Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 252: You and Hyun Ye... are a good match

Lu Xiyao's words were like a basin of cold water pouring from the top of her head. Lu Qingyu's face instantly turned pale, and a hint of hatred flashed in her slightly drooping eyes, but she quickly grabbed it, "I know this is so beautiful. Only Xi Yao can be worthy of the man, as long as I take a look from a distance, I will be satisfied."

Lu Xiyao's face showed a satisfied smile. She adjusted her dress, raised her head and chest, and walked gracefully toward the river.

At this time, Nalanjing and Cang Ming had already walked out of the mud, walked to the river to wash away the mud on their hands and feet, and put on their shoes and socks.

"The son, the little girl Lu Xiyao." Lu Xiyao said with a soft and charming voice, her cheeks flushed, and her eyes springing from the spring, looking at Nalanjing affectionately.

Nalanjing's brows wrinkled almost invisible, a cold light flashed in the deep purple pupils, his lips opened lightly, and he coldly spit out a word, "Go!"

At the same time, a cold and terrifying aura radiated from her body, pressing towards Lu Xiyao, Lu Xiyao's face changed drastically, and her footsteps kept moving backwards. She raised her head and looked surprised and shocked. Looking at Nalanjing, he didn't seem to react.

Wasn't he as warm and pure as banal? Why is the next moment suddenly more terrifying than the devil of hell!

Cang Ming, who was following Nalanjing's side, cast a disdainful look at Lu Xiyao. This woman actually dared to hook up her master, and she felt sick when she saw her delicate and contrived appearance.

Nalanjing didn't even look at Lu Xiyao, and walked away, as if looking at her more, it stained her eyes. In this world, except Yue'er, no woman is worthy of him!

"This son, I am the fourth young lady of the Phantom Pavilion and a rare genius in the Phantom Pavilion. To be honest, I have fallen in love with you at first sight since I saw you just now. I am going to marry You! If you marry me, you will definitely not suffer! Not only can you enjoy the glory and wealth, status and power, and even call the wind and rain, even if you walk sideways in the Tianwu Continent, no one dares to stop you! And you won't have to do this in the future Work hard to catch the shrimp..."

Seeing him leaving, Lu Xiyao quickly said, with her own status and status, I don’t know how many men smashed their heads and wanted to marry herself. Unfortunately, she was not interested in those men. She didn’t feel that she had found it until she met him. Love. She believed that he would not refuse her, because no man would refuse!

When Cang Ming heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched, and the expression on his face was as constipated. Haha, this woman is too idiotic. Is she thinking that her master is very poor? Too poor to survive, so come to catch shrimp? I really don't know if I should say that this woman is too stupid, or if her head is caught by the door!

The master clearly wants to please the mistress, so he came to catch the shrimp, okay? Not to mention that the master is the Emperor Jingyue, just relying on the name of the ghost king is enough to scare a lot of people to death!

"Even looking at you more makes me feel sick." The man's cold and merciless voice slowly fell, but the person had already walked away, leaving only a touch of moon white robe flying in the wind.

Lu Xiyao's face was blue and ugly, gritted her teeth bitterly, her fingers twisted together bitterly. Obviously Nalanjing's words were a huge blow to her, but he thought he would give up if he said that. ?

Lu Qingyu saw that Lu Xiyao was humiliated, and her face showed the pleasure of revenge. In fact, she didn't like Lu Xiyao very much. She always relied on her status as a direct disciple of the Phantom Pavilion, and ridiculed herself, and did not treat herself as a human being. Look.

On the way back to the inn, Lu Xiyao still had a cold face, her face was ugly, her heart was filled with anger and nowhere to vent, suddenly, she thought about the Queen Jingyue, and decided to go to the palace to find the woman to vent her anger!

Lu Xiyao went straight to the palace.

"Xiyao, are you going to enter the palace?" Lu Qingyu looked at her curiously.

"Yes, I'm going to see how beautiful that woman is." Lu Xiyao's face showed a sneer.

"But, the three elders explained that geniuses entered the palace..."

"What are you afraid of, can a small palace stop us? I want to see who dares to stop this lady." Lu Xiyao's eyes flashed with disdain, and she lifted her steps gently, and walked up to her gracefully. In front of the palace gate, several guards stopped him.

"Bold! How dare you block this lady's way?" Lu Xiyao coldly shouted.

"Please show the token to enter the palace." The guard said blankly, and did not show a fearful expression because of Lu Xiyao's words.

"What token, I don't have any! I am the fourth young lady from the Phantom Pavilion. Ask your empress empress to come and see me as soon as possible." Lu Xiyao exuded a cold and arrogant aura, and ordered in a bad tone.

The guards twitched their eyes when they heard the words, and looked at her with an idiot look. Isn't this woman having a brain problem? Who did she think she was and asked the empress to come out to see her? Does she have this qualification?

"The palace is a heavy place, so idlers are not allowed to enter."

"You dare to block this young lady's path, that's great. This young lady must teach you a lesson and let you know how good I am!" Lu Xiyao's face was pale with anger, since she was young, who would dare not follow her? Who saw her not flattering? These guards dare not put her in their eyes!

The palm of the hand flickered, and a silver long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, with a'swish', the sharp blade was unsheathed, and the sword beams suddenly split out, moving quickly, and the guards were slashed without even reacting. After going out, they were seriously injured and fell to the ground screaming in pain.

"This is how you stopped this lady." Lu Xiyao snorted coldly.

"Xiyao, you are amazing." Lu Qingyu immediately leaned forward and praised.

"It's just a few, is this lady's opponent? Qingyu, let's go." Lu Xiyao raised her head proudly, looked at the guards rushing forward, and snorted coldly, "Who dare to block this lady's way? , I don’t mind killing them."


In the Mingyue Hall, Mu Qianyue was practicing martial arts, and she saw Nalanjing coming in carrying a basket, and inside were large lobsters.

A flash of surprise flashed through the black pupils, and looked at him and Cang Ming, "You two went to catch lobsters?"

Cang Ming shrunk aggrievedly, "Yes, the master is to please the mistress, but what's the matter with me?"

Nalanjing glanced at him faintly, "You won't find a wife in the future?"

Cang Ming's eyes lit up suddenly, "Master, are you looking for a wife for me?" Wakaka, is his single life coming to an end? Does he no longer have to watch the master and the mistress show affection?

Unexpectedly, Nalanjing's words broke his beautiful illusion in the next moment, "I think you and Xuan Ye... are very good."

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