But, she is so young, how can she cure Jun Mengyu's hidden illness?

I heard that for the sake of Jun Mengyu, the Emperor Bei Ming had even invited the pill master of the Sacred Doctor, but unfortunately he was helpless.

Now Jun Mengyu tells them that this girl who looks soft and alluring is a genius doctor who cures her hidden illness. It feels like a fantasy! They would never believe it!

Because this is unbelievable!

Even the Emperor Bei Ming had a dull and stunned expression. He was stunned for a long while before he came back to his senses, frowning, "Yu'er, you said she is the genius doctor who cures your hidden illness?"

"Yes, it is her. When the **** and Tang Yiming were practicing in the sea of ​​flowers in the Forgotten River, Tang Yiming ignored our safety and insisted on lighting a torch at night. As a result, a beast attacked us and almost killed us. At the critical moment, Qianyue rescued us. My hidden illness was also cured by her." Jun Mengyu nodded.

"Really ridiculous! She seems to be only sixteen years old, right? I'm afraid she has no strength even a martial artist. You said she saved you and cured your hidden illness? Ha ha, Jun Mengyu, don't you bother me Be a fool! This is just a lie that you want to excuse yourself!" Jun Linyuan sneered sneer, looked up at the most noble man above Danbi, and said: "Father, you must not listen to Jun Mengyu's side words, She is lying!"

With his talent, he reached the realm of a Tier 1 King Martial Artist at the age of twenty-six. The young girl in front of her looks so young, and her strength is definitely not very good!

The ministers nodded one after another, obviously agreeing with Jun Linyuan's words, after all, she was too young. Hey, the eldest princess is also true. She actually helped an ordinary woman to lie. Is she really a spy sent by another country? The princess...

Suspicious and angry eyes all fell on Jun Mengyu and Mu Qianyue for a while.

"Father, what I said is true. In addition to me and Tang Yiming, there were also many secret guards including Li Hui and they all saw it with their own eyes!" Jun Mengyu said.

"Those hidden guards are yours, you can naturally buy them." Jun Linyuan snorted lightly.

The Emperor Beiming's brows were lightly condensed, his gaze fell on Mu Qianyue's body, and his eyes flashed with wisps of essence. He naturally would not be as stupid as Jun Linyuan. As the emperor of the Beiming Kingdom, he naturally knew how to save time and observe Human heart.

Therefore, he did not get angry, or pressed for insults, but frowned in thought, and then asked after a while, "Yu'er, since you said that she is your benefactor and the genius doctor who cures your hidden illness, do you have any Evidence? After all, there are hundreds of civil and military officials here, and you can't be convinced by just a few words!"

Jun Mengyu's face changed slightly, she really couldn't prove it, because whatever she said would be refuted, unless she could produce strong evidence, or it was Qianyue's own proof.

But Qianyue is so proud, how could she be willing to stand up and prove that she is a genius doctor? She didn't bother to prove it!

Mu Qianyue stood quietly in the hall, always calm in the eyes of everyone, either contemptuous or contemptuous or suspicious, and the expression on his face did not change at all.

"You want to see the evidence?"

The corners of his lips curled up coldly, looking at Jun Linyuan.

Somehow, when he met Mu Qianyue's gaze, Jun Linyuan couldn't help but shivered fiercely, and an uneasy feeling arose in his heart for no reason.

The next moment, the purple figure in front of him shook, and a force struck, Jun Linyuan was instantly knocked out by that force, and hit the stone pillar behind him fiercely, his face turned white, his mouth opened, and a mouthful of blood Spit it out and fell to the ground dying.

All this is just a second!

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but gasp. Jun Linyuan was also a Tier 1 King Martial Artist anyway. He was hit and seriously injured in an instant in front of this purple-clothed girl! This is too strong!

Bei Minghuang’s face instantly turned cold, and he was green, obviously very angry, "Bold! You hurt my prince in my face! You are looking for death! Come, take her down for me!"

As his voice fell, General Tang immediately stopped Mu Qianyue and shouted angrily: "You really are a spy sent by another country! Come, protect the emperor!"

Dark guards filed in, and instantly besieged Mu Qianyue in the center.

"Qianyue!" Jun Mengyu walked to Mu Qianyue's side, looked up at Bei Minghuang and said, "Father, this is a misunderstanding, you must believe what your son said!"

Mu Qianyue didn't pay attention to everyone, but walked slowly to Jun Linyuan's side, flicked his finger, and immediately fed a pill into his mouth, only to see that his face slowly became ruddy and his breathing became smoother. , I felt that the chest injury was no longer painful, and the internal organs that were almost shattered were slowly repaired.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, Jun Linyuan stood up from his position. He touched his chest with a shocked expression on his face. Is his injury healed? What pill did she give herself just now? It's amazing!

Everyone in the main hall looked shocked and astonished. King Rui was still dying just now, and immediately jumped vigorously after taking the pill. It was amazing!

Jun Linyi stood up from his position in shock, the effect of this pill was very strong! It seems that she is really the genius doctor who cured Jun Mengyu, but she didn't expect her strength to be bad. So just so, his crown concubine is still vacant, if he can marry her, it will definitely be a big help to himself!

"This girl, I have been offended just now, and I hope to forgive me." The North Minghuang's face showed joy, the coldness and anger just now receded like water, like a rising tide, coming fast and going fast. While speaking, he waved to General Tang, "You all go back."

General Tang unwillingly glared at Mu Qianyue and Jun Mengyu, then retreated.

"Thank you for the girl's life-saving grace to my third sister. I hope the girl will not take it seriously for the misunderstanding just now." Jun Linyi stood up with a warm smile on his handsome face, which looked like a spring breeze, so that he could It left a good impression in Mu Qianyue's eyes.

It's a pity that Mu Qianyue didn't even look at him. When she was questioned before, Jun Linyi didn't stand up, but after she took the initiative to prove his identity, he stood up. This shows that he is deep-minded, and he can do everything for his own benefit.

Jun Linyi's face became stiff and a little ugly. A vague flash of anger flashed through his slightly drooping eyes, and then disappeared for a moment. "This prince represents my second brother and apologizes to you for him. I also hope that girl Haihan, you have Thanks to my third sister, our Beiming will definitely respect you as a guest of honor. The girl can live in the palace with peace of mind these days.

Believing that she lifts her status as a prince, she will definitely change her view of herself.

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