Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1826: Finale【18】

The corner of Nalanjing's lips evoked a sarcastic smile, contemptuous and disdainful, "Just you want to cooperate with me?"

Russell’s face suddenly sank, “Nalanjing, don’t be too arrogant! I’m also a high-level Daoist. I’m even stronger than you! If you don’t want to cooperate with me, some are human Work with me!"

"Then you are going to talk about how to distribute this strange treasure of heaven and earth in the end?" Nalanjing's purple and charming pupils contained a hint of brilliant light, deep and wise.

"After we have solved all the opponents, how about discussing it?" Russell's mouth opened with a grin, and his eyes were full of calculations.

How could Nalanjing fail to see his thoughts? Russell only relied on his strength as a high-level Dao Venerable Realm and wanted to use him. After he won the treasure, Russell would definitely attack him...

However, the corners of Nalanjing's lips still opened with a faint smile, like the gray gloom in the gray sky, which is unpredictable: "Yes, just follow what you said."

Above the vast and lofty sky, a faint purple light envelops, followed by the purple awns getting brighter and brighter, more and more dazzling, the stars are dotted, like the stars in the sky, making this lonely and desolate, always only dark gray The sky has a touch of the brightest brilliance in the world!

The already tense atmosphere suddenly became more tense and solemn, and the world was filled with a strong murderous and chill, one by one tense nerves, very vigilantly looking at the purple light group above the nine heavens.

Dazzling and unparalleled, like a hot purple sun!

Nalanjing glanced at the powerhouses around him, they all looked like they were ready to **** them. After all, there had been no such light and such power in the ancient realm for hundreds of thousands of years!

There is only gray here for hundreds of thousands, not even a sun or star!

Now there is such a dazzling purple light. It is conceivable that this purple light group must contain extremely powerful energy! !

If you can get it, you will definitely be able to tear through the space of this ancient realm and leave here!


With a muffled sound, I saw that above the vast and high nine sky, that round of hot and dazzling purple light descended from the sky, and hurriedly smashed downward!

It hit Yuncang Mountain fiercely, raising the sky full of smoke and dust, and a huge mushroom cloud rose up, blocking everyone's sight.


A figure flew in the smoke and dust in an instant. With the first one, there was the second one. The figures rushed past, all wanting to grab the treasure of the day before others!

Nalanjing stood with his hands held in the air, floating in the air, without any hands, but slowly squinted his eyes, and a trace of deep gleam was fleeting in his glass-like purple eyes.

"Father, don't we do it?" Nalan Yechen on the side asked softly.

"I'll do it later." Nalanjing's lips filled with a cold arc, and now he rushed forward. Even if he got the world treasure, it would only become the target of the public, and it would be killed in an instant.

The only way is to wait for everyone to kill each other, and then think of ways to steal the heaven and earth...

At this moment, just listen to...


There was a muffled sound.

The person who was the first to rush the fastest was shot out fiercely, flying backwards for hundreds of meters before stopping, and a trace of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

Not only him, but those who were the first to rush extremely fast were also fiercely bombarded, each vomiting blood, and the internal organs were greatly backlashed.

A purple light group shrouded in front, and then everyone realized that there was an additional defensive barrier there.

Everyone is the strength of the Dao Venerable Realm, and they will be seriously injured and vomiting blood by the rebound of this barrier. It can be seen that the heaven and earth treasures inside are absolutely very powerful!

One by one, there was a glow of excitement in their eyes. Such a strange treasure of heaven and earth can definitely help them improve their strength or leave here!

The atmosphere on the scene became more tense and calm.

"Nalanjing, do you have any plans?" Russell asked him.

"No plan." Nalan Jing's handsome face was indifferent, and he frowned slightly: "Almost all the people from the ancient realm are here. With the three of us joining hands, I am afraid it will be very difficult."

Naturally, he wouldn't tell the truth to Russell. The way he did it was very dangerous, and he was only 30% sure.

If you tell Russell, I'm afraid there will be no more.

"Then do you know what heaven and earth treasures are here?" Russell stared at the defensive barrier in front of him, curiously asked, "Such a powerful force, purple light, seems a bit like the power of stars... …"

Nalanjing's purple pupils are a bit deeper, the power of stars...

What Yue'er cultivates is the power of the stars, and she doesn't know what is going on with Yue'er now, do you think he is dead... or is she looking for him crazy?

No way!

He must find a way to leave here!

No matter how many people rob the world's treasures, how dangerous they are, this world's treasures, he will decide!

On Yuncang Mountain, when the smoke and dust cleared, the situation inside was slowly revealed, and all of them suddenly widened in surprise. What is that?

A purple lotus?

On Yuncang Mountain, a huge purple lotus seems to be slowly blooming, the green lotus leaves are swaying in the wind, and the purple petals are crystal clear, embellishing this gloomy and boundless world beautifully and dazzlingly, extremely charming!

The purple lotus petals seem to be the most beautiful color in the world, fascinating and fascinating. There are dots of light lingering on it, like stars in the sky.

Everyone held their breath involuntarily, this purple lotus is extraordinary!

You must know that this ancient realm has not appeared in any color other than gray for hundreds of thousands of years!

Any green things, such as flowers, plants and trees, will wither and die when they arrive here, and if they remain gray, this purple lotus has not been affected by the ancient land!

"Getting this purple lotus, maybe I can break through Dao Sovereign Realm in one fell swoop and become the Lord of Heaven!" Russell's eyes were filled with excitement, and the whole person was involuntarily excited.

When he saw this purple lotus, Nalanjing's heart couldn't help but miss a beat, a flash of light quickly flashed through the narrow and deep purple eyes, the breath of this purple lotus was so familiar to him...

It's kind of like Yue'er...

"Father, how did I feel the mother's breath from this purple lotus? Did I feel wrong?" Nalan Yechen was also puzzled.

"Could it be that Yue'er also came to the ancient realm?" Nalanjing muttered to herself, no, if Yue'er came to the ancient realm, he would definitely receive some wind, but there was no news at all.

Moreover, Yue'er does not have such a strange treasure...

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