Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 181: Junior sister! 【2】

Mu Qianyue twitched the corners of her mouth helplessly. She didn't speak yet, so she denied her. It seemed that this great elder was impatient and furious.

Xia Yibo's face also showed a look of helplessness, "You should know the Huangqi Pharmacy that suddenly appeared in Qingfeng City recently? Those pills are all refined by her, and there is also a third-grade Zunyuan Pill. Although the moon girl did not go. The grade of the pill pharmacist is evaluated, but I believe she definitely has the third grade high!"

Hearing this, the eyes of the elders brightened, and they had heard of Huangqi Pharmacy! I heard that a very young pill master was born, and his transformation strength and medicinal properties reached an incredible height! There are also a lot of medicines made from one furnace of medicinal materials, and the pill formation rate is almost 99%! This is an alchemy genius!

Is it the girl in front of you?


I've heard of being very young before, but I didn't expect it to be so young! It seems that I haven't arrived at sixteen!

"Classmate, how old are you?" the third elder asked.

"It has just passed the fifteen-year-old birthday." Mu Qianyue replied.

The elders were shocked again, their expressions changed again, they were fifteen years old! Only fifteen years old! Nima, this is simply a super alchemy genius! Searching all over the Tianwu Continent, I can't find such an awesome one! Be sure to hold it well!

If you cultivate it well in the future, you can definitely become a godlike character!

Seeing them all excited and excited, Tong Lao couldn't help but squinted at everyone, and sneered, "What? You guys are not awesome now? Didn't all of them have their eyes higher than the top nostrils just now?"

The expressions of the elders all changed and they were very embarrassed. The elder smiled and said, "Hey, if the dean had said that she was the genius of alchemy, how could there be so many misunderstandings?"

The other elders nodded in agreement.

Xia Yibo twitched his eyes. Is this to blame him? Obviously they are arrogant and conceited, and they want him to be in a scapegoat. He can't do it!

"You mean it's all the Dean's fault?"

" no." The elder screamed the most fiercely just now, and he had to blush and smile flatly.

"Girl Yue, since they are not welcome, let's go." Tong Lao snorted coldly, turned around and left. Mu Qianyue touched his nose, a glimmer of brilliance flashed in his eyes, turned and walked outside the hall.

When the elders saw this, all of them were anxious, but they were thin-skinned and embarrassed to speak. Can't they let them apologize to a younger generation who was born late? They can't open that mouth!

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Moon Girl is a born purple martial soul..." At the end, Xia Yibo didn't forget to strike.

Ahhh! Purple Wuhun? ! They have no hallucinations, right?

In how many years have there been no purple spirits in the Tianwu Continent! !

All of them looked excited and excited, and their eyes were fiery. It seemed that even the glacier could melt in their hot eyes. If they knew that Mu Qianyue was a colorless martial soul, they would probably kneel and lick it!

The elder rushed forward, grabbing Mu Qianyue's hand, a flattering smile appeared on the wrinkled face, and he blinked his eyes and said, "Student, just now, the old man’s eyes are higher than that of people. I hope you don’t mind, now our Elder Pavilion solemnly invites you to join the inner door!"

A joke, if you let go of such a genius who is one in a million, whether he is practicing or alchemy, he should cry alive, so apologizing is a bird?

"Uh..." Looking at the wrinkled face of the great elder piled like chrysanthemums, and also selling cute and cute, Mu Qianyue almost threw up and waved her hand quickly, "It's okay, I'm willing to join the inner door."

As she spoke, she pulled her hand back without a trace, a lot of age was still cute, and she didn't consider whether her heart could bear it.

She is still very fond of Tong Lao and Xia Yibo. As the saying goes, you don't look at the face of the monk and the face of the Buddha, and she has already apologized.

"Um, Tong Lao, are you a few-pin pill pharmacist?" The Third Elder suddenly looked at Tong Lao and asked.

"Me? I'm a fifth-grade now." Tong Lao's eyes were slightly raised, a trace of triumph on his face.

"It seems that you haven't accepted apprentices until now..." The Third Elder smiled and glanced at Mu Qianyue.

Hearing this, Tong Lao turned his face straight and snorted coldly: "Student Mu has such a high talent for alchemy, I am afraid that there has been a master already, even if there is no master, I can't be a master.

"I do have a master." Mu Qianyue smiled lightly.

"Oh, I don't know who your master is?" Tong Lao asked. It is indeed a pity that she cannot be accepted as a disciple, so he wants to know who is so lucky to receive a disciple like Mu Qianyue!

"My master is Dongfang Ao." Mu Qianyue's lips curled up with a faint smile, without concealing it.

"What, what? You said your master is Dongfang Ao?" Tong Lao jumped up in shock, and everyone else looked shocked, hiss! Unexpectedly, her master was Dongfangao! That's Qipin Pill Pharmacist! It's no wonder she is so stubborn...No, it was Dongfang Ao who received such a stubborn apprentice! It seems that the alchemy of Dongfang Pride can't achieve 100% transformation power and 99% purity of medicine!

"Why? Is there a problem?" Mu Qianyue looked at the crowd in confusion. It seems that the master's reputation is so great that it is actually such a sensation in Qingfeng Academy.

"Haha, it's okay, of course it's okay." The elder smiled, and the other elders all had excited expressions. I didn't expect her master to be the sensational 7-pin pill medicine master Dongfang Ao! You know Dongfang Ao is the only Seven-Rank Pill Pharmacist on Tianwu Continent! I don’t know how many people want to have a relationship with Dongfang Ao. Now they can meet Dongfang Ao’s apprentices. They believe that as long as they give Mu Qianyue time, their future achievements will not be worse than Dongfang Ao! Maybe even stronger!

If you can take this opportunity to build a good relationship with Mu Qianyue...

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes became more fiery.

Seeing everyone's fiery eyes, Mu Qianyue couldn't help but tremble, and quickly stepped back a few steps, so cruel eyes! If the eyes can eat people, I guess I can be swallowed alive!

"You, your master is really Dongfang Ao?" Tong Lao came back to his senses, his eyes lit up, and he looked at Mu Qianyue excitedly, so excited that the beard on his chin seemed to fly.

"Well, it's like a fake replacement." Mu Qianyue nodded, and continued to retreat without a trace, for fear that he would rush over, "Hey, I warn you not to come again, otherwise, be careful I will beat you!"

Hearing this, Tong Lao stopped quickly, scratched his head in embarrassment, and rubbed his hands with excitement again. His eyes and expressions were like a widow with spring, looking forward to brilliance, and amorous feelings.

"That, hehe... Junior sister, I'm your senior brother!"

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