Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1822: Finale [14]

"Well? Another Yanhuang bloodline? This time the Yanhuang bloodline seems more pure and rich! It seems that God has treated me well this time!" The Winged Demon slowly narrowed his eyes, a pair of huge copper bells. His eyes stared fiercely and ferociously, locked tightly on Nalanjing's body, a greedy light flashed in his eyes.

Nalanjing is a true Yanhuang bloodline, and the blood flowing on his body is naturally very pure. Although Nalan Yechen is the child of him and Mu Qianyue, the other half is of the Qinglong bloodline, but the Yanhuangqinglong bloodline is equally powerful.

"You two obediently die!" The two-winged demon roared and rushed towards Nalanjing. The majestic power surged from his body, and the entire dark dense forest rustled, and the phantom shook as if The ghost **** is very scary.

Nalan Jing's handsome face was cold and solemn, and the purple eyes that were as clear as colored glaze contained a fierce and terrifying killing intent. With a light wrist, a dazzling sword light slashed towards the double-winged demon.

The powerful and incomparable sword light was extremely shocking, and seemed to be able to tear the entire sky apart.

The corners of the two-winged demon's lips evoked disdain, "A small king realm dare to be rampant in front of the deity, huh... I have lived in the ancient realm for hundreds of thousands of years, and the king realm warriors that I eat do not know the geometry! "


There was a muffled sound.

The giant feet of the double-winged demon walked around, stepping on the ground, and the whole earth shook, as if an earthquake had occurred.

He raised his huge palm and slammed a punch forward.

The corners of the two-winged demon's mouth provoked a sneer of mockery and disdain. With this punch, the human being in front of him could definitely be blasted into flesh!

It's just a warrior in the monarch realm, and he accidentally broke into this ancient realm, destined to become his food! After he swallows and refines the blood of the Yanhuang and Qinglong pair of father and son, he will become the strongest existence here!

Maybe you can break through the exit of this **** ancient realm and return to the mainland!

Being exiled here for hundreds of thousands of years, dark, no life, no food, he is almost crazy!

He thought he would be locked up here for the rest of his life, but he didn't expect that two human beings came in, who were still kings, and he happened to be taken by him!

However, the next moment, the smile on the face of the double-winged demon solidified on his face, only to see that the other side's sword shattered his shadow, and the sharp and cold blade instantly pierced his fist.

Sword Qi rolled, and the entire arm of the Winged Demon was directly twisted into countless flesh and blood, flying all over the sky.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh..." The two-winged demon suddenly lost one of his hands, his entire face was distorted in pain, his already hideous and ugly face looked even more hideous and terrifying, his eyes were filled with extreme anger and Shocked, it seemed that he never thought that Nalanjing not only broke his attack easily, but also ruined his arm!

"You can't be so strong...impossible!"

"There is nothing impossible in this world!" Nalanjing's purple eyes were icy, his figure shook, and a sword shot directly pierced the chest of the double-winged demon.

The tip of the sword was picked, and a heart shining with colorful rays flew out from the chest of the Winged Demon.

This colorful heart contains all the power of the Winged Demon. Nalanjing pushed the Winged Demon to Nalan Yechen, "Find a place to refine it, and I will protect you."

The body of the two-winged demon who had lost the colorful heart instantly turned into a pile of flying smoke and was blown away.

Only traces of fighting were left at the scene, and the two-winged demon seemed to have never appeared before.

"En." Nalan Yechen nodded.

There has just been a battle in this place, and it is easy to attract other gods and demons. Naturally, they can't stay anymore. You must immediately find a quiet place. There is crisis everywhere, and if you are not careful, it will become food for those gods and demons.

Afterwards, Nalanjing took Nalan Yechen to find a quiet and safe place, and let Nalan Yechen refine the heart of the two-winged demon.

After three days and three nights, Nalan Yechen finally finished refining that heart. Not only did all the injuries in his body recover, but his strength also improved a lot, and he had broken through to the realm of God.

Nalan Yechen is different from ordinary children. He is not only the continuation and inheritor of the blood of Yanhuang and Qinglong, but also the ghost master of the ghost hell. He inherits all the previous memories, so his strength is rapidly increasing. It's shocking.

"Huh..." Nalan Yechen opened his eyes, and a frightening gleam passed through his beautiful purple eyes. He looked up at the man in front of him, his face was full of surprises, "Father, you How come here?"

If it hadn't been for the sudden arrival of Daddy, maybe he would have been eaten by the double-winged demon. He used to hate this guy. He was obviously an old person, and he always occupied his mother.

But now it seems that his dad still has something to please.

Nalanjing stretched out his hand and flicked on Nalan Yechen's forehead, "Smelly boy, you are ashamed to say, if it weren't for you, I can come to this ancient land where chickens do not lay eggs and birds do not shit?"

Nalan Yechen's face turned dark, he just changed his mind to this old guy a little bit, he treated himself like this! It seems that I can't think of him in a good place, "Look at your reluctant look, you must not be sincere to save me! It must be my mother who found out that I was in danger, and sent you. ?"

"Smelly boy, is your mother the only one in your eyes?" Nalan was not stunned, and reached out and grabbed his ears.

"Don't always call me stinky boy!" Nalan Yechen stared at her dissatisfiedly, and her beautiful purple eyes stared back at Nalanjing.

The two faced each other fiercely, and the two pairs of beautiful purple eyes clearly reflected each other's figure, almost identical in appearance and expression.

Nalanjing couldn't help but smile, let go of her hand, and stroked Nalan Yechen's head with the palm of her hand, "Hey, my good son, come on, why are you here?"

Seeing the smile on Nalanjing’s face, Nalan Yechen couldn’t help but shudder, and whispered in a slightly scared voice: “You still call me a stinky boy. You suddenly call me a good son. I’m not used to it. I think you have a conspiracy..."

"I think you really want to be beaten!" Nalan Jingjun's face turned black.

Call him a brat, he dislikes, call him a good son, he is afraid...

It's so hard to serve!

"Don't..." Nalan Yechen said depressed. I really don't know what my mother fell in love with her father. She is obviously narcissistic and arrogant. He is fierce and cursing people. He is not gentle at all. How can there be Bingyan and Rutian They are gentle.

My mother's eyes must be obscured by eye feces...

Nalan Yechen thought silently in her heart.

Nalanjing's purple eyes sank, and there was a trace of anger in his eyes, "You brat dare to slander me in your heart!"

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