Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 318: Ninth Grade Sacred Artifact!

The five people Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing sitting in the boxes hardly ever spoke, and there were also several boxes in the box on the second floor who had never spoken. This made Mu Qianyue a little surprised. These people It certainly won't seem to be lively. It seems that all their energy is concentrated on the next few auctions, which must have what they want.

"The auction item below is a Ninth-Rank Sacred Artifact, the Celestial Silkworm Fire Armor. Using the toughest Celestial Silk in the world, it was tempered for ninety-nine and eighty-one days in the pure sun, and then placed in the Extreme Cold. The earth, trained again for ninety-nine and eighty-one days, it contains pure yang and pure qi, invulnerable to swords and guns, unusually tough, with strong defensive power, and it will automatically hide in people’s bodies when worn on the body. It can't be seen, it will only appear if the master summons it with his mind. The starting price is 100,000 yuan." Zi Shuang's face showed a formulaic smile, a decent smile.

Everyone couldn't help but gasp! Ninth Grade Sacred Artifact!

Oh my God, it turned out to be a ninth-grade holy artifact! Still defensive! Moreover, it will automatically hide in the body, so it is not afraid that it will attract others' jealousy and competition.

If you are wearing this eternal flame armor, as long as you don't encounter a master in the realm of high-level imperial warriors, there is basically nothing wrong with it.

As Zi Shuang's voice fell, the fierce bidding began immediately, but in just a few minutes, it had been called a sky-high price of ten million. But it continues to rise, after all, this is a Ninth-Rank Saint Artifact! How long has there been no such sacred artifact on the mainland!

"Miss, aren't you here purely for fun? I said it for my husband, allowing you to be a prodigal." Nalanjing held her catkin, soft ~ soft fingertips whispering gently on the back of her hand , His eyes are full of ~ pet ~ drowning.

"The bidding is still very fierce now, I'll make a bid later." Mu Qianyue's face is slightly red, why is she so sensational! There are still people in the box!

Nalanjing turned a blind eye, replied with his eyes, it's okay, when they are all air!

Then continue to show affection.

Tong Xiaoxiao looked up to the sky and sighed depressed, long ago that she would have sat down in the auditorium below, and she would show her affection at every turn. What a torture!

"Twenty million, I Pang Bizhu wants this Celestial Silkworm Fire Armor. I hope you can sell my Pang family a face. My Pang family will definitely remember today's favor." At this time, a girl's excited voice came from the opposite box. , With a hint of arrogance.

Twenty million!

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but breathe in air-conditioning. Everyone's increase of one hundred thousand and one hundred thousand, only rose to ten million, this girl turned out to be twenty million! Sure enough! However, when everyone heard her say the word Pang family, their eyes were full of envy. It turned out to be the daughter of the Pang family! The shot was really generous.

The auction hall immediately became quiet, and as expected, no one asked for any more bids.

"Twenty million once."

"Twenty million twice."

A look of helplessness flashed through Zi Shuang's eyes. When Pang Bizhu was engaged in such a way, no one would make any more bids. She was clearly forcing others to give up.

"Fifty million."

Just when she thought there would be no more bidding, a woman's clear voice, like a silver bell, suddenly came from the second floor, like a beautiful ~ wonderful piano sound.

In the box, Mu Qianyue frowned slightly, Pang family? It seems that it should be the Pang family of Heishui City! After all, Heishui City is not far from here, and can be reached in a day's journey. Secondly, the more famous Pang family nearby is Heishui City.

"Sixty million." Pang Bizhu's voice was unpleasant. After he reported his name, he was still not afraid of death to **** this silkworm fire armor from him? She's so annoying!

"Nine million yuan." Mu Qianyue continued to bid, each time the price was 30 million more than Pang Bizhu.

Everyone was surprised when they heard the words, this is the real local tyrant! I just don't know which daughter this girl is!

In the other box, Pang Bizhu's face was green with anger. She gritted her teeth and said, "Have you never heard of the Pang family in Heishui City?"

"Well, I've heard it." Xianxian's faint voice, like Gujing Wubo, could not hear any mood swings.

"Okay, very good, it turns out that you deliberately wanted to oppose the Pang family!" This time, Pang Bizhu's voice was filled with anger.

"Since it's an auction, it must be the rich and get it. If you don't have money, then please shut up." The voice that is still not idle and quiet, listening to everyone's ears like a spring breeze, makes People were extremely comfortable, but they couldn't hear a trace of anger.

"You!" Pang Bizhu's face was pale with anger. This was the first time she had met someone who dared to antagonize her! The most hateful thing is that she dared to laugh at her for having no money! After taking a deep breath, Anger continued to shout, "One hundred million."

This is already the highest price she can give. I hope that the other party will not compete with herself, otherwise the uncle will not allow herself to continue to spend money. After all, they don’t have much money and they should use it to buy the most important item. thing.

"One hundred and thirty million." It's still the voice that is not idle or indifferent, but it is elegant and beautiful like a yellow oriole from the valley.

Pang Bizhu was about to explode her hair, even if she was hit by someone, the other party always put on a careless appearance, really mad at her!

"Bizhu, don't be impulsive. You should sit down first. Uncle will find a way for you to get this set of silkworm flame armor." A middle-aged man sitting next to Pang Bizhu comforted. She is Pang Bizhu's younger uncle, called Pang Jianchun.

Hearing that, Pang Bizhu reluctantly sat down. The depression in her heart made her very mad. Thinking of Pang Jianchun's words, her eyes lit up, "Uncle, are you telling the truth? Will you find a way to get that eerie fire armor for me?"

"Don't worry, have you forgotten my uncle's abilities? There is nothing in this world that my uncle can't do." A coldness flashed across Pang Jianchun's face.

"I know that my uncle is the best to me." Pang Bizhu happily sat beside him and said coquettishly, holding his arm.

Pang Jianchun took the opportunity to reach into the bottom of her skirt, and then quickly retracted, as if accidentally bumped into it. Pang Bizhu was shocked. She looked up at him and saw that his face was still the same as before. Looking at the auction hall below seriously, she couldn't help but frown slightly. Uncle must have accidentally touched her just now.

In the end, this silkworm fire armor was bought by Mu Qianyue at a price of 130 million yuan.

"Husband, am I too prodigal?" One hundred and thirty million! How many years it will take ordinary people to live, and how long will it take to earn it! Maybe it won't be earned in a lifetime! She was defeated in the blink of an eye!

"It's okay, because there are not many husbands, the money is more." Nalanjing smiled, and at the end he did not forget to add, "Don't worry, it's all from robbery."

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