Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1740: Xingyue Clan【19】

As his voice fell, the disciples and elders of the Xingyue clan launched a fierce attack on Mu Qianyue, Sheng'er and Xing You.

Xing Tusun unfolded his full strength and pounced on Mu Qianyue against a fierce tiger. Various fierce and fierce attacks pressed towards Mu Qianyue like a hundred thousand mountains!

In the face of Xing Tusun's attack, Mu Qianyue showed no trace of fear on her face, and even the Qinglong bloodline and the Nine Changes of Taiji were not activated. She held the Extinction Sword and greeted him.

Xing Tu Sun was full of confidence when she first started, thinking that no matter how enchanting her talent is, she is only a Tier 6 God Realm after all!

Although there is only one difference between the seventh and sixth orders, the gap between them is huge! It cannot be crossed easily!

With his strength, he could kill Mu Qianyue under the sword with at most a little effort!

However, as the battle lasted longer, Xing Tusun was horrified to discover that Mu Qianyue did not reveal a trace of flaws, nor did he feel a trace of exhaustion, on the contrary, he became more brave as he fought!

Every time he faced his attack, he could react quickly and give a counterattack!

They have fought hundreds of tricks! It wasn't that he hadn't fought against people in the sixth-order God realm before, and at most he had only used dozens of moves to defeat and behead the enemy!

But this time, he couldn't get any good from Mu Qianyue's hands! On the contrary, there is a feeling of being spared but not enough!

When this feeling came out, Xing Tu Sun felt a bad feeling...

But what's wrong with the specifics, he won't be able to tell for a while...

On the other side, Xing You seemed a little powerless under the encirclement and suppression of the six elders.

Except for Xing Tusun, the other people's strengths are below the first-order **** realm or the **** realm.

Although Xing You is the strength of the Tier 1 God Realm, facing the combined attacks of the six elders, he didn't feel much at first, and he felt infinite pressure over time.

Three of these six elders are at the peak of the 9th-order Heavenly Sovereign, which is only a step away from the God Realm. The other three are the 7th-order 8th Heavenly Sovereign Realm. The six of them still find it extremely difficult.

Sheng'er was surrounded by more than a dozen elders, but the disciples of the Xingyue clan did not come forward. With the strength of these Xingyue clan disciples, it was not enough.

However, the strength of these dozen elders is not strong, they are all in the Heavenly Venerable Realm, so Sheng'er easily beheaded them all!

Xingtu Sunxuan's eyes were splitting and wanted to stop him, but Mu Qianyue didn't give him any chance to breathe, so he had nothing to do now, and could only watch the elders of the Xingyue tribe die in front of him!

"Senior Xingyou, I'll help you!" After Sheng'er dealt with those people, he immediately moved and swept over the sides of Xingyou. With Sheng'er joining, Xingyou immediately felt a moment of relaxation. , The pressure on the edge of life and death was instantly resolved.

The strength of these six people was too weak for Sheng'er, so they were all seriously injured within a short while.

"Girl Sheng'er, can you not kill them and spare them?" Xing You's eyes were filled with complex intolerance.

"But they all wanted to kill you just now!" Sheng'er narrowed his eyebrows.

"I know I'm a bit too much to say this, but they are my people and my former friends. I don't want to watch them die..." Xing You sighed slightly.

"Well, it depends on your face, Xingyou, I will spare them my life." Sheng'er Qingli's face was filled with cold light, and the palm of her hand was lifted, and the majestic strength came from her palm. It erupted and stunned the six of them.

Seeing that Sheng'er knocked them out for a while, Xing You couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. A trace of gratitude appeared on his slightly old face, "Thank you, Miss Sheng'er."

"Senior Xingyou, you are polite." Shenger said.

On the other side, the battle between Mu Qianyue and Xing Tusun had also reached a fierce stage. Xing Tusun realized that he was not actually Mu Qianyue's opponent!

At the beginning, he obviously felt that he could easily control the enemy, but gradually did not know what was going on, Mu Qianyue actually had the upper hand!

So far, Xing Tusun has been completely suppressed and beaten! This is incredible!

Those Xingyue disciples who watched the battle were all dumbfounded. They thought that they could easily behead Mu Qianyue's master and servant, and grab Xing You, but they suffered heavy losses! Nearly a dozen inner clan elders were lost in a row!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they almost thought it was a dream!


Xing Tusun's face turned pale, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole person flew out like a kite, and fell fiercely on the rock wall behind him. With the strength, the entire Xingyue Tower was shaken.

The strange thing is that the Xingyue Talisman is undamaged, and the smooth and flat stone wall is as before, not even a trace of cracks.

"No! Impossible! How could I lose to you?!" Xing Tusun climbed up from the ground tremblingly, his face was dejected, his eyes were full of shock and doubt, he is a seventh-order god, why? May be lost to a little girl?

He has lived for more than 100,000 years, and this is the first time such a thing has happened!

He has been so long, so long that he forgot the time when he lost!

This time he actually lost to a little girl!

This is simply a shame in his life! An unwashable shame!

"Perhaps you are unattainable in the eyes of others and cannot be defeated, but in my eyes, but so." Qingyue and beautiful voice overflowed from Mu Qianyue's cherry red lips, with a trace of indifference and disdain.

Her words fell in Xing Tusun's ears, but it was like a heavy hammer, making him stunned on the spot, the whole person was dumbfounded, and his mind was even blank.

But so...

But so...

However, these four words continued to linger in Xing Slaughter’s mind like a curse and a magic sound, making his face pale again, and he was so angry that he was spitting out several mouthfuls of blood, his body staggered, and the whole person was like When I am crazy, I keep mumbling and repeating the four words'but so'...

All the disciples of the Xingyue Clan were shocked, all stunned, the elder Xingtu Sun... is this crazy?

Everyone looked up at Mu Qianyue’s gaze without a trace of contempt. On the contrary, they looked at her with dread and fear. Some even turned their eyes or gazes in fear when they saw Mu Qianyue’s gaze. I lowered my head and didn't dare to look at him...

This woman is terrible!

After severely hurting Elder Grandson, while his mind was hit hard, he would say "but so" to completely defeat Elder Grandson’s self-esteem, and step on his proud talent and pride. , Causing Elder Sun to go crazy!

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