Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 407: Revenge of the Spirit of Heaven and Earth

Mu Xueying's figure shook, but Zi Xieyu's corpse was no longer in the air, because she had already received it in the ring space. Zi Xieyu is a rank 9 imperial martial artist anyway, and his martial spirit level will definitely not be low, which is definitely a supplement for the master.

However, she did not choose to swallow Mu Qianyue on the spot, because there are too many people here. If everyone sees that Mu Qianyue can directly swallow the human spirit, it will definitely cause panic. People always have a very strong resistance to the fear of the unknown. They will gather together and then kill the fear!

Everyone didn't see Zi Xieyu's body, naturally they thought he was shattered by the power of the nine-tailed sky fox.

On the other side, Mu Qianyue swung the sword of Yuanli fiercely, but still couldn’t resist the simultaneous attacks of dozens of imperial fighters. Even though she could fight across tiers, she faced the attacks of multiple imperial fighters at the same time. Helpless.

"Chih!" There was a crisp sound.

A sword light cut through Mu Qianyue's arm, and red blood flowed down the arm.

Upon seeing the spirit of heaven and earth hiding in her arms, Heiliang’s eyes showed a touch of distress and anger. He suddenly grabbed Mu Qianyue’s arms and rushed to the imperial warrior who had hurt Mu Qianyue, Xiao Xiao Suddenly, his body sat on the head of the imperial martial artist, and the imperial martial artist couldn't shake it no matter what.

"Yeah..." The Spirit of Heaven and Earth kept shouting angrily, seeming to be very angry, asking you to bully my mother!

Then, the next scene will be unforgettable for everyone! !

I saw that the fleshy little hands of the Spirit of Heaven and Earth directly penetrated into the head of the Emperor Martial Artist, opening his mouth to bite his head and ears.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

The imperial warrior uttered a heartbreaking scream, it was an elder of the Phantom Pavilion, who died instantly, without even a trace of resistance!

Streaks of red energy gushed from the corpse, rushing to the spirit of heaven and earth, and saw that the aura of the spirit of heaven and earth rose a lot in an instant, and even the bright black pupils were stained with scarlet.

Tasting this kind of sweetness, the spirit of heaven and earth became excited, his eyes were scarlet, and he rushed towards a king martial artist next to him. With the power of the spirit of heaven and earth, he could not escape at all, and ended up like the emperor before As a warrior, all the true energy on his body has been swallowed and refined by the spirit of heaven and earth.

Then there is the next one.

The spirit of heaven and earth is like a life harvester, ruthlessly harvesting the lives of these people, swallowing their true energy, and the power between heaven and earth is constantly expanding and becoming stronger!

At this time, the black pupils of the spirit of heaven and earth became blood red, flashing with strange red lights.

The people who had been tit-for-tat also stopped attacking each other, but you looked at me and I looked at you, with a look of fear and fear in their eyes.

Because the power of the spirit of heaven and earth is too strong and terrible, and the methods are extremely cruel!

"No! The Spirit of Heaven and Earth has entered a violent state!" Yunzong ancestor shouted.

Someone fell down wherever the spirit of heaven and earth passed, and no one could escape his palms, whether it was Emperor Martial Artist or Wang Martial Artist.

"Ah! I want to go out! I don't want the spirit of heaven and earth!"

"Woo...let us out! I don't want to die here!"

Some timid people were frightened and cried directly, hitting the protective cover vigorously, but unfortunately there was no response. After all, the protective cover that even the spirit of heaven and earth can't break, let alone them?

"Sect Master Yun, hurry up and remove the net of heaven and earth, or we will all die here!" An elder of the Purple Soul Palace looked at Sect Master Yun and said.

"Impossible! The Spirit of Heaven and Earth has entered a violent state, once it is withdrawn, more people will die!" Sect Master Yun said indifferently.

"Sect Master Yun, what do you mean? Do you want to kill everyone? Why do you keep us inside?"

"Yeah! Why are you keeping us inside! We are going out!"

"I see, this must be Yunzong's conspiracy! Yunzong wants to kill us! Then you can unify the entire continent!"

"Yun Zong is so cruel! We are all fooled!"

The crowd wailed bitterly.

"Fuck your mother's shit!" The ancestor Yunzong is a hot temper. Hearing everyone say this at this time, he was so angry that he shot up, and a majestic momentum radiated from him, like a hundred thousand mountains. Suppressed, a deep and angry voice fell.

"Who wanted to come in at the beginning? Did I beg you to come in? All of them were white-eyed wolves, and they rushed over when they saw the birth of a strange treasure! Did I say not to hurt it, otherwise it would excite the spirit of heaven and earth? , Let it be violent, there will be endless disasters! But what I said, which of you listened to your ears? Besides, I said before that the emperor below retreats one thousand meters away, but have you listened? You are selfish and greedy. Psychologically, now I blame Yunzong! Believe it or not, I slap you to death?!"

The scene immediately fell silent, and everyone looked at each other with regret and embarrassment on their faces. No one dared to refute the words of the ancestor of Yunzong. After all, he was a martial artist!

Hearing the words of the ancestor Yunzong, Mu Qianyue only felt one word, cool!

What a shame!

This group of wolves in human skins at first hurt him wantonly because of the lure of the spirit of heaven and earth. Now they are retaliated by the spirit of heaven and earth, but they complain about Yunzong, which is really shameless!

"Mu Qianyue, did you make a ghost? I know that my Purple Soul Palace has a grudge against you, but you don't have to hurt everyone like this!" The elder of the Purple Soul Palace suddenly turned his eyes on Mu Qianyue. With a gleam of hatred, she not only destroyed the eldest lady's dantian, but also killed Young Master Mu Cang, and now even the Palace Master is dead!

A Tier Nine Emperor Warrior! The Purple Soul Palace is about to fall!

Thinking of this, the elder of the Purple Soul Palace couldn't help but feel terribly painful, and his eyes looked at Mu Qianyue with coldness.

His words instantly agitated the silence, and one by one looked at Mu Qianyue with anger and savage anger, and asked angrily.

"Mu Qianyue, did you make a ghost?!"

"It must be her! Didn't you see that the spirit of heaven and earth was very close to her just now? And the spirit of heaven and earth attacked us but did not attack her, which is enough to prove that all this is a ghost of her!" Elder.

"Mu Qianyue, you have disappointed us too much. We worshipped you so much before, and called you to admire the master! I am!"

"That is, the most poisonous woman's heart!"

"You are so vicious at a young age, and your mind is so cruel, you will surely harm one party in the future!"

"She must be afraid that we will take away the spirit of heaven and earth, so she let the spirit of heaven and earth kill us! It's really hateful!"

Everyone, you said and I said, and immediately pushed Mu Qianyue to the cusp of the storm!

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