Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 214: Human~monster?

The white fluff is like soft and gorgeous silk, the long slender tail has a row of bone spurs, the head has a pair of short golden dragon horns, and a pair of brilliant golden eyes like gems are clear and innocent. My heart is adorable.

What kind of monster is this? It seems I have never seen this type. does it feel so familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere...

Poor strange!

The Qiongqi that I saw in the sea of ​​flowers in Wangchuan that day was also snow-white, with golden pupils, a pair of golden dragon horns, and wings, but the one in front of him was only a reduced version!

Mu Qianyue raised her eyes and looked around. There was a magma pool in front of her, and her back and left were pretty walls. Only the right side had a road leading to the unknown darkness ahead.

Folding her brows lightly, she was stunned for a while, Mu Qianyue's frowning eyebrows gradually stretched out, and she hugged the little beast on the ground, her lips curled, and a smile appeared, "You are Tiange, right?"

It was he who saved himself and blocked the overwhelming sword light for himself, and she was not turned into **** by the magma. From this point, it also proved the fact that Chu Tiange is a very strange, otherwise he would never be able to appear at this moment unharmed. Here.

Suddenly being held in her arms by Mu Qianyue, Xiao Beast's golden eyes clearly flashed a touch of embarrassment, and then nodded.

"That terrible magma didn't turn us into ashes...what a miracle!" Mu Qianyue exclaimed, looking down at the little beast in her arms, "Tiange, how did you do it?"

Although there are tears of ice crystals in the space, which can defend against all flames, she has no strength at the time.

"Those magma to me is the same as the element of fire attribute. Not only does it cause no harm to me, but it can increase my cultivation." Chu Tiange said.

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue's face showed a touch of surprise, he was not afraid of magma, but could still practice? This is too bad! Sure enough, it is an ancient fierce beast!

"Tian Ge, thank you, thank you for saving me desperately." He lowered his head and looked at him softly and said.

"Master, you saved the lives of me, Xiaoxue, and Uncle Pan, so I decided to follow you to the death at that time." The little beast broke free from her arms and fell on the ground lightly, the familiar voice from the little beast's cute and **** Overflow between the lips.

"Then can you recover your human form?"

"Not for the time being, you have to take a rest for a while." Chu Tiange replied, the master's feeling is very warm, and there is a faint maiden fragrance, which makes him very uncomfortable. Fortunately, he is now a beast. He blushed.

"Well, are Xiaoxue and Pan San also Qiongqi?" Mu Qianyue stood up, patted the dust on her body, raised her eyes to look at him, a flash of curiosity in her eyes.

"Xiaoxue, like me, has half of the Qiongqi bloodline, the other half is human blood, and Uncle Pan is human." Chu Tiange slowly explained.

"Uh..." Hearing this, Mu Qianyue's expression was stunned, half of them were monsters and half of human beings. Is this the legendary human ~ demon?

I sweat! Still such a handsome person~monster!

"Master, would you look down on me because of this?" Chu Tiange raised his head and looked at her weakly, extremely innocent.

"How is it possible? All beings in the world are equal, whether humans, beasts, or between humans and beasts, all have their own dignity. Under the premise that only you can see yourself, no one else I will despise you!" The girl's voice was light but with infinite determination.

On the premise that only you can value yourself, no one else will despise you!

Chu Tiange recalled this sentence repeatedly in his heart, and the clouds and mist that had been shrouded in his heart seemed to instantly disperse, and the sky was clear.

"Master, meeting you is the luck of my life." Chu Tiange looked at her with touch. Master, she is obviously younger than herself, but she knows more than herself. It is really hard to imagine a 15-year-old girl. , How can there be such a firm heart?

Mu Qianyue suddenly thought of Tian Shuo, who was seriously injured and unconscious in the space of Tongtian Tower, and quickly sat cross-legged, and her consciousness entered the space of Tongtian Tower.

It's just that Mu Qianyue searched the first and second floors of the Tongtian Tower and there was no Tian Shuo.

"Tian Shuo...Tian Shuo..."

Thinking of Tian Shuo's severe injuries before, Mu Qianyue suddenly panicked. After all, Tian Shuo is only a tool spirit, and has no entity. If he...

Mu Qianyue didn't dare to think.

"Qianyue, don't worry...I'm fine...I'm just a little weak now, as long as I recuperate for a while, it's okay." At this moment, Tian Shuo's weak voice sounded in the air, and Mu Qianyue quickly turned to look. Behind him, I saw Tian Shuo's small figure very faint, almost transparent, and seemed to disappear at any time.

Mu Qianyue's heart twitched, her eyes were reddish, and a wave of guilt slowly rose in her heart. If it wasn't for saving herself, he wouldn't be like this.

"Qianyue, you don't have to blame yourself. If you didn't unlock the Tongtian Pagoda, I am afraid I will be sealed in it now. Besides, I am a tool spirit, I will never die." Tian Shuo was pale. A small smile appeared on his face, "Well, I'm going to heal my injury. It may take a long time to show up this time."

"Well, take care of your injuries first." Mu Qianyue couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when he heard that he would not die, and then walked out of the Tongtian Tower space.

During this period, Chu Tiange had been lying quietly beside her without disturbing her. When she saw her open her eyes, she bounced on the spot with joy.

Mu Qianyue looked at him in surprise, and suddenly smiled: "It feels like you have become a little monster, but you are much more cute."

Unlike when he was in human form, he had an iceberg face stretched out, silent and indifferent.

When Chu Tiange heard this, he stretched out his soft and cute little paw and scratched his head, seeming a little shy.

"Okay, let's find a way to get out of here quickly, otherwise Huo Xi and Tong Ling must both die in a hurry." Mu Qianyue said.

"Well, the master will come with me." Chu Tiange's small figure jumped and leaped forward.

After walking for about ten steps, I came to the passage ahead, and a faint red light radiated from the steep and rugged rock walls on both sides, illuminating the entire passage.

Mu Qianyue glanced at it, and then noticed rows of fiery red fruits growing on the rocks on both sides, each of which was about the size of the sacred fruit, and the whole body was fiery red and crystal clear, with hundreds of them.

The faint fragrance radiates from these fruits, which is very attractive.

Recalling the fragrance and sweetness when she was in a coma, Mu Qianyue couldn't help but looked down at the little beast in front of him and asked, "Is this what you gave me just now?"

"Yes." Chu Tiange nodded and said slowly, "I found that these fruits have healing effects, so I picked one and tried it. The effect was very good. During the four days of your coma, I regularly scheduled I'll feed you two. Because I don't know what the composition of this fruit is, and I dare not feed you more."

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