Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1678: Spirit City【12】

Feng Yunxin's face suddenly stiffened, a little ugly, but she controlled it well, Quandang didn't hear it, and squeezed out a smile. She picked up the flask on the table and poured it into the flask in front of Lingjun. After drinking a glass of wine, he gently lifted it, and said with a smile in the direction of Mu Qianyue, Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er, "Thank you three for saving Feng'er's life. It was Yunxin's fault before. , Yunxin misunderstood the three of them, and I hope the three of you will forgive me. In the future, you will also be Yunxin's lifesavers, and Yunxin will thank you for Feng'er!"

After all, he raised his head and wanted to drink it all, but Lingjun grabbed his wrist.

Feng Yunxin raised her head and saw Lingjun's eyes drooping and staring at the wine cup in her hand earnestly and solemnly. The black star-like eyes were as deep as a secluded pool, but they were also more profound and charming.

"Brother Jun, it's just a glass of wine. I'm fine. As long as I can get forgiveness from Ms. Mu and the others, let alone a glass of wine, I will drink ten glasses of wine without hesitation." Feng Yunxin's face was shy. Looking at Lingjun, his brows and eyes are shy. Is Brother Jun worried about her?

Lingjun's face was still indifferent and cold, but there was a little disgust under his eyes, "I don't like others touching my cup."

With a scream, Feng Yunxin's shy blushing face instantly turned into pig liver color, and the smile at the corner of her mouth froze so abruptly, neither smiling nor crying, that expression can be as ugly as it is. , It is almost embarrassing to death.

"Brother Jun..." The voice was as soft as a mosquito, with infinite grievances, she looked at Lingjun with tears, Feng Yunxin still holding a wine cup in her hands, and she didn't know whether she should drink it or not.

"Let it go." Lingjun's voice was cold and there was no room for bargaining.

Seeing that Lingjun seemed to be angry, Feng Yunxin had to put down the wine glass obediently. She lowered her head slightly, tears coming from her eyes, and sobbing softly.

How could Brother Jun treat her like this, hate her in front of so many people, and not even give her a trace of face...

"Come here, give me a glass of wine." Lingjun indifferently ordered.

As his voice fell, a maidservant immediately stepped forward and carefully and respectfully replaced Lingjun with a wine cup.

With a flick of Lingjun's finger, a ray of light flew out and fell on the handmaid's hand, and saw that the wine cup held by Feng Yunxin in the handmaid's hand instantly turned into powder.

"Brother Jun, you are too much!" Feng Yunxin couldn't help it anymore, and stood up ‘teng’, her eyes staring angrily, looking at Lingjun in pain and sadness.

Did she just touch the wine bottle? As for whether he was changed and destroyed? Is she so annoying and annoying?

"Miss Feng, you should know my habits. I never like others to touch me randomly." Lingjun said lightly.

"But... but I'm not someone else... I'm your fiancee!" Feng Yun was pitiful with tears in her eyes.

"At least not yet."

Lingjun's indifference and alienation deeply hurt Feng Yunxin's heart, "Does that make a difference? We will hold an engagement ceremony tomorrow, and then I will be your fiancee! Wouldn't you not allow me to touch it in the future? Is it your thing? We will be the ones who will live together in the same bed for a lifetime!"

"That's tomorrow too." Lingjun's eyebrows seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, and the whole body was bathed in the sunset, making it even colder.

"Brother Jun, you weren't like this before. We knew each other when we were young. Although we can't talk about childhood sweethearts, they are familiar with each other. I don't know why you are doing this to me. Is Xin'er doing a bad job? Tell me I, I can change it! For you, I am willing to do anything!" Feng Yunxin looked at him seriously and sadly with tears in her eyes.

"Miss Feng, you are fine, you don't need to change anything." Lingjun said lightly.

"Since I'm fine, why do you treat me like this, be so indifferent to me and so alienated?" How could Feng Yunxin fail to hear that this was Lingjun's perfunctory, she raised her eyes lightly, and fell in front of Mu Qian Yue, Xiao Xuan'er, and Sheng'er's lips pursed with mockery, "Is it because of them? They are indeed prettier than me, but my appearance is not bad, and I am the second young lady of the Xuan Clan. My identity is They are simply incomparable!"

Since these three women came to the Spirit Race, Brother Jun has become even more indifferent to himself. The indifference before was the same for everyone, but now this kind of indifference obviously keeps her away!

"This is our business, it has nothing to do with them, don't involve innocent people." Lingjun frowned.

"Huh! Innocent people?" Feng Yun's eyes were filled with sarcasm, "They are clearly a group of vixen with bad intentions and plots, and only your two brothers will be fascinated by them!"

"Presumptuous!" Lingjun patted the case with his palm, his eyebrows were cold, cold like a blade, and the whole body was chilly, "Miss Feng, haven't your Xuan Clan people taught you etiquette?"

"I..." Feng Yunxin bit her lips lightly, her eyes filled with infinite grievances, "Brother Jun, just now I was too angry for a while, so I didn't choose to say anything. It was because I was confused..."

Lingfeng snorted disdainfully, clearly that his nature is like this, and is still making excuses for himself. A person's nature is like this. When he is angry, he will be more obvious. When he was in Feixian Restaurant before, Feng Yunxin did it for Qing Linmu. Just slandered Sister Yue and Senior Xingyou, and now she slandered Sister Yue, Sister Xuan'er, and Sister Sheng'er.

Mu Qianyue, Xiao Xuan'er, and Sheng'er were calmly tasting wine and watching the excitement from beginning to end.

It doesn't matter how Ren Fengyunxin and Lingjun quarrel.

But is Feng Yunxin a bit silly? Obviously Lingjun said that it didn't matter to them, he had to be involved with the three of them! Doesn't she know that this will make Lingjun more offensive? It seems that Lingjun doesn't like Feng Yunxin!

"Brother Jun, that's because I care about you too much. I'm afraid that you will be snatched away by others..." Feng Yun looked at Lingjun with a pitiful and aggrieved expression, and saw that he looked cold and unwilling to pay attention to herself, Feng Yun Xin knew that she could only find interest if she continued to stay, so she said, "Brother Jun, I suddenly feel a little unwell. Then you can help the three of them, and I will go back to rest first."

"En." Lingjun nodded faintly, and did not hold back.

Seeing Feng Yunxin's leaving figure, Mu Qianyue's eyes felt more contemplative.

After Feng Yunxin’s troubles, the banquet lost its original taste. Mu Qianyue and Lingfeng all seemed a bit dull, so the banquet ended soon. Mu Qianyue, Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er were very happy about this. Originally not interested.

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