't even react. Feng Tiancheng and the other members of the Xuan clan standing beside her had expressions of shock and consternation, but under the strong pressure of the God Realm. , They can't move the same link.

"Didn't your parents teach you what is etiquette and shame?" Xiao Xuan'er said angrily, and another'pop' slap landed on the other half of Feng Yunxin's face, and that half of her face instantly swelled up. A red finger print is clearly visible.

"Doesn't it feel good to bully others and take arrogance?"

"Slap" is another slap.

"It's disgusting to speak dirty, think dirty, and use whatever means to achieve the goal!"

Continue to slap the past.

"Xuan Clan is great? Can you bully people casually?" Xiao Xuan'er got more and more angry, and the attack heavier than before. After a while, Feng Yunxin's face became swollen, like The pig's head is very ugly.

When Feng Tiancheng and those from the Xuan clan saw Feng Yunxin being beaten, they were anxious and angry, but helpless!

The second lady is the treasure of the patriarch! How can you be so wronged since childhood? It has always been only the second lady who bullied others!

If this were to return to the Xuan Clan and let the patriarch know that the second young lady was beaten under their noses, the patriarch would be furious, and they would definitely be implicated!

Everyone in the restaurant applauded.

Such a woman should be beaten, it is owed!

"Acknowledgement?" Xiao Xuan'er asked while beating.

A trace of blood dripped from the corner of Feng Yunxin's mouth. She raised her head and looked at Xiao Xuan'er with crimson anger. She gritted her teeth and said angrily, "You untouchables, how dare you treat me like this? Chase you down! Let you regret what happened today!"

"You still have a stiff mouth? Then I can only continue to fight until you admit your mistake!" Xiao Xuan'er sneered at the corner of her mouth, and slapped her hand with a slap again.

Feng Tiancheng and the others were sweating profusely, but they had nothing to do, but the third elder of the Xuan Clan and Xing You had a hard time fighting, and they didn't know the situation here.

Everyone in the restaurant hated Feng Yunxin's self-confidence that she was arrogant and arrogant, so there was no one to help, let alone the grievances between the Xuan Clan, Xingyue Clan and Spirit Clan? No matter who you are helping, you are bound to offend the other two big clans, unless you are a fool who wants his life to take care of such nosy!

So, just watch the excitement quietly.

However, the dignified second Miss Xuan Clan was slapped in public like this, I am afraid it will not be long before this matter will spread to the entire Zhutian Realm, right?

Hmm... the identity of the woman in purple is even more curious!

Just now she admitted that she was not from the Spirit Race, nor from the Xuan Clan and Xingyue Clan, yet she dared to beat the second Miss Xuan Clan in the face like this in public. Could she be more powerful than these three Witch Clan?


The three great witch races are the strongest forces in the entire Zhu Tian realm!

Or is she too crazy?

It seems that it can only be the latter, and everyone shook their heads and sighed.

"Ah... don't fight anymore..." Feng Yunxin couldn't help begging for mercy until she couldn't bear the beating. At this time, she was already completely different. How could there be the slightest bit of arrogance and beauty before?

Her face was swollen like a pig's head, and her hair was already scattered. I'm afraid that her father and mother came, and they couldn't recognize her!

"It's okay if you don't fight. I admit a mistake to my master and let you go." Xiao Xuan'er raised her brows lightly, and there were dots of brilliance in her clear eyes.

Feng Yunxin gritted her teeth tightly, her eyes flashing with humiliation.

Sheng'er stood beside Xiao Xuan'er with an indifferent expression, and looked at Feng Yunxin coldly, "Xuan'er, you should have pain in your hands now? Let's change me now. When I'm tired, you will Come on, the two of us will take turns..."

Upon hearing this, Feng Yunxin's body trembled uncontrollably.

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