Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1681: Spirit City【15】

"Brother Jun, we will live together in the future...I will definitely be a good wife..." Feng Yunxin lowered her head, and her pretty face rose with two blushes, like red cherries. It's a pity Lingjun didn't look at her at all, nor did he listen to what she was talking about.

His eyes searched among the crowd, and finally found the light green figure. He couldn't help but lifted his footsteps and walked in that direction.

"Miss Sheng'er, you are here." The coldness on Lingjun's face seemed to melt away instantly, as if the ice and snow melted, with a warm breath.

"En." Shenger nodded lightly.

The Lingfeng who was responsible for bringing Mu Qianyue, Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er over with them gave a displeased cold snort. After talking so much with the eldest brother last night, I thought he would figure it out and think about his own future. Thinking of him still going to be engaged with Feng Yunxin! I'm really mad at him! I don't even care about him!

When Feng Yunxin looked up, she saw Lingjun walking towards Sheng'er and the others, her face instantly gloomy, and envy and anger surged in her beautiful eyes. These three **** women were really lingering and seduce everywhere. Brother Jun!

"Brother Jun, today is our engagement day. Many relatives and friends are here. My father, mother and eldest brother are all here, so you accompany me to go." Feng Yunxin suppressed the anger in her heart, her face He squeezed a smile, walked to Lingjun's side, took his arm naturally and skillfully, and said softly.

Lingjun frowned, obviously a little unwilling, "Miss Feng, you go first, I will come with a few words to Feng'er."

Feng Yunxin knew that he couldn't be too eager on Lingjun, so she nodded reluctantly, "Okay, Brother Jun, then I'll go there first, you must come later, my father and brother must have a lot to think about. I want to tell you."


Seeing Lingjun nodding, Feng Yunxin left with satisfaction. Before leaving, she cast triumphant glances at Mu Qianyue and Sheng'er. Even though they were beautiful, how about seduce people again? It is impossible for Brother Jun to marry them! And she is the future young lady of the Spirit Race!

"Girl Shenger..." Lingjun said, but he was interrupted by Shenger before he could finish his words.

"Young Master Ling, please respect yourself." Sheng'er's beautiful little face was cold and indifferent, and the eyebrows were also alienated.

The smile on Lingjun's face froze there, disappointed and lonely in his eyes.

Sheng'er didn't care about him, but took Xiao Xuan'er to find a place to sit down.

"Am I really annoying?" Lingjun muttered to himself, with a touch of bitterness and self-deprecating at the corner of his mouth.

"Young Master Ling, you are not annoying, but you are already going to be engaged with Feng Yunxin, so please don't bother Sheng'er anymore. The love she wants is to love her wholeheartedly. You can only love her in her life. "Mu Qianyue said lightly.

Lingjun likes Sheng'er, how can she not tell?

"I didn't think about disturbing her, I just wanted to be friends with her and chat, that's all." Lingjun looked a little lonely.

"But your behavior will make your fiancée misunderstand and bring trouble to Sheng'er. This is your fault." Mu Qianyue frowned. It is not wrong to like someone. If you like someone, you will bring them to the other person. If you are burdened, you have to find the problem yourself.

Besides, Shenger doesn't like him! His behavior has already made Sheng'er a burden, so he should stop!

"Okay, I understand." Lingjun nodded, "Miss Yue'er, please do it yourself later. If there is any lack of hospitality, please forgive me."

"En. Young Master Ling, you should be busy first. If there is a small breeze, he will take care of us." Mu Qianyue said.

"Xiaofeng, you must entertain the Yue girls and the others, don't neglect." Lingjun told Lingfeng.

Lingfeng patted her chest and grinned, "Brother, don't worry, Sister Yue and others are my good friends. I will treat them with all my heart and heart, and never let others bully them!"

"Okay." Lingjun turned around to entertain the other guests.

"Sister Yue, our Spirit Race has so many delicious foods!" Lingfeng took Mu Qianyue's hand and got into the crowd excitedly. After finding the two of Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er, Lingfeng laughed." Three sisters, I'll take you to eat delicious foods, and I promise you haven't eaten them before!"

Speaking of it, they pulled Mu Qianyue and the three people toward the rows of arranged food.

"Sister Yue, this is Ling ice cream, it's delicious!" Lingfeng picked up a plate, sandwiched a piece of pastry and handed it to Mu Qianyue, then took a pot of Linghua wine next to it and handed it to Xiao Xuan'er. "Sister Xuan'er, I know you like to drink the most. This Linghua wine is very delicious! And it's not easy to get drunk. I can drink a big tank alone!"

"Sister Sheng'er, the meat of this dragon deer is very tender and delicious. The dragon deer is a mutant monster. It is obviously a deer, but it has dragon horns."

"Sister Yue'er..."

Looking at the plate in her hand that was quickly filled, Mu Qianyue shook her head with a smile, is she going to be a foodie today?

The hands of Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er were also full of spiritual wind, all kinds of cakes, wine, delicacies, fragrance overflowing, very charming.

Mu Qianyue was originally not hungry, and she couldn't help but move around after smelling the fragrance.

"Where is the wild girl, she has no education at all." A bitter voice sounded nearby.

"The people who come out of the small place are like this. They have never seen anything before, so if they have the opportunity to participate in such a banquet, they start to eat and take." Another voice echoed, full of disgust.

Mu Qianyue frowned slightly.

Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er were very angry, and they wanted to refute, but Mu Qianyue stopped them, "Forget it, today is the day when Young Master Ling is engaged, don't cause him trouble."

Because Lingfeng took the things just now, he didn't hear what the two said.

"Okay." Xiao Xuan'er bitterly rubbed his sleeves, really wanting to beat up the two old women who were on the opposite side!

Mu Qianyue didn't want to cause trouble to Lingjun on such a festive day, so she planned to calm down, but some people didn't want to cause trouble.

"Hush! Keep your voice down, you two, the young master Lingfeng who is the most favored of the Spirit Race beside them, if Lingfeng hears these words, you will definitely be very angry!" Feng Yunxin walked to the two of them, Kindly reminded.

"A friend of Master Feng, so what? The Spirit Race is a big clan, but not everyone can come in. I don't know when these three women have made Hu Meizi to Master Feng. Master Feng is still so young, and she must be tempted. ..." The woman chuckled disdainfully.

"That's right! Such a woman is destined to be difficult to make in the lobby." Another woman followed, sneered contemptuously.

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