Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1708: Endless death... [2]

He also came to the Primordial Realm from the Profound Sky Realm a while ago. It’s been a long time since he saw Xuan'er, and I don’t know how she’s doing. I really miss her...

I don't know if she misses herself!

Maybe they never have a chance to meet again!

Facing the invasion of the Demon Race this time, they were totally unsure, after all, the enemy they were facing this time was the Great Demon Lord who had lived for hundreds of thousands of years.

Xuan'er, if I am gone, you must live for me, and I will find you in the next life...

"You don't need to be so pessimistic, the lord, she will definitely come back, because there is someone she wants to protect." Bingyan's ice-blue eyes are filled with faint light, and his long ice-blue hair is like a waterfall. The general drape on his shoulders added a bit of chill to his slender Leng Yi figure.

Even if the master does not come back, he will protect this place for the master and the master!

"The only thing to be thankful is that our Temple of Siyue was not built in the city, otherwise I don't know how many innocent people will be affected..." Mu Rutian was talking, his sword eyebrows frowned, and a trace of sorrow filled his eyes.

If the Temple of Siyue is really destroyed, I am afraid that the next goal of the Demon Race is the entire Primordial Realm, but these are not what he should be worried about, and Ditian will not allow the Demon Race to invade the Human Race.

It's just that Ditian won't help Siyue Hall, I'm afraid that now Ditian is waiting for Siyue Hall to fight against the Demon Race and lose both.

"The old lady is in retreat, and I don't know when she will leave." Everyone's faces were full of solemnity.

The old lady naturally refers to Yanxin, Di Yuchen's mother.

At this moment, a loud and angry voice fell from the nine heavens like a rolling thunder.

"Get out of Pan Yinyin! She dared to take away the deity's Jin Bodhi, the deity must make her die better than life!"

Bing Yan, Mu Rutian and others hurriedly walked out upon hearing the words, only to see the demon master standing in the sky in a cold black robe, an ink hair dancing wildly with the wind, and the sky became gloomy at some point. The hideous face of the Demon Lord was even more eerie and terrifying, and there was a terrifying breath in the air...

"The devil, tens of thousands of years ago, you designed to frame my master and let her die tragically, and the entire Pan clan was also destroyed by you. Today I will seek justice for my master!" Bing Yan snorted coldly, his whole body exuding momentum. The space seemed to stop, and the majestic energy surged up and down all over him.

The demon master snorted coldly, "You and the other ants dare to fight for the glory of the sun and the moon? Hmph, the deity will kill you first, and it will not be too late to find Pan Yinyin for revenge!"

With a big wave of his hand, a cloud of demon suddenly appeared behind him, shouting angrily, and rushing towards the Temple of Si Yue below.

A fierce battle kicked off in the sky.

The battle below is very fierce, all kinds of sword light and spiritual power are intertwined, and the whole space is distorted by shock.

The demon lord’s gaze fell on Bing Yan’s body again, his eyes flashing with spirits, “I didn’t expect that there are descendants of the ancient beast ice snake. But as a beast, you are surrendered to a woman. The deity is not ashamed! If you now surrender to the deity, the deity can forget the past, let you have a way of life, and allow you to be the guardian of the law, how about it?"

Bing Yan's handsome face was indifferent, and his icy blue eyes were filled with contempt, "I will not betray the master even if I die."

"Huh! Being an ancient beast, but willing to be a slave to humans, it really embarrassed our demons! Since you insist on trying to die, the deity will make you perfect!" The demon master was completely angry, and raised his hands under his sleeves, a mass of turbulence The surging spiritual power quickly gathered and formed in his hands, forming a huge red-black light ball.

The entire sky became more gloomy, the wind was raging, the lightning flashed and thunder on the nine heavens, and the scene of the end of the world was extremely terrifying.

Waves of silver lightning are intertwined and crisscrossed on the sky, penetrating the black clouds, connected to the ball of light in the hand of the demon master, making the energy of the ball of light in his hand become stronger and more violent!

Bing Yanbing's blue eyes slightly narrowed, and a solemn expression appeared on his handsome face. He knew that the demon master's move was very powerful! As soon as the demon master came up, he directly used strong moves, and did not play anything imaginary. This was also the style of the demon master.

His figure shook, and the slender Leng Yi's figure directly transformed into a hundred-foot-long ancient ice snake. The huge body tossed in the sky like a giant dragon, roaring, "Roar!!"

As his roar fell, he saw countless water droplets, drops of water, rivers, creeks, etc., as long as they were water-related, they all gathered towards the ice, forming a huge ice blue barrier around him. , The momentum is huge, like a vast sea of ​​smoke and endless waves.

"The strength is good, but it's as light as an ant under the eyelids of the deity." The devil snorted coldly, pinching his fingers, and saw the red-black light ball in his hand quickly slammed forward.


With a loud noise, the ice-blue barrier was broken and turned into a turbulent waterfall, falling downward.

The sky seemed to be raining heavily, and the sky was full of red-black spiritual power and rain.


Bing Yan's face turned white, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his body was like a kite with a broken wire. He fell backwards weakly, and slammed into the square of the Temple of Siyue below. It was made of hard rock. The square was shattered, raising dust in the sky.

The devil's figure was floating in the air, slowly walking down, and falling in front of the ice flames, looking down at the ice flames on the ground like a king, his lips pursed with coldness, "I will ask you again and return to the deity. Not only will it not kill you, but the previous promise will do the same."

Bing Yan's face was pale, and his handsome and fair complexion was a little more sickly and weak, but there was a firmness and unyielding in those ice blue eyes, "I said, I would rather die than betray my master!"

The Demon Lord's eyes suddenly narrowed, and his eyes surged with anger, "If it weren't for thinking that you are the descendant of the ancient beast ice snake, the deity can kill you with just one move. Since you are so ignorant of what is good or bad, then I will not continue. Keep your needs!"

It hasn't been born for a while, and there are so many powerful people on the mainland, and another Tier 1 God Realm has arrived.

Fortunately, he practiced in retreat, and his strength reached the third-order **** level. Otherwise, it is not certain who wins and loses. Therefore, the demon master only wanted to surrender him after seeing Bing Yan's strength, but Bing Yan didn't buy his account at all. .

Since it can't be used for it, then just kill it.

Killing intent surged all over, his palm raised, and he patted Bing Yan's Tianling Cavern.

When his hand was about to hit Bing Yan's forehead, a cold light shot sharply from the side.

The demon master quickly put his hand away, staring coldly at the person who broke his good deeds, and couldn't help but squint. When did a person who didn't even have a godly level dare to make a mistake in front of him?

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