Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1716: I am Di Yuchen! 【1】

"Did Master save me?" There was a trace of confusion in Tong Ling's eyes. His gaze first fell on Xiao Xuan'er, and then looked at Mu Qianyue who was aside, and he immediately crawled off the ground. Get up, kneel down in front of Mu Qianyue, "Master, I'm sorry, it's useless to be an apprentice, and it's useless to protect Siyue Palace!"

Master not only taught him to practice, but also cared for him. Master never stingy with the pill that he needs in cultivation, so that he can grow so fast! Otherwise, depending on his cultivation speed, he might still be roaming in the Tianyuan Continent now!

As for his talents, Tong Ling knew very well that in Tianyuan Continent, his talents can be said to be very good, but in places such as the Primordial Realm, it can be considered average! He may not reach the height of a **** emperor in this life.

"Get up." Mu Qianyue helped Tong Ling up, "You have done a good job. Wutian is too powerful. He has lived for hundreds of thousands of years and his strength is terrifying. Even I am not his. Opponents, let alone you."

With that, a loneliness and sadness flashed in her eyes, now Yan Xin is dead...

Die to save yourself!

Yanxin treats her as a daughter, so why doesn't she say that Yanxin is her biological mother?

After the Siyue Palace was destroyed, it was ready to be rebuilt, but Mu Qianyue was not going to waste time on it, but took Xiao Xuan'er and others directly to Wanhua Pavilion.

Now that she came back, Wanhua Pavilion was going to go for a while, after all, this was the power left by her sister, and she didn't want the power left by her sister to decline or be swallowed by other powers.

After arriving at Wanhua Pavilion, I found that Wanhua Pavilion was lifeless, and I knew it after asking, because after Mr. Pan Zhi died, she left again, and the entire Wanhua Pavilion seemed to have no mainstay, with the meaning of decline and depression.

"Where is Juer?" Mu Qianyue asked in confusion.

Juer is the most loyal person around her sister, how could she not be there?

"Juer was taken away..." a member of Wanhua Pavilion said.

"Who is it?" Mu Qianyue's eyes showed killing intent and anger.

"We don't know, the incoming person is very strong, and we are not opponents at all! They took Sister Juer away without saying anything!" a woman said angrily.

"Pavilion Master, you must rescue Sister Orange!" The other Wanhua Pavilion members also said one after another.

Now Mu Qianyue was the pavilion owner of Wanhua Pavilion, so everyone put their hopes and eyes on Mu Qianyue.

"Shut up!" An elder woman of Wanhua Pavilion yelled angrily. Seeing that they had all shut up, she looked up at Mu Qianyue, "Pavilion Master, you must not be impulsive! Extremely powerful, just one of their elders has reached the one-star heavenly realm, which is enough to show how huge the power behind it is! And to hear them faintly, they don’t seem to be from the Primordial Realm at all, but It may come from a higher level of Zhu Tian realm!"

It was the first time for many of them to hear that there was a higher level of space above the Primordial Realm to punish the heavens, and their eyes widened in horror.

"Those who kill the heavens?" Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes, and there was a look of doubt in her eyes. How could the heavens come to the Primordial Realm? And why are they taking Juer?

The older female elder thought that Mu Qianyue didn't know about Zhu Tianjie, so she explained it.

"Except that they are from Zhu Tianjie, what information do you know?" Mu Qianyue asked the female elder.

"It seems to hear what they said about the Feng Family, one of the three great witch races...\'

"Feng's house!" Mu Qianyue's eyes flashed murderously.

The hatred with Feng Yunxin is not over yet, and now the Feng family is actually deceiving the door!

It's just that Feng Yunxin can't possibly know her relationship with Wanhua Pavilion! Moreover, according to Feng's method, it is not as simple as taking Tangerine, but the entire Wanhua Pavilion will be slaughtered directly!

No matter what, she was going to Feng's house to rescue Juer.

"Let's go." Mu Qianyue got up and was about to leave. The older female elder was shocked and quickly got up and blocked Mu Qianyue's path. "Pavilion Lord, where are you going?"

Seeing Mu Qianyue’s undisguised killing intent in her eyes, her expression changed, "Pavilion Master, do you want to go to Wanhua Pavilion to deal with Feng's family? Don't be fooled! Feng's family is the top three in Zhu Tianjie One of the big family, how can we match it! Moreover, the Feng family is still an ancient family handed down from the ancient times, with a strong foundation. If you go, not only will you not be able to save Juer, but you will also die!"

Other members of Wanhua Pavilion heard the words and tried to persuade them. Although they wanted to rescue Juer very much, they didn't want any trouble with the pavilion master!

"Don't worry, I won't be impulsive, I will bring Juer back safely." Mu Qianyue took a deep breath, her fingers under her sleeves tightly clenched, only feeling extremely depressed in her heart, this feeling of powerlessness It's really annoying!

A deep sense of powerlessness came to my mind...

Whether facing the Feng family or when there is no heaven.

She didn't want the people around her to be hurt any more, and she didn't want to have relatives and friends to leave her, Yan Xin's death hit her very hard...

Strength, or strength!

She must find a way to improve her strength as soon as possible!

Hearing Mu Qianyue's words, the talents of Wanhua Pavilion dared to relax.

At this moment, suddenly there was a violent rumbling from the sky, and a huge and unparalleled sword light came from the sky, and it was constantly churning among the clouds above the nine heavens.

At the same time, a dragon roar rang from above the nine heavens, deafening! The huge sound shook all the people in Wanhua Pavilion with blood and blood.

All of them suddenly showed a look of horror. Just a dragon roar made them churn with blood, which shows how powerful the master who issued this move is!

Is this someone fighting?

Mu Qianyue raised her head and looked at the nine heavens, where two figures appeared. One was covered in snow-white battle armor, holding a long sword, and the other was a golden battle armor, like a golden war-god on the long sword in his hand. Glowing with a cold glow.

But Mu Qianyue's gaze condensed, falling on the figure of the golden armor, but her heart was filled with joy and shock, Jing? Why is he here?

The person on the opposite side of Jing is not someone else, but Di Tian!

Unexpectedly, it was the two of them fighting!

"Chen'er, are you crazy? I'm your father! Are you going to kill your father?" Di Tian, ​​who was wearing a white armor, shouted angrily.

"You imprisoned me, killed my favorite woman, and killed the entire Pan clan for your own personal gain. Why didn't you say that I was your son at that time!" Di Yuchen looked cold and cold, his black eyes even more. It is calm, without a trace of emotion, and cold to the bone.

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