Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1713: Yan Xin VS Wu Tian [1]


Wutian's plan is to kill Mu Qianyue's soul together. This woman has affected his son for tens of thousands of years. Only when she is dead can his son completely forget her, and be as heartless as he is!

So this blow exhausted Wutian's entire power and didn't keep his hands at all.


Wuya's eyes widened in horror, his figure moved, and Wuya turned into a red light and rushed towards Mu Qianyue without hesitation.

Wuya's speed was astonishing at this moment, and it turned into a smear of afterimages. I saw that the place where he ran over was all the afterimages left by him. One can imagine how fast he is at this moment!


With a loud bang, all the terrifying fist power fell on Wuya's body.

The violent impact shook Wuya and Mu Qianyue's figures and flew away until they fell a few hundred meters before stopping their figure.

Because most of Wuya's strength was endured, Mu Qianyue was only severely injured, but Wuya's heart was damaged, his internal organs were shattered, his vitality was cut off, and there was no possibility of survival.

"Puff puff……"

Hot blood spurted from Wuya's mouth, dyeing her light purple dress red, like a red lotus in full bloom, coquettish and terrifying, shocking.

Wutian widened his eyes thoughtfully, his face was full of shock and panic, he...he actually killed his child...

no, I can not……

"Wuya, why are you so stupid, I don't deserve you to do it for me..." Water mist was surging in her black eyes, and a tear fell from her beautiful face.

He actually did not hesitate to burn his Sea of ​​Consciousness to save himself. His soul power, once the Burning Sea of ​​Consciousness was turned on, could not be stopped, but his speed and strength would be greatly improved.

Almost no one in this world would do this, because burning the sea of ​​knowledge will end in ashes!

There is no chance of reincarnation!

But in order to save himself, he didn't even want his soul!

"For you...whatever... it's worth it..." Wu Ya's face was filled with a very weak smile, his scattered eyes fell on Mu Qianyue's face, seeing the tears she shed for himself on her face. The smile in his eyes did not increase any more, "Yinyin, this is the first time you cried for even cry so beautifully..."

I can't bear her, I really want to watch her for a lifetime like this, and protect her for a lifetime, but he knows he has no time.

"I miss the days when I was with you...that was the happiest time in my life..." Through this peerless face in front of him, he seemed to have seen the carefree days before. She moved a face, she tried her best to make him happy, she didn't mind his identity at all, and she didn't laugh at his low self-esteem and cowardice like others...

Yinyin treats him so well and regards him as his best friend. What's ridiculous is that he actually did so many things that hurt her, so that their friendship broke and their friendship became more and more distant...

She was so far away that she didn’t want to be friends with him, and she didn’t want to look at him again, so far that their relationship was inferior to strangers, and in the end they faced each other with swords and became enemies...

"Yinyin, sorry, can you forgive me..."

"Actually, I never hated you..." Tears blurred Mu Qianyue's sight. Although she died of harmlessness and the Pan clan was destroyed because of this, she did not hate Wuya. After all, these things are It was made by Wutian and has nothing to do with Wuya.

Hearing Mu Qianyue's answer, Wuya's mouth raised a slight arc, and Wuya's body gradually turned into starlight and disappeared into the air...

Mu Qianyue wanted to reach out and stop, but she didn't get anything, she could only watch Wuya disappear before her eyes...

"No, Ya'er!!!"

Wutian's eyes were full of horror and panic, and emotions such as self-blame, guilt, etc. instantly surged into his heart, almost driving Wutian to go crazy on the spot. He actually killed his son by himself!

"It's you! It's all because of you! If it weren't for you, Ya'er would not die! Since Ya'er loves you so much, then go with him, so that Ya'er won't be alone!" Wutian eyes Crimson, with bloodthirsty murderous in his eyes, like a madman, with a roar, he rushed towards Mu Qianyue.

The same punch was slammed, and the power of this punch was not weaker than the one just now, or even stronger!

This scene shocked Xiao Xuan'er and others. Wutian's strength was really terrifying. He killed Wuya with a single punch. Now that the master is injured, it is not Wutian's opponent. If this punch falls on the master's In his body, it is almost conceivable how the master will end up, and he will definitely fall on the spot like Wu Ya, even the soul can't be left.

But in the face of Wutian's punch, they have no choice!

And Mu Qianyue seemed to have not noticed, she still sat in front of her silly, watching the starry sky flying in a daze, scenes and scenes came to her mind, when she first met Wuya, she became good friends, Wuya Reckless maintenance, almost forbid anyone to say that she is bad, and the subsequent break...

Now he died to save himself...

A white ray of light flashed across the air, and when the terrifying fist power was about to fall on Mu Qianyue's body, the white ray instantly dissolved Wutian's fist power.

A beautiful and graceful face gradually appeared in front of everyone. Seeing this figure, the faces of Xiao Xuan'er and others showed excitement, "It's Senior Yan! Senior Yan is out!"

Shouted excitedly one by one.

"En? You have actually been promoted to the Five-Star God Realm!" Wutian looked at Yan Xin in shock and surprise.

Yan Xin glanced at Mu Qianyue, a flash of distress flashed in her eyes. With a wave of her palm, a group of power flew out of her palm, enveloping Mu Qianyue, and sent her to Xiao Xuan'er and others. , And then his body moved and attacked towards Wutian.

Wutian looked gloomy, and while resisting Yanxin’s attack, his eyes were filled with unwillingness, and he sneered and mocked, "I didn’t expect you to be promoted to the Five-Star God Realm so quickly. If the old fellow Ditian knew, I don’t know if he will vomit blood in anger. After so many years of hard work, he is not as good as a woman!"

"You are not the same and you are not a woman." Yan Xin snorted coldly, her subordinates did not show mercy, and the attack became more violent and fierce, and Wu Tian fell into the wind for a while.

"Humph! If it weren't for tens of thousands of years ago, how could I be injured by your tricks! Otherwise, I would have been the master of this world!" Wutian said angrily, thinking that he had been recovering from injuries for 20,000 years. Having wasted so many years of time, otherwise he would have reached the realm of true gods long ago.

Now his son is dead!

Thinking of this, Wutian's anger became even more intense.

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