Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 179: Yin and Yang balance

The frost on Mu Qianyue's hair and body slowly receded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The scorching hot spring breath penetrated into her body, swallowing and attacking each other with the power of pure Yin to reach a balance point.

Mu Qianyue only felt a warm feeling in her body, like the warm winter sun, which dispelled all the cold and brought a very refreshing feeling.

There was a strong fragrance of crape myrtle flowers in the air, mixed with a faint snow lotus fragrance, lingering on the tip of her nose, she knew that this was the power of pure yin and stars that Nalanjing was helping to balance her body.

"Yue'er, the process of cultivating the Nine Changes of Tai Chi is slow and arduous. Don't be negligent." Nalanjing knew that she was awake, and said, with a trace of fear and palpitations in her voice, he didn't dare to imagine that he would do it again. Come one step late, what will be the consequences.

Mu Qianyue turned around, looked at him, and asked with some confusion, "How do you know that I am in danger?"

Every time she was in danger, he always arrived in time.

"Remember the life ring I gave you? There is a trace of my soul in it, so if you encounter danger, I can feel it the first time." Nalanjing smiled.

No wonder Mu Qianyue's face showed a sudden look.

Is this considered surveillance? When he gave his life ring back, did he worry about his own safety or monitor it?

"Lady, don't think too much! Do you think someone who is such an innocent husband will watch you?" Nalanjing said solemnly.

"You are here without silver three hundred taels." Mu Qianyue snorted softly. Before she could speak, he couldn't help showing the fox tail.

"Miss, I am really worried about your safety." Actually, there is a little bit of surveillance. At that time, Yue'er didn't love herself, and she forgot about herself. Can he accidentally'surveillance'? Of course, she was more worried about her safety. That time she was tricked into the Tianmu Mountain Range by Mu Yurou's design to catch the monster beast. When he learned this, he hurried to the Tianmu Mountain Range immediately, but it was still a step too late!

What I saw was her corpse brutally murdered!

At that time, he only felt that the whole world had collapsed, and it was gloomy!

The heart was so painful that he couldn't breathe, his mind was blank, he even forgot to react, forgot to kill those two **** bastards! He stayed there like a puppet stupidly!

When he reacted, the two had already left with Yue'er's corpse. He searched for his breath all the way, but what he saw was the scene of Yue'er suddenly coming back to life. He saw her move cleanly and lightly. Just **** those two **** if they are loose.

Her slender body exudes a strong and powerful aura, and the black and narrow pupils exude a bright and dazzling light. At that moment, he knew that she was back!

To his surprise and surprise, Yue'er still has amnesia and still can't remember herself, but this kind of Yue'er makes him even more happy...

That's why he couldn't help being cute, re-attracting her attention, and making her fall in love with herself again!

"Alright, alright, don't doubt you." Mu Qianyue knew that he was really worried about herself, so she was not angry, and there was a trace of his soul in it, she could feel his safety at any time.

After this tossing, the sky appeared white, a faint golden light slowly drilled out of the clouds in the sky, and the early morning sun dyed the sunrise on the horizon, red and gorgeous.

When the sun rises in the early morning, it is also the time when the power of the pure sun and the stars are strongest!

Mu Qianyue hurriedly got out of the bath tub, Nalanjing knew her thoughts, and there was a touch of helplessness in her eyes. She moved out of the bath tub as she moved, "You can practice, I am here. "

"Hehe." Mu Qianyue touched her nose embarrassedly, walked by the water pool and sat down, running the magic formula, sensing the power of the stars in the sun, and sure enough, after a while, she felt a trace of purple light Starlight, it's just that the aura of these purple starlights is different from the feminine and coldness of last night, but is full of domineering and fiery aura, as if to melt her.

It seemed that there was a flame in her body burning her internal organs, painful and desperate, as if even the soul was about to be burned.

From a distance, you can see that Mu Qianyue is like a ball of light at this time, a dazzling ball of light, exuding golden light from the inside out, like a little sun, which seems to burst her. Up general.

At this moment, Mu Qianyue suddenly became cold, and a icy and thorough breath slowly poured in from the top of her head, like a cool creek, slowly flowing through the limbs, and her whole body was refreshing and cool.

The power of the stars slowly tempered every corner of her body from the outside to the inside...

Two hours later, Mu Qianyue slowly opened his eyes, feeling the power of the stars in his body. Although there were not many, it was real.

I stretched out my hand and wiped the sweat on my head. Tai Chi Nine Changes is really not a person's cultivation. These pains are simply desire~xian~death! No wonder Tian Shuo said before that if he couldn't make it, he would die! Without Nalanjing's help, I'm afraid she would have died twice!

"Yue'er, after these two cultivations, your body has almost adapted to the power of the stars. You don't have to be afraid of sudden body explosion or freezing to death in the future. However, the pain of tempering the body with the power of stars is still unavoidable. "Na Lanjing stood beside her and said.

Mu Qianyue raised her head to look at him, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, "Jing, have you practiced similar body refining secrets?"

The head of Nalan Scenic Spot did not hide, "Yes, I have been immersed in the fiery spring since I was a child, and I used the pure sun power of the fiery spring to quench my body. It is similar to the nine changes of Tai Chi you practiced, and the final result is the same. Can reach the state of immortality."

It turns out that he has been tempering his body since he was a child!

"How many levels are you practicing now?"

"Fifth level."

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue's eyes lit up. It's no wonder that the last time he met an opponent of the same level as him, he could easily kill in seconds. This is the benefit of tempering his body! Strength will be improved several times!

Thinking that she had just started to practice the first stage, Mu Qianyue couldn't help but curled her lips in depression.

Seeing that it was late, the two of them walked out of the valley together. Tian Shuo was still guarding the outside of the valley. His consciousness was vigilantly observing the movement around him. When Mu Qianyue came, Tian Shuo's eyes lit up and his heart felt Suddenly relaxed his worries, "Qianyue, you are fine."

"Tian Shuo, thank you for your hard work." Tian Shuo cannot be blamed for what happened last night. She herself pulled a trace of star power from her vitality out of curiosity and sucked it into her body. She didn't expect such a big reaction. Hey, it really is. Can't be curious.

Nalanjing had a cold face, obviously he was keeping all the accounts on Tian Shuo's head.

Then Tian Shuo returned to the Tongtian Tower space.

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