Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1676: Spirit City【10】

"Puff! Hahaha... laughed at me!" When she heard this, Xiao Xuan'er on the side almost laughed crossed. She smiled with her hands on her hips and made no image. She leaned forward and backward, almost not holding herself. Laugh to death.

Why is this fat guy so funny! In order to keep my job, I really want to do anything!

Mu Qianyue also whispered the corners of her mouth speechlessly. Xiaofeng, this guy, would really find a reason to punish people! Toss a fat man like this...

Sheng'er covers his mouth and snickers, Xiao Feng'er is too bad! But it's so cute! Hehe...

Seeing that he was being laughed at, Ling Yudong was so ashamed that he wanted to find a hole in it.

"Then do it according to Feng'er." Lingjun said, his words undoubtedly confirmed the facts, Ling Yudong will no longer be the chief manager of Lingfu from now on, but a messenger!

Ling Yudong instantly fell from the status of the chief manager to a handyman who was bullied. The disparity of the gap and the huge blow made him roll his eyes and almost fainted on the spot...

If he could, he really wanted to slap his nephew to death with a slap!

"Brother, I think Ling Yuqian is pretty good. From now on, he will be the chief manager of this spiritual palace." Lingfeng pointed to Ling Yuqian who was on the side, just now in the process of fighting Lingmu Xiao and Feng Yunxin. In the middle, Ling Yuqian is upright and does not fear power. This makes Lingfeng very appreciated, and the Ling clan needs such talents! It does not have to be very powerful, but absolute loyalty and integrity are required!

"Okay, just follow what you said." Lingjun's mouth raised a slight arc and nodded with a smile.

"Brother, do you believe me so?"

"You are my brother, I don't believe who do you believe? I believe that Feng'er's eyes can't be wrong." Lingjun's palm lightly stroked Lingfeng's hair, his eyes were full of petting, it was a petting brother crazy.

"If I had a brother like this, it would be fine, Xiao Fengzi is so happy!" Xiao Xuan'er had an enviable look in her eyes. She used to live alone, but after meeting the master, she no longer He is a person, in addition to having a master spoiling himself, there are also a group of good partners, "Hehe...Although I don't have a brother, I have a master and you!"

The envy on Xiao Xuan'er's face faded, she held Mu Qianyue's arm in one hand, and Sheng'er's arm in the other. The corners of her white lips made a light smile, and the red plum blossomed like bright red plum blossoms in an instant. , Fascinating.

With the master, with such a group of good friends who are born and die, what else does she envy? Only others envy oneself!

"Okay, let's go in. Three girls, please come inside." Ling Junchao Mu Qianyue, Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er made a gesture of asking, standing jade, graceful and noble, raising hands Both show the good cultivation and character of the noble son of the family. This is a kind of elegance carved into the bones, without any disguise, and it is very pleasing to the eye.

After Mu Qianyue and his party entered the Lingfu, one of them pointed to Ling Yudong who had fainted on the ground and asked Ling Yuqian, "General Manager, what should he do?"

"Drag in first, and when he wakes up, let him move out of the general management courtyard immediately." Ling Yuqian said in a cold voice, took two steps, paused, turned around and said to the person behind him, "Ling Mu Xiao's matter Just take care of it." He also entered the spiritual palace immediately, and there are many things waiting for him to do.

"Dog things, I didn't expect that there will be today, it is really a karma cycle!" One person stepped forward and kicked Ling Yudong hard.

"Haha, I have to thank the young master, the young master is mighty!" The other person smiled happily, dragging Lingyu east to the mansion from left to right.

After Ling Yudong was abolished from the position of general manager, everyone felt a bad breath, very excited and happy.

Lingmu Xiao's face followed behind him like ashes, his face looked ugly as he looked at it, and he couldn't wait to find a regret medicine to take it! Had it not been for the woman Feng Yunxin, he and uncle wouldn't have been in such a situation!

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world!


The sunset is sinking, and the sky is full of red clouds, like a gorgeous flame.

Lingjun hurriedly walked out of Lingxi Garden, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on him, as if covered with a light red gauze, hazy and dreamy.

"Brother Jun, you haven't been with me these few days. I want to go out and go shopping. Will you accompany me?" A slender figure greeted him from the bluestone path opposite, with joy on his pretty face. The voice was soft and glutinous, with a coquettish connotation, it was Feng Yunxin in the day.

At this moment, she painted delicate makeup, without the sadness and gaffes of the day. When she went back before, she was really sad. Brother Qijun helped these three strange women, not herself! But after getting angry, she calmed down again, feeling more and more that she was fooled by Mu Qianyue and the others!

They must deliberately want to get rid of themselves so that they can get along with Brother Jun alone, so she won't be fooled by them! Brother Jun belongs to her, no one wants to take it away! Let them not succeed!

So after thinking about it, she immediately dressed herself beautifully and couldn't wait to find Lingjun.

"I have something else, you can go shopping by yourself." Lingjun looked at her with a cold voice, as usual.

But Feng Yunxin was accustomed to his coldness, so she didn't feel anything. She stepped forward and grabbed his sleeve, blinking her beautiful black eyes gently, looking at her grievances extremely, arousing affection, "Brother Jun , Will you stay with me, okay? It’s boring to go shopping alone."

"I'll find some maids to accompany you." Ling Jun said.

"No!" Feng Yun pouted dissatisfiedly, "I just want to go shopping with Brother Jun. I heard that the moonlight will be beautiful tonight. I want to go for a stroll under the moon with you..."

When talking about the back, there were two blushes on her cheeks, her little daughter's shy appearance, bright and beautiful.

It's a pity that Lingjun saw no other emotions on his face, let alone any other thoughts, "I have a banquet for Xiaofeng and Girl Mu tonight, and I won't accompany you."

Throwing a word lightly, he strode away.

Seeing Lingjun leaving behind, the smile on Feng Yunxin's face suddenly became gloomy, her eyes were fierce and she gritted her teeth bitterly, "Damn it! It's Mu Qianyue again! I will never let it go. They are better off! With me here, they would never want to take Brother Jun away!"

Brother Jun is so good and the young master of the Spirit Race, I don't know how many women are secretly hitting Brother Jun's idea, and they are no exception!

It's just that they don't look at their identities. Are they worthy of Brother Jun because of their lowly status?

Is it a banquet? She goes too!

Since she couldn't stop Brother Jun, she would never give them a chance to be alone! Humph!

After thinking about it, Feng Yunxin stepped up and immediately followed.

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