Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1697: Meet the ghost again【5】

"City Lord, don't worry, I will definitely take care of them." The elder is a kind-looking old man, his appearance is about sixty years old.

"Huh! We are looking for medicinal bauhinia, but we have no time to take care of others! If we don't have any strength, don't go, it will increase the trouble." It was the second elder, a middle-aged brawny man, He coldly stared his eyes in disdain, and his eyes were full of contempt for Mu Qianyue and Lingjun.

"The two of them are pill masters. They are responsible for the safety and injury of our entire team. Naturally, we must protect them. The pill masters don't need much strength. As long as they can heal injuries, they can make alchemy." With a cold snort, he looked at the second elder with dissatisfaction.

The strength of these two elders is nothing more than a Tier 5 God realm, but they don't know what method they used to confuse the city lord, and it turns him into the second elder position, which makes many elders in the city lord's mansion very dissatisfied.

The key point is that these two elders are so lazy and arbitrarily occupying cultivation resources. The lord of the city and his wife never said anything about him, saying that he had saved the lives of the lord and his wife before, and sometimes the two elders were so arrogant that they almost climbed to his head. ! But due to the face of Lord City Lord, he had to suppress the anger in his heart.

Now most of the people in the city lord’s mansion are from the second elders. Those brothers who wanted to follow the first city lord Guitian with him back then are dead, dead, and now only he and the youngest are left. .

Thinking of this, the face of the elder could not help showing a trace of sadness.

"Okay, stop quarreling with you two, I know you are thinking about the city lord's mansion." Luo Tianhou said, then turned to look at the second elder, a faint light flashed in his eyes, "the second elder, I I hope you can obey the order, I don’t want to see something wrong with them!"

"Got it!" The second elder agreed with a cold attitude.

No matter what, seeing the second elder agreed, Luo Tianhou did not speak any more.

Under the leadership of the Great Elder, the group headed towards the Heitian Valley outside the ghost city.

An hour later, everyone reached the Heitian Valley, and the hillsides and stone walls on both sides were covered with towering trees, lush branches and leaves, and flowers in the valley were in full bloom with a scent, filling the entire space.

A green grass grows on the smooth and steep rock wall in front, with a lavender flower bud in the middle.

Mu Qianyue saw it at a glance, "Bauhinia?"

"Where?" The Great Elder asked quickly.

"There." Mu Qianyuexian pointed at the rock wall, and everyone looked in her direction, and she saw a small purple flower bud, "It will take another hour for the bauhinia to bloom."

"So then we will wait here for an hour." The elder ordered, "Everyone is on standby and be vigilant at all times. You guys go to the defense, and you guys go to the east to defend. Remember, don't let anything People come close here! Those who insist on not retreating, kill!"

A trace of cold murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the great elder.


Several people who had accepted the order patrolled around.

"Miss Mu, Master Ling, you two should rest here for the time being." When the Great Elder spoke to Mu Qianyue and Lingjun, his tone was quite gentle, without a trace of command.

"En." Mu Qianyue nodded.

"Huh! It's also for the City Lord's Mansion. Why can they both rest in place, and everyone must always be vigilant? Don't come if you are greedy for life and fear of death, and waste our protection of two wastes!" , His face full of contempt and contempt.

Mu Qianyue’s lips twitched lightly, her eyes slightly cold, "You are wrong. Lingjun and I are not from your City Lord’s Mansion. We have never taken a cent or a silver from the City Lord’s Mansion. We have reason to do anything. The City Lord’s Mansion is serving? We received the notice, and it was just a deal with the City Lord’s Mansion. If I cure Young Master Luo’s condition, the City Lord’s Mansion will give me rich rewards, that's all! But you are the elder of the City Lord Mansion. To put it harder, it is a dog raised in the city lord’s mansion, a higher-level dog, and you will naturally serve."

"You!" The second elder's eyes were gloomy in an instant, and a pair of eyes were coldly locked on Mu Qianyue's body as if they were poisoned. The **** woman dare to insult him as a dog! He will not let her go!

"Humph! I hope you can cure the young master's disease!"

Can a pill made from a redbud flower cure the young master’s disease?

Oh, let's dream!

Over the past ten thousand years, the city lord did not know how many pill pharmacists had been hired, and there was nothing he could do. He didn't believe that a yellow hair girl could really be cured! If she cannot be cured, according to the temper of the city lord's wife, she will never get out of the city lord mansion alive! What if I let her feel like a while now? It won’t take long for her to be dead!

Soon, an hour passed.

Suddenly a strange fragrance filled the air. This fragrance was floating from the rock wall in front, and it penetrated into the ears and noses of everyone with the light breeze. It smelled fresh and refreshing.

"Look, everyone! Is the bauhinia blooming?"

Hearing this, everyone looked up and saw that the lavender flower bud on the rock wall was slowly blooming.

The lavender petals refract a heart-stringing halo in the sun, like a lavender diamond, exuding a dazzling light!

"Watch me go get it!"

The second elder's expression was arrogant, and he snorted, moving his feet, his body flashed and flew towards the rock face. Regardless of whether the bauhinia is useful or not, as long as he picks it up and passes it into the hands of the city owner, I believe the city owner will be extremely moved!

Looking at the figure of the second elder, Mu Qianyue faintly curled the corners of her lips.

Soon the second elder came close to the bauhinia, and just as he stretched out his hand to pick it, suddenly a roar of a beast sounded in the air, which exploded in the ears of the second elder like thunder in nine days.

"Ah roar!!"

The second elder looked up and saw a huge black centipede rushed out from behind the rock wall. The two large pliers were sharper than long swords, and shone with a frightening glow in the sun. When the whole body was erected It is more than a hundred feet high.

Mu Qianyue discovered that the **** centipede in front of him was different from the ordinary centipede, it was actually a double-headed centipede!

Seeing that the second elder was going to pick the bauhinia, the two-headed centipede swung two huge pliers at him, moving fast and fiercely, fiercely, and fell onto the second elder's head.

The second elder was taken aback and quickly backed away, but the two-headed centipede immediately pushed up, and the other two giant tongs followed closely. For a time, the second elder was in danger and extremely dangerous, just when the second elder was about to step down , A double-headed centipede appeared again behind the rock wall. This double-headed centipede was white and jade-like white. It was obviously a pair with the black double-headed centipede.

The corners of Mu Qianyue's lips curled up slightly. She had long guessed that there would be a monster guard behind the rock wall. The ridiculous thing was that the second elder was arrogant and ignorant to seek his own death. Naturally, she would not remind her.

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