Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 175: Shocked Family Master Xu

"Rong'er, come here." Patriarch Xu beckoned to Xu Yurong, and Xu Yurong came over, "Grandpa, what can I do?"

"Well, where is the ancestor of the Chu family?"

"Dead." Xu Yurong said lightly. I used to think that Wang Wuzhe was so indestructible. It turned out to be a tofu. In fact, Wang Wuzhe is really strong. It can only be said that the poison researched by Mu Qianyue is too abnormal~ Up.

"What? Dead?!" Patriarch Xu stood up from his position in shock, his wrinkled face was full of horror, and shock and doubt flashed through his tiny muddy eyes. After a long thought, he slowly suppressed it. Shocked in his heart, he asked, "How did you die?"

"He was poisoned to death. He died before he even shot. I didn't realize his strength. Well... he was poisoned to death after only a few words!" Xu Yurong said lightly.

"Poisoned to death?" Patriarch Xu was not calm. He raised his eyes and glanced at Tong Ling who was counting his belongings in the box. He nodded and muttered, "It seems that this Tong Ling's poison is a bit too powerful, as expected. Worthy of being Tong Lao's grandson."

"Grandpa, you are mistaken. It's not Tong Ling's poison. He doesn't have that ability. It's a new poison developed by Qian Yue, called Ziying Zhaoxin. Even if you are a King Martial artist, as long as you inhale this poison, you will immediately poison He died." Xu Yurong said with a look of admiration.

"What? Are you saying this poison was developed by the girl Yue?" Patriarch Xu couldn't close his mouth for a long time in shock, "She, isn't she a pill master?"

"Yeah, she is a pill master and a poison master. She is still Tong Ling's master. Tong Ling's poison skills are not worth mentioning in front of Qian Yue." Xu Yurong smiled, if not for tonight. What she saw, she was also hard to believe.

Patriarch Xu puckered the corner of his mouth viciously when he heard the words, he was both a pill master and a poison master! Not only the pill that is refined has terrifyingly high medicinal properties and transformation strength, but even the poison that is refined can't resist even the king martial artist, damn, how **** it is! Fortunately, his Xu family and her are good friends, if they are bad, I can’t imagine...

Thinking of this, Patriarch Xu couldn't help wiping the cold sweat on his head, and strengthened his mind to have a good relationship with Mu Qianyue.

After dealing with the affairs of Huangqimen, the sky is already white, and a faint golden light is pouring down from the sky, and a new day is about to begin! And Qingfeng City has undergone earth-shaking changes!

Mu Qianyue arranged for the Black Scorpion brothers and Huo Xi to quickly take some of the Huangqimen members to occupy the various shops on the Dongcheng Street of Chu’s family, and clean them inside and out. The buddy did not change, but the head of each store was replaced by a person from Huangqimen, and the door plaque was changed to Huangqi Pharmacy, or Huangqi Restaurant, and Huangqi Clothing Shop.

As for the Chu family's compound, Mu Qianyue did not send anyone there, whoever wanted it to take it, anyway, there was nothing valuable there.

At this time, everyone understood that Qingfeng City had changed, and the Chu family, one of the four big families, was destroyed overnight. Now the four big families of Qingfeng City have become three big families, plus a new rising power—— Huangqimen.

The news spread in Qingfeng Academy quickly, so that Mu Qianyue was quickly recognized by sharp-eyed classmates walking in the academy, some showed worship, some showed consternation and fear. Some even evaded her after meeting her...

Mu Qianyue touched her nose, is it necessary to be so afraid of her? She doesn't eat people! But this is fine, it saves some trouble.

Jun Lintian, who was walking next to him, showed a happy face, and Tong Ling also smiled cheerfully, "Master, you are all a celebrity, you are more famous than the dean!"

Mu Qianyue whispered her mouth silently. After spending a day in the Secret Realm of Stars, and then spending another night in the Secret Realm of Stars, she felt a little sleepy at this moment and couldn’t help but said, “I’m not arguing with you anymore, I’m going to rest. There is no class today, and everyone has a rest."

He yawned while walking towards the accommodation area.

Jun Lintian and Tong Ling were also preparing to go back to their residences to rest. When they looked up, they saw a white coat of snow coming from the opposite side, with Yuyu's face caged in the sun.

"Hey, blind man, why are you here now? Where did you go to fool around? Your lady's den was almost taken care of by others, but you are cool!" Jun Lintian cast a gaze.

Nalanjing was not annoyed, with a faint smile on the corners of her lips, walked to Mu Qianyue, held her hand, and her voice was as soft as water, like a piano, "Lady, are you tired? Go back and take a hot bath and sleep well. Sleep."

"En. It's a bit." Mu Qianyue said, turning around and glaring at Jun Lintian, "Do you think that there is no reason why we took Chu Family away so easily last night? Don't forget that the Purple Soul Palace and Chu Family are There is a little relationship, even if that little relationship is trivial, but it is definitely enough for us to eat a pot of Huangqimen."

"Um..." Jun Lintian was taken aback, his brows condensed lightly, as if thinking of something, a touch of surprise flashed in his eyes, "You mean he went to deal with the elders of the Purple Soul Palace?"

Tong Ling also showed a look of astonishment when he heard this. It's no wonder that he didn't see the master all night, and dare to deal with the elder of the Purple Soul Palace!

"I didn't say that. My family's Xiao Jingjing is so kind, how could he do such a thing." Mu Qianyue blinked playfully, leaving Jun Lintian with a dull face, and took Nalanjing away. Up.

At this moment, two students were seen passing by Jun Lintian and Tong Ling, and they said as they walked.

"Hey, have you heard that the elder of the Purple Soul Palace was beaten by a ghost last night!"

"What? Was beaten by a ghost? How could it be possible! There is no ghost in this world!"

"Really, I didn't lie to you! This is what many people have seen!"

"What's the matter, quickly talk about it!"

"I heard that in the middle of the night last night, a group of evil spirits with blue faces and fangs suddenly rushed into the yard of the elders of the Purple Soul Hall. It is said that the strength is about the high-ranking king martial artist. The blood shed all over the ground, and that look is miserable! The screams at the time could be heard for ten miles! Early this morning, the people of the Purple Soul Palace carried him back!"

"Ah?! It's so miserable! Haha, deserve it! He was so rampant yesterday, he made an open shot at our Qingfeng Academy, and didn't put our dean in the eyes of our dean at all. Now we are being retributed!"

"Haha... Yeah, it's so happy!"

The two said they had gone away.

Tong Ling frowned suspiciously, and murmured, "Ghost with blue-faced fangs?" The scene was filled in his mind, and he couldn't help but shudder, being torn apart by a group of evil spirits, grabbing meat, drinking blood... That scene is indeed It's miserable!

Jun Lintian twitched the corners of his mouth, this guy is really scary...


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