Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 242: Red Flame Valley【1】

"Crimson Flame Valley is a barren area, and it has always been safe and sound here. How could Dongling Kingdom hit the idea of ​​Red Flame Valley? Even if it wants to attack our Jingyue Kingdom, it shouldn't start from here." Mu Qianyue frowned. Twist lightly, thinking about the doubts in my heart.

"No matter what idea they made, they must be regretted!" Nalanjing snorted coldly, and the murderous intent flashed in the clear purple eyes.

At noon, Cang Ming and Xuan Ye rushed back.

Both of them had solemn expressions with anger in their eyes. Cang Ming stepped forward with a cold voice, "Master, we have already investigated it clearly."

"Recently, Dongling Kingdom has become more and more rampant. I think that Jingyue Kingdom has undergone a change of dynasty, and its strength and economy are far less than before. Therefore, we deliberately stir up troubles and often send strong people to harass the border. The people of Chiyan City are miserable and dead. Death, injuries, and some people were forced to leave their hometown because they couldn't bear this kind of life." Xuanye's face was also angry, her eyes were cold, her fists under her sleeves clenched tightly.

"Go, let's go to the City Lord's Mansion first." Nalan Jing's eyes gradually became gloomy, holding Mu Qianyue's hand and walking towards the City Lord's Mansion in the city.

The City Lord’s Mansion is a general named Wu Hongbin sent by Jingyueguo to garrison Chiyan City.

The City Lord’s Mansion is located in the center of Chiyan City. When Mu Qianyue, Nalanjing, Xuan Ye, and Cang Ming came to the City Lord’s Mansion, what they saw was not the magnificent City Lord Mansion, but a scene of dilapidated depression. Half of the eaves have collapsed, a mess.

The compound that did not collapse occasionally came in and out, and it was obvious that people lived in it.

An inexplicable and complicated emotion surged in Mu Qianyue’s eyes, and she stepped into the city lord’s mansion. A soldier who happened to walk out of the house looked at Mu Qianyue vigilantly. His voice was low and thin. Anger, "Who are you? Why did you break into my city lord mansion?"

Nalanjing was not irritated because of this, Xuan Ye, who was standing behind him, flicked his sleeves and took out a black token with the words'Jingyue' engraved on it and a black dragon on the other side.

When he saw this token, the soldier's face changed, and his emotions became obviously a little excited. He was about to speak when Nalanjing raised his hand to stop him, "Let's go in and talk."

After the group entered the room, the soldier immediately knelt down respectfully, "Subordinates damn, I didn't recognize the emperor and the concubine, and I hope to forgive me."

Not everyone can see Nalanjing and Mu Qianyue, so it is normal for him not to recognize them.

"Get up. What is your name?" Nalanjing asked.

"The subordinate is called Wang Fei." Seeing that Nalanjing's expression was gentle, the soldier couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where is General Wu?"

"General Wu...he is going to die soon!" Wang Fei's eyes were red, and his voice was a little choked.

"Tell me about the situation here in detail." Nalanjing said, although Cang Ming and Xuan Ye have already inquired, but because of the rush of time, many news are not comprehensive, and Wang Fei has been here all the time, and he must know a lot. Useful news.

"Yes." Wang Fei breathed a sigh of relief, gradually calmed down, and slowly said, "Originally, Scarlet Flame City has been safe and sound. It is relatively barren than other towns, so the population of Scarlet Flame City is not large, but the people We can live and work in peace and contentment. There are not many soldiers stationed here. Six months ago, General Wu and I were on a tour on the mountain. We met people from the Tanglin Kingdom and found that they were swaying everywhere in Chiyan Mountain, so we and They clashed. In that battle, we fought the enemy and fled. We thought they would never come again."

"Unexpectedly, they have gotten worse. Since then, Dongling Kingdom has always used this reason to harass Chiyan City, saying that we committed them first. This time, General Wu was seriously injured by them and was bedridden. Life is at stake." Wang Fei said angrily, his eyes gradually turning red.

"Is there no doctor here?" Cang Ming asked.

"There are doctors, but General Wu was injured too badly, and the doctors were helpless. His subordinates wanted to send General Wu back to the capital, but General Wu refused to die. He said he would die here too. As long as there is a citizen in the city, he He decided not to leave! So General Wu's condition got worse and worse, and he was about to be unable to survive..." Wang Fei said.

Mu Qianyue's gaze changed, and her heart couldn't help but raise her respect for General Wu. Perhaps others might think he was stupid, but as a soldier, it is really rare to be so empathetic and righteous! There are also cases of national destruction and family destruction in history, but which one of those people did not flee with money, and where would they care about the lives of the people?

There are really very few people like General Wu who value love and justice!

"Don't worry, he will be fine with me here. Let's go and take us to see General Wu first." The girl Qingyue's voice seemed to have a magical power, and Wang Fei's angry mood gradually calmed down again. .

A very young man was lying on a bed made of simple wooden planks in the house. He appeared to be only about twenty-five years old and his skin was slightly dark. At this time, his eyes were slightly closed, and he was breathing hard while lying on the bed.

There was a quick flash of surprise in Mu Qianyue's eyes, thinking that General Wu in Wang Fei's mouth was a sturdy man, but he didn't expect to be so young.

The palm of his hand flicked and took out a jade bottle from the space, and a drop of crystal emerald green liquid dripped into Wu Hongbin's mouth, but for a moment, I saw Wu Hongbin's complexion gradually improved, and his breathing became smoother, unlike before.

Not only that, even the wounds on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even no scars were left.


A whirlpool of white vitality appeared above his head, followed by a few muffled sounds, like the sound of bone rubbing, and Wu Hongbin instantly changed from a seventh-order spiritual warrior to a third-order martial artist!

Wu Hongbin opened his eyes in surprise, what's going on? Why did he wake up? He clearly felt that he was going to die just now, and he clearly felt the fear of death! If he couldn't catch that breath, he would really never open his eyes!

Of course, Wang Fei was also shocked. He stared in horror, his mouth was so wide that he could almost stuff a duck egg.

The general was so badly injured that he was dying, and he was healed in the blink of an eye, and he also broke through the sixth rank one after another!

Gosh! Is he not dizzy? !

What exactly did the imperial concubine give to the general, it was so amazing! That seemingly ordinary drop of green liquid actually contains such powerful energy!

After Wu Hongbin opened his eyes and saw the men and women standing in the room, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes. He quickly got up from the bed and knelt down on one knee, "Subordinates have seen the emperor and the concubine."

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