Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1664: 诛 heaven [15]

"Senior Xing, eat when it's time to eat, drink when it's time to drink, don't ruin your mood for those irrelevant people, don't you live forever for happiness?" Lingfeng laughed, handsome and handsome. His face was open-minded and cheerful.

Xingyou was stunned by his words, "Haha, it's your kid who can see it. I didn't expect that I lived a lot of age, and I might not be as transparent as you, a stinky kid."

Mu Qianyue had a faint smile on her lips, obviously agreeing with Lingfeng's words.

The group found a place to sit down again, ordered a table of wine and food, and drank until sunset before returning.


"Xin'er, how's your face?" Feng Tiancheng followed Feng Yunxin's body, and felt the rolling chill from her body, and she couldn't help shrinking her shoulders in fear.

It's okay not to mention this matter. When it comes to this matter, Feng Yunxin exploded directly. She turned around and slapped Feng Tiancheng's face fiercely, staring fiercely at Feng Tiancheng and the Xuan behind her with a cold and resentful look. The people of the tribe said, "You rubbish! It's useless at all. I just watched this lady being humiliated by them! What use does this lady want you rubbish?"

Feng Tiancheng lowered his head, not daring to say a word, half of his face flushed, and his expression was extremely aggrieved and uncomfortable.

The faces of the other members of the Xuan Clan are also unsightly. In other words, who is willing to be scolded by a woman as trash?

But who made her the second young lady of the Xuan Clan, the jewel in the palm of the patriarch?

"Second Miss, we can't blame them for this matter, it's our carelessness. I didn't expect the two women to be in the realm of God!" said the third elder of the Xuan Clan.

"Isn't it just two gods? Three elders, it should be okay to drag two gods with your strength? There shouldn't be a big problem with a few of them dragging a ninth-order heavenly sovereign? But what about the result? But it was not useful at all. Not only did one person fail to hold it, but they were dragged to death! It also caused this lady to be embarrassed and beaten in public! What do I want you to use?" The eyes under the veil were sprayed. Anger, full of resentment.

At this moment, even Elder Xuan San's expression became unsightly, and the second lady even scolded him together! Although he called her the second young lady, his rights and status in the clan were not lower than the second young lady! Want to know how much credit he made for the Xuan Clan? Even the patriarch would give him a face when he saw him. When would it be a little girl's turn to teach him?

"Second young lady, what happened today was caused by you yourself. Now that you have been beaten, you still want to blame us? If they hadn't seen the Xuan Clan's face, none of us would be able to go today! If they don’t give it to you, they want to grab it. Will this happen? The other party is the Star Moon Clan and the Spirit Clan! Don’t forget that you and the Young Master of the Spirit Clan are still married, you Now that even the Young Master of the Spirit Race is offended, think about it for yourself! Don't let the marriage with the Young Master of the Spirit Race be cancelled and cry again." Elder Xuan San said with a gloomy face, very unhappy.

Feng Yun's heart choked, her eyes became colorless in an instant, and a panic gradually filled her eyes, no, she couldn't cancel the marriage with Brother Jun! She likes Brother Jun so much!

Blame those bitches, and what is Lingfeng, which is really annoying! If it weren't for them, she wouldn't be everyone's joke!

All of a sudden, Feng Yun's eyes flushed, and her tears fell, "Third Elder, what should I do? Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, marrying Brother Jun is not my father and you? "

"There is no room for maneuver on this matter, the patriarch and I will find a way." Elder Xuan San gave Feng Yunxin an impatient look. If it weren't for marrying with the Spirit Race, it would bring great benefits to the Xuan Clan. , He didn't want to care about it.

The temper of the second lady almost killed everyone!

Feng Yunxin let out a long sigh of relief when Elder Xuan San said that there was still room for recovery.

"Second Miss, I hope you will be a human being and do things in the future, and your eyes will be bright, because you represent not only yourself, but also the reputation of the entire Xuan Clan!" Elder Xuan San said displeased. At that time, Miss Second told him that she was The Qing Linmu he was fancying was robbed by others, so he planned to help Miss Er get it back. Who knows that things are not the same thing as Miss Er!

Feng Yunxin lowered her head, half-biting her lips, her face was humiliated, her hands under her sleeves were tightly twisted together, and her resentment towards Mu Qianyue and the others deepened.

"But they hit my Xuanzu's face like this, it's not so easy to calculate this matter, otherwise, where should I put my Xuanzu's face?" Elder Xuan San's words turned, his slightly squinted eyes rushed. Yin sting.

"Yes! It's definitely not the case!" Feng Tiancheng interrupted quickly, "I heard those three women say before, as if they were neither from the Star Moon Clan nor from the Spirit Clan! I really don't know if they are eating. With the courage of Xiongxinbaozi, dare to fight against our Xuanzu!"

Fearing to make Feng Yun dissatisfied, Feng Tiancheng hurriedly pushed the fault to Mu Qianyue and the others.

"Although the second young lady is also wrong in this matter, they are too arrogant, so they don't put the Xuan Clan in their eyes, and they must teach them a lesson!" Elder Xuan San had a gloomy look, and paused, "but they have three gods. , Just because I am not the opponent of the three of them at all, let's go back to the Xuan Clan first."

Feng Tiancheng and others were shocked when they heard this, especially Feng Yunxin cried out inconceivably, "Three elders, what did you say? You said they have three gods? This is impossible. Xingyou is not a ninth-order Tianzun. ?"

"The imposing aura that the purple-clothed woman and the red-clothed woman exude is in the realm of God, there is no doubt about that. As for the green-clothed woman, although she did not take action, her momentum is not lower than that of the red-clothed woman, and she and The red-clothed woman is also calling the purple-clothed woman as her master. It is conceivable that her strength is not low, and it may also be in the God state!" Elder Xuan San pondered for a moment and thought.

His words silenced Feng Yunxin and the others, as if a heavy hammer hit Feng Yunxin's heart so hard that she was extremely uncomfortable.


All three of them are in the realm of God?

No, this is impossible!

When did she know so many outstanding geniuses appeared in Zhu Tianjie?

Who else in this world has a talent that can match Brother Jun?

"Three elders, are you sure they are all in the realm of God? Are you sure you read it right?" Feng Yun asked unwillingly. Although her talent is not as good as that of Brother Jun, she is still one of the best, and now she has appeared. How can she be willing to three women who are more beautiful than her and have better talents than her?

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