Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1755: Xingyue clan surrender [6]

"Elder Taishang, I know you are not afraid of death, but can you bear to see the entire Xingyue clan ruined? Do you have the heart to let the entire Xingyue clan die? If this is the case, I am afraid there will be no more of us in the world. The Xingyue Clan! Living is the hope!"

The person who spoke was Xing You. He walked out from behind Mu Qianyue, his eyes full of heartache, "Besides, surrendering to Yue Mai is not about grievances, nor is it to endure humiliation. Although Yue Mai is young, she is extremely talented. , The younger generation of the three major witch races, no one can compare. Not only did she reach the ninth-order **** realm at a young age, she also cultivated the body of stars, and she is also a pill god. Her existence is our Xingyue When the clan rises!"

Xingyou persuades with affection and reason.

He knew that at this festival, he couldn't persuade Yue girl, he could only persuade them, the Supreme Elder.

In the beginning, the girl Yue had no intention to fight the Xingyue clan. If Xing Zipeng was not for the clever and arrogant attempt to insult the girl, how could the girl fight back?

The elders of the Xingyue clan wanted to kill the Yue girl without saying anything. Now that the Yue girl was angry and enmity in her heart, she would naturally not let them off easily.

If it wasn't for the strength of the girl, she would have died several times, so why did the girl let go?

This is also the reason why Xing You didn't persuade Yue Mai.

Hey, it can only be said that the Xingyue clan has missed an opportunity to make good friends with the moon girl.

But surrendering to the moon girl is also a very good choice.

Life is hope?

Xing You's words caused Xing Tianxiang and Xing Tianmo to fall into contemplation. The two frowned, and they looked like serious thinking. Yes, they were too arrogant before. They were always upright. When did they receive this treatment? ? When was someone trampled under their feet and let them surrender?

They never thought about this day!

After all, the Xingyue clan is one of the three great witch clan, and it has always been a super existence above all living beings, like a master!

But now is the time for them to make a choice!

Mu Qianyue did not speak, but stood quietly aside, waiting for their decision.

There was a faint coldness and indifference between the eyebrows like Yuan Dai, and it seemed that no matter what decision Xing Tianxiang and the others made, they could not affect her even a bit.

Surrender, give birth.

Not surrender is death!

"Have you thought about it? Is it death or life?"

The woman's indifferent voice slowly sounded.

Xing Tianxiang's face changed, but he knew it was time to give an attitude, so he had to gritt his teeth secretly, his head slightly lowered, "We are willing to surrender."

Humph! Want to make them surrender and dream!

Now his surrender is only temporary, as long as he finds a chance, he will definitely kill the girl Mu Qianyue.

Mu Qianyue naturally did not miss the dark bird that flashed under Xing Tianxiang's eyes, and the corners of her mouth raised a slight arc, "I know you don't really want to surrender me, but it doesn't matter, I don't want your loyalty. "

"Huh! Why do you want to do this if you know it? Don't you fear that we will undermine you?" Xing Tianxiang's last word just fell, only to feel that something flew into his mouth and instantly rolled into his throat. It turned into a warm current and entered the body.

He squeezed his throat in horror, trying to spit it out, but found that he could not spit it out. He couldn't help but opened his eyes in panic. He looked angrily at Mu Qianyue, who was facing indifferently, and asked in angrily: What did I eat?"

"Oh, nothing, just a poison, but don't worry, this poison will not kill you for the time being." Mu Qianyue's lips slightly raised, and Qingmei's face burst into a harmless smile.

"Master, did you give him a dream?" Sheng'er asked curiously, looking at Xing Tianxiang with ill will.

"Well, it just so happens that there is still the last one left to linger, so I will reward him." Mu Qianyue's eyebrows were filled with a faint smile, the harmless appearance of humans and animals fell in Xing Tianxiang's eyes. It is like a demon.

Xing Tianxiang's eyes rounded in anger and horror, "You actually fed me poison? We have surrendered!"

How terrifying and terrifying the poison of Ling Menghuan, he has already seen Xing Zipeng's body, even Yang San, Master Yu, and they have nothing to do, and they can't develop an antidote. Therefore, once I take Hunqiang Dreaming around, proves that his life has been tied to Mu Qianyue's hands.

"Compared with your surrender, I believe in myself more." The corners of the white lips burst into a light smile, and the woman's light words fell, making Xing Tianxiang extremely depressed and extremely angry, but there was no way.

She is more accustomed to controlling everything in her own hands, especially people like Xing Tianxiang, who are not worthy of her trust at all, but for true friends, she trusts unconditionally, just like Shenger, Bingyan and Xuan. They are like this, or Mu Rutian, apprentice Tong Ling...

Seeing Xing Tianxiang's thunderous but helpless appearance, Xing You twitched the corners of his mouth. All of this was asked by the elders too. If they had a good relationship with Yue Mai from the beginning, how could they end up in such a situation?

In fact, the girl Yue is very loyal, and treats her friends too well. She treats each other with love and is very generous.

"What do you want me to do before you are willing to give me the antidote?" Xing Tianxiang suppressed the anger in his heart, tried to calm his mind, and asked Mu Qianyue calmly.

"The antidote? You don't want the antidote in this life." Mu Qianyue's lips twitched lightly, and there was a faint smile in her eyes. It was clearly a flower-like smile, but it was chilling, "but Don't worry, I won't kill you, as long as you are at ease and obey my orders. But if you have the slightest idea of ​​killing me, I can instantly make you better than death."

Thinking of Xing Zipeng's miserable death, Xing Tianxiang's face was pale and pitch black, and there was a terrifying storm under his eyes. He knew that Mu Qianyue was not bragging, but was speaking the truth.

"You can also consider killing me, but if I die, you will surely be dispelled. It seems that you can't beat me."

The gentle voice of the woman rang out in the air, as clear as a warbler, yet full of the aura of looking at the world.

Xing Tianxiang was squeezed in his weakness, so angry that he almost made smoke. He couldn't beat and beat, couldn't run or run, and was poisoned. After living for tens of thousands of years, he had never been so embarrassed or bullied!

"But you must also promise me that you can't wantonly slaughter my Star-Moon Clan disciples, and you can't disrupt everything in the Star-Moon Clan. Since you want us to surrender, you must lead our Star-Moon Clan to the top! Otherwise, I Even if I die, I will never obey you!" Xing Tianxiang clenched his fist bitterly.

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