Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1742: Xingyue Clan【21】

"Oh! The truth is determined by the strong!" Mu Qianyue nodded suddenly.

Xing Tianmo’s slightly old and resolute face was filled with contempt and hideous light, "Young Master is your blessing, and you should serve him well! You dare to kill Young Master and kill my Xingyue Clan The elder, **** it!"

"Heh...I don't want to, so I killed him, you said, the strong is the truth." The red lips evoked a smile of evil charm, and sent Xing Tianmo's words completely. go back.

Xing Tianmo was furious, his face surging with anger, "I killed you! See how rampant you are!"

When the words fell, Xing Tian finally didn't wait for Xing Tianxiang to speak, and when the figure moved, he rushed out.

With both hands waving, two majestic palm shadows blasted forward, like two towering giant mountains

'call out'!

Mu Qianyue's footwork unfolded, and the whole person was like a phantom, erratic and difficult to capture. A cold and proud breath emanated from her body, sweeping towards the surroundings, and the flames lingering on the Extinction Sword in her hand.

The scorching red flame caused the temperature of the entire Star Moon Tower to rise rapidly.

I saw that Mu Qianyue's whole person's aura changed, her black ink hair instantly turned cyan, and her light purple dress was covered by cyan armor, and even her eyes were as clear as lake water in the past. It became cyan.


The life-killing sword in his hand was cut down without hesitation!

With a terrifying killing intent!

"Qinglong bloodline! It is the purest Qinglong bloodline that has disappeared for hundreds of thousands of years!" Xing Tianxiang's pupils suddenly shrank, his heart was shocked, and he could not help but cried out, "Second, come back to me!"

He never thought that Mu Qianyue was the heir of the Azure Dragon bloodline, and always thought that she was just a disciple of other families.

Yes, how can a person with such a wicked talent be ordinary?


Without any pause, Xing Tianmo's body flew upside down, and blood spurted from his mouth instantly, swaying everywhere.

Everyone in the Xingyue clan was stunned. It seemed that they didn't expect Mu Qianyue to suddenly become stronger, and her aura was only stronger than Xing Tianmo!

Know that she is just a sixth-order **** realm!

Just now they seemed to have heard the elder Taishang say that the Azure Dragon bloodline, the purest Azure Dragon bloodline for hundreds of thousands of years...

Mu Qianyue didn't pause, "Exit Dao!"

Murderous intent appeared, and the light on the Sword of Extinction was condensed, it seemed that all the brilliance had been faded, and it became ordinary, but the power contained on it was extremely shocking!


Xing Tianxiang shot out instantly, with horror and anger on his face, and quickly swung out the long sword in his hand, trying to save Xing Tianmo from Mu Qianyue's hands.

Mu Qianyue Qingmei's face was indifferent, killing intent agitated, and the Extinction Sword slammed towards the end of the sky at a speed exceeding the speed of sound.


too fast!

Rao is too late to stop Xing Tianxiang's speed!

Xing Tianmo just breathed a sigh of relief. Before he could come to his senses, he saw a sword light with endless murderous intent stab him at him. Before he could even react, he was penetrated by the lightning-like extinction sword. Body!

A dazzling red light burst from his body.

Xing Tianmo's whole figure seemed to be nailed to the ground, his eyes widened, his expressions were painful, hideous, and unwilling...


He opened his mouth and vomited a big mouthful of blood, and his cyan-gray robe was covered with blood.


With a muffled sound, Xing Tianmo's body fell and fell to the ground.

"Second!" Xing Tianxiang rushed forward in anger, and quickly fed Xing Tianmo and took a pill, only to see that Xing Tianmo's pale and bloodless complexion was a bit relieved, not dead, and still hanging. Tone.

The Xingyue clan elders and disciples hurriedly carried Xing Tianmo down for treatment.

Mu Qianyue shook her head, her eyes filled with disappointment, it was a pity that she didn't kill him!

"You're looking for death!" Xing Tianxiang's eyes were torn apart, his face was grim, full of anger, endless terrifying aura radiated from him, shrouded in this world, like a king over the earth!

The powerful coercion made the entire space tremble slightly, and it was even more heartbreaking!

Especially for Xing You, a Tier 1 God Realm, his whole person, body and mind trembled, and boundless fears gathered in his heart.

With a move, Sheng'er stood in front of Xing You and relieved him of most of the coercion. Xing You felt better now, and lifted his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his face.

The ninth-order heavenly realm is really strong!

Just relying on this coercion, he could not give birth to a trace of resistance!

The disciples of the Xingyue tribe all felt deep fear. Fortunately, there were elders in front of them, which blocked most of the coercion for them. At the same time, they raised their eyes to Xing Tianxiang’s eyes with With deep respect and admiration, the great elder is really too strong! If only they had such a strong strength as the Supreme Elder!

Xing Tianxiang's silver long sword fiercely cleaved a sword light, like the ultimate light, whizzing!

Mu Qianyue pinched her fingers, nine different Yuanlongs flew out of her body, screamed up to the sky, and rushed towards the sword light ahead!

"Nine Dragons Control the Sky!"

In the face of Xing Tianxiang, a person at the pinnacle of the Ninth-Rank Divine Realm, Mu Qianyue also did not dare to be careless.


Xing Tianxiang gave a cold snort of disdain, Yuan Li condensed, and a trace of disdain appeared in his eyes. The sword in his hand was radiant, his momentum skyrocketed, and he smashed out the Nine Dragon Yuanlong one by one!

Yuanlong turned into a sky full of light and shadow and dissipated in the air.

Mu Qianyue's face turned pale, blood overflowed from the corners of her lips, and her feet took ten steps back to stabilize her figure.

"Master." Sheng'er's eyes were filled with worry.

"Yue girl..." Xing You shouted with a complex expression. Before, Yue girl's strength was almost the same as his. After a short period of time, Yue girl has reached a point where he can't match it, and can even fight with the great elder. , And he needs her protection.

This kind of gap is really unbearable.

Seeing that Mu Qianyue was injured, everyone in the Xingyue tribe couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. This abnormality not only drove Xing Tusun crazy, but also almost killed the Xingtianmo Taishang elder with a single sword. If it is too great The elders can't defeat her either, and the entire Star Moon Clan is probably not her opponent!

Fortunately, she is not an opponent of the Great Elder!

Xing Tianxiang narrowed his eyes, and there was a dark light flashing in the depths of his eyes. He knew how strong the blow was just now, and it only caused her to be slightly injured!

Even the second child didn't dare to take that sword!

This girl is really a pervert!

If she were a disciple of the Xingyue Clan, the Xingyue Clan would definitely be stronger! Become the first of the three families in one fell swoop!

It is a pity that such a genius is actually the enemy of the Xingyue Clan!

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