Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 203: Met again

Mu Qianyue and the four returned to the sea of ​​flowers in Wangchuan again, the wind is sunny and sunny, warm as spring, the grass grows with warblers, butterflies and butterflies are flying, the periphery of the sea of ​​flowers is always lively, there are dating couples everywhere, or Three or two friends go together.

"Huh? Isn't that Su Piaopiao?" Tong Ling suddenly saw the figure with a soft waist with sharp eyes, chatting with a fat man, covering his mouth and smiling from time to time, saying no The style is very charming.

"Yes, she seems to be recovering well." Mu Qianyue smiled.

The four of them continued to move forward. Following the route on the map, they quickly entered the interior of the Wangchuan Flower Sea. Gradually the sky was getting dark and the night was not suitable for traveling. Mu Qianyue and the four found a safer place and prepared. It will be one night here, and we will continue tomorrow.

This back is backed by the mountain, and in front is a clear bottom of the stream. On both sides is a thorny area. The visibility is relatively far, and you can immediately find out what you do. After a simple dinner, Mu Qianyue took out the blanket from the space and spread it on the ground, while Chu Tiange, Huo Xi and Tong Ling were swimming in the creek opposite.

The three of them took a bath in the river, changed their clothes, and walked to the bottom of the mountain. Just as they were about to take out the blankets to rest, suddenly two figures came from the corner and were stretched out in the moonlight.

Mu Qianyue's four people immediately became vigilant. As the two figures approached, Mu Qianyue discovered that it was the old man and young man in the Purple Soul Palace. There was a shock in Tong Ling's eyes.

Why are these two people here? Wouldn't it be me and the master?

Mu Qianyue glanced at Tong Ling, pointed at the human skin mask on his face, and signaled him not to worry. They were easy to pass now, and the other party might not be able to recognize it, so Tong Ling calmed down.

"We have taken a fancy here, you can go now." Pang Zhengtian walked to Mu Qianyue and said condescendingly, his face was as proud as an emperor.

Although Feng Huijing, the elder of the Purple Soul Palace, did not speak, the lofty expression on his face already showed his thoughts.

Mu Qianyue sneered, sitting still, her voice changed slightly, "We found this first, so let's let it if you say it?"

"Smelly boy, I told you to make it worthy of you. It's best not to ask for trouble." A fierce light flashed in Pang Zhengtian's eyes. Killing is a very common thing on a mountain with no people. No one knows anyway.

"Little brother, you should take the initiative to let it out, otherwise, when my apprentice gets angry, he likes to kill people the most. I don't want to hurt four innocent lives because of a piece of land, otherwise I will not sleep well at night." Feng returned to Jing. There was a weird smile on his face, and his voice was very yin and yang, full of threats.

Upon hearing this, Tong Ling almost threw up, staring contemptuously.

Chu Tiange and Huo Xi sat on the ground and didn't move, but the breath under them was as biting as ice.

Mu Qianyue rolled her eyes unkindly. He was obviously very bad, so what kind of a good person he pretended to be? His eyes turned, the old man's strength was a high-ranking king martial artist, and he was cautious, cruel and ferocious. If he really fights, the four of them won't get any benefits, maybe he will die here.

She couldn't kill Chu Tiange, Huo Xi and Tong Ling because of the momentary quarrel.

"Okay, let you guys." Mu Qianyue stood up, preparing to put away the mink wool blanket, but heard Pang Zhengtian's voice from above, "You guys go, leave the blanket, and clean it up for Laozi Point, I have a cleanliness hobby."

Mu Qianyue squatted down'helplessly', patted the dust on the mink blanket, and then carefully wiped it with her sleeves before she looked at Pang Zhengtian and said, "Shall we go now?"

"Get out." Pang Zhengtian's eyes flashed with disdain.

Mu Qianyue took Chu Tiange, Huo Xi, and Tong Ling and left quickly. Of course, seeing Pang Zhengtian's eyes, he naturally fled into waste.

"Huh, a few hillbillies can also enjoy it." Pang Zhengtian sneered, and walked to the mink rug as he was about to sit down, and the sound of Feng Huijing's'cough' came from the side, "Cough... The teacher is too old and can't stand the toss, so just sit by and watch the night at night."

Pang Zhengtian's buttocks hadn't sat down yet, keeping a pouted posture, he could not help hearing this sentence, and a shadow flashed in his eyes. This old immortal was always leaning against the old in front of him, and he was his apprentice and refused to let it go! Although there was a lot of resentment in my heart, there was a respectful attitude on his face, "Master, the apprentice was supposed to let you sit. I just want to check it so that Master can sleep peacefully."

He touched it with his hand, then stood up and smiled: "Master, the apprentice has checked it and there is no problem."

"En." Feng Huijing glanced at Pang Zhengtian very satisfied, and lay down on his own blanket, his eyes slightly narrowed, with a face of enjoyment.

Pang Zheng curled his mouth in resentment, and had to find a rock to sit on the side. The hard and cold stone slammed his butt, and he couldn't help feeling a little depressed. He didn't expect to go out with a blanket on his body before.


"Master, just give them the position like this?" Tong Ling gritted his teeth a little angrily, really wanted to throw a few small snakes and scorpions to have affection with them, but he knew that the old man in the Purple Soul Palace was too strong and could easily be caught Discovered, it will provoke killing.

Chu Tiange and Huo Xi's expressions became calmer. In their impression, Mu Qianyue was not a person who would suffer obediently, let alone a person who was called upon by others!

"Do you think Master is bullied so easily?" Mu Qianyue's lips raised a sneer, and a touch of sly flashed through her dark pupils, "Don't worry, there will be a lot of monsters going to make friends with them tonight."

Tong Ling's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Master, what did you do? Why didn't I see it."

"The master should have wiped something on the blanket when tidying up the blanket." Chu Tiange thought for a while and said, because only at that time did the master have the opportunity to start.

"Master, what did you wipe on it? Why do you say that there will be a lot of monsters looking for them tonight?" Tong Ling asked excitedly, and the unhappiness and anger that had been shrouded in his heart just disappeared.

"Apply a kind of pollen that can attract Warcraft. The smell of this pollen is very weak, just like an ordinary floral fragrance, but it has a fatal attraction to Warcraft, so the two of them will never notice. If you use poison directly, the elders of the Purple Soul Palace will find out soon. So I thought of using this kind of pollen."

There was a hint of coldness in the voice of the girl Qingyue.

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