Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 193: Shameful man

"I want to stay and help Uncle Li! You go first! Hurry up!" Jun Mengyu shouted.

A humanized contempt and coldness flashed in the silver-armored snake king’s eyes like big red lanterns, and saw its huge snake hair swept away. The silhouettes who originally wanted to kill Tang Yiming from behind were suddenly swept away. To heaven.

The little silver-clad snakes behind them flew into the air, biting them on their chests, necks, or arms. Some people died of anger before they even touched the ground.

"Ah! Mengyu help me! Jun Mengyu, hurry up and save me! I don't want to die yet..." Tang Yiming paled with fright, dancing in the air, watching the little silver-clad snakes fly in the air. Biting, scared him to tears, his soul flies.

"Don't be afraid, I'll save you!" Jun Mengyu moved into the air and hurried into the air.


The giant tail of the silver armor snake king swept again, and the tail pulled off Jun Mengyu, and then rolled onto Tang Yiming's waist. He paled in fright and trembled all over, as he struggled violently, the snake tail curled harder. The tighter he tightened, his white face turned purple.

Jun Mengyu fell to the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood again. She stood up swayingly and saw Tang Yiming being strangled by the silver armor snake king. Regardless of the sharp pain in her chest, she said, "Sing, don’t move, the more you struggle The tighter it curls..."

"Your mother~ can you fart less? It is strangled so tightly, can I not struggle? I'm going to be strangled to death, do you want to be a widow in the future? If I die, who would dare to marry you? "Tang Yiming shouted intermittently.

"I'll save you!" Jun Mengyu took a deep breath and swept towards the silver armor snake king again.

"Your Royal Highness!" Li Hui was frightened and angry. He quickly moved and followed behind Jun Mengyu. Unfortunately, he didn't run a few steps before falling to the ground. At this time, his face had turned purple and black. , Obviously the poisoning is deeper.

The scene was in chaos, the snake shadow flew by, and the screams were endless, which appeared to be particularly permeating in this dense dark night.

"Master, can you save it?" Tong Ling turned his head and asked, Chu Tiange and Huo Xi also just stood quietly and watched, just waiting for Mu Qianyue to speak.

"Help." Mu Qianyue uttered a faint word. Although the man looked a bit unpleasant, the woman named Jun Mengyu was okay, and the others were innocent.

Seeing Chu Tiange, Huo Xi and Tong Ling preparing to jump out, Mu Qianyue faintly dropped a few words, "Let him suffer more."

"Hey, Master, don't worry, I will never save him." Tong Ling sneered when he heard the words. He also hated that man. He didn't have any skills, so he knew that he was yelling at a woman and was a waste.

"This kind of person deserves it." Chu Tiange snorted coldly, he also obviously looked down on this kind of person.

"Yes." Huo Xi said coldly.

The three of them, jumping out like phantoms, joined the human-snake war, the sword light danced, and the sharp sword aura was blown out, hitting the seven inches of these little silver-clad snakes as many as they did. The swords were sharp and the swords were ready. Incorrect, as if after thousands of tempers.

Jun Mengyu and Li Hui suddenly saw someone joining the battle circle, their eyes lit up, and there was a touch of joy in their decadent eyes. They thought they were going to be buried here today, but they did not expect to meet rescue at the last dangerous moment. !

With a move, Mu Qianyue swept across the crowd, holding the people who were bitten by the silver armor snake and the seriously injured aside, and then fed them to take the detoxification pills.

"You have been poisoned by the silver armor snake king. It is best not to move, otherwise the toxin will erode faster." Mu Qianyue pulled Li Hui back. This loyal man who protects the Lord is still worthy of admiration.

"No! I'm going to save the princess!" Li Hui struggled to get up, but his hands and feet became a little stiff because of the poisoning too deeply.

"Don't worry, my friend will save her." Mu Qianyue cast a look at Chu Tiange and Huo Xi. Huo Xi knew that it was almost too late. If he drags on, Tang Yiming can't hold on anymore. During this time, his face was expressionless. It was purple-red, and several big mouthfuls of blood spewed out. It is estimated that the ribs were severed a lot, and the chest cavity might be crushed.

In fact, what about Tang Yiming, whether he was alive or dead, they were not worried at all. They are afraid that if this goes on, Jun Mengyu will be beaten to death by the silver armor snake king.

But for a moment, these little silver-clad snakes were cut to death, and the silver-clad snake king's eyes were red with anger, and he roared again and again, and his moves became more and more severe! I saw a huge snake tail with terrible power, swept away!

Looking at the snake tail waving like iron, Jun Mengyu closed her eyes in despair, she knew that this time she could no longer escape!

It doesn't matter if you die here, this Wangchuan flower sea is beautiful, like spring all year round, with mountains and wind, water and trees, flowers and grass, it is also a good geomantic treasure.

From now on, she no longer has to accept others' ridicule, no need to care about the mocking eyes of those people, no need to hide alone in secret sadness...

However, after waiting for a long time, she didn't feel the terrible pain in her heart. The wind around her seemed to be still and very quiet. She raised her head and opened her eyes, only to see a slender figure falling like a fright. Down.

Three thousand hairs were flying in the air, and the big red robe swelled wantonly, seeming to instantly light up the black night.

The man’s jade-like face is as beautifully carved and perfect. He actually has a pair of unusually beautiful peach eyes, even more beautiful than a woman’s eyes. They are the most beautiful pair of eyes she has ever seen, as if they have infinite magic power. She couldn't help but look at one more time, then another look, and then she fell...

The nose is like a green peak, and the soft lips are like the peach blossoms flying in March.

Fengshen is handsome, Zhilan Yushu, the combination of evil charm and cold arrogance...A series of words can not describe his beauty.

"I'll deal with the silver armored snake king, you go save your friends." Huo Xi stood in front of Jun Mengyu, blocking her terrifying breath of the silver armored snake king, and after faintly dropped a word, his body moved, Slashing away with the sword aura of flames, hitting the silver armored snake king seven inches above, suddenly only heard the painful neigh of the silver armored snake king, and the snake tail that had wrapped Tang Yiming suddenly loosened.

Jun Mengyu stunned in place, forgetting to pick up Tang Yiming, only to see Tang Yiming slammed to the ground with a'bang', another mouthful of blood spurted out, he collapsed on the ground, raised his head slightly, his eyes angry He looked at Jun Mengyu, "You... didn't even follow... I..."

After speaking, he tilted his head and passed out completely.

Jun Mengyu came back to her senses, and the stunning color in her eyes slowly faded and turned into the usual dullness. She turned her head to look at Tang Yiming who had passed out, with a complex color on her face, and finally turned into a sound. Sigh helplessly,

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