Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 549: Baiyuexi?

"It's okay, Xuan'er, eat whatever you want, I will never despise you for being fat." Tong Ling stared at her affectionately and said.

"I don't want to gain weight! Xiao Lingzi, I solemnly warn you that you are not allowed to lure me with food in the future~ confuse me!" Xiao Xuan'er stared angrily, and if she gets so fat, she will be almost a pig!

"Okay, let's go for dinner. I haven't gotten any water in the retreat for ten days. I still miss those delicacies." Mu Qianyue raised her lips and smiled, as she walked towards the outside, Xiao Xuan'er paled. , "Ah, Master, don't you be so bad! Why do you always tempt me~ confuse me!"

Thinking of the food in the restaurant, she couldn't help swallowing.

She seems to have no resistance to food. Perhaps it is the reason why she spent a thousand years in the palace of unfeeling. When she was a Teng Snake, she swallowed the same kind of food alive, without thinking about anything. It's delicious, just eat it.

So now seeing these delicacies, she can't resist the temptation.

"Xuan'er, just eat it. I have a set of acupuncture and moxibustion, which can lose weight. I guarantee that you can eat it every day and you won't get fat." Mu Qianyue said with a smile.

"Really?" Xiao Xuan'er's eyes lit up, with an excited expression on her face, "It's really great! Hey, I won't be afraid of getting fat again!"

"So let's eat now."

"Yeah! I think the dishes at Mingyue Restaurant are the best after eating and eating. Let's go to Mingyue Restaurant!" Xiao Xuan'er walked ahead happily.

Tong Ling quietly rubbed against Mu Qianyue's side, "Master, can you teach me the acupuncture method to lose weight?"

"Do you want to lose weight?" Mu Qianyue gave him a surprised look.

"En." Tong Ling nodded hurriedly.

"Okay, I'll teach you in the evening."

Mu Qianyue and the three were walking on the academy's martial arts field, and happened to meet the Shangguan Qiong who came across.

"Miss Mu, long time no see, I heard that you are in retreat recently?" Shangguan Qiong's face showed a friendly, gentle, gentle and gentle smile.

"En." Mu Qianyue nodded faintly, her beautiful face was still not salty or indifferent, and there was no trace of sadness, joy, or anger.

When Shangguan Qiong learned that Mu Qianyue had always been this arrogant and indifferent appearance, he was not angry. Instead, he felt that she should be proud, like the snow lotus on the glacier, cold and arrogant. , White and flawless, sacred and inviolable.

Then he looked at Xuan'er and said, "Xuan'er, I know that there is a snack bar that tastes very special and delicious. Would you like to try it?"

"Okay." Knowing that Mu Qianyue has acupuncture to lose weight, Xiao Xuan'er no longer has to worry about gaining weight.

"No, there are still things for the three of us. Young Master Shangguan, shouldn't you be so idle every day, right? I heard that six-year students will reach the Ninth-Order Sect Martial Artist before graduation. Young Master Shangguan seems to have to cheer." The corner of his lips pursed coldly.

"Girl Mu doesn't have to worry about me. There are still three years away. I can definitely reach the level of a first-order paladin before graduation, and maybe even higher." Shangguan Qiong didn't seem to hear the overtones in Mu Qianyue's words, and laughed. .

"Brother Shangguan, so you are here." At this moment, a girl's voice sounded, and Qingyue's voice was slightly dull.

Hearing this voice, Shangguan Qiong's face darkened slightly.

A pink figure came lightly, walked to Shangguan Qiong's side, took his arm naturally, his beautiful face lifted slightly, and his eyes fell on the faces of Mu Qianyue and Xiao Xuan'er opposite, with deep pupils. A flash of jealousy flashed in the middle.

"Brother Shangguan, who are they?"

Shangguan Qiong's face became stiff, and he took his hand out without a trace, and said unnaturally with a smile on his face, "This is Girl Mu, this is Xuan'er."

As for Tong Ling, Shangguan Qiong directly ignored it.

Tong Ling curled his lips in disdain, and when he saw him, he knew he was not a good person, a pervert! The eyes staring at Xuan'er and Master are always squinted.

Shangguan Qiong immediately introduced Mu Qianyue, "This is the fifth lady of the Bai family, Bai Yuexi."


Mu Qianyue frowned slightly when she heard this, she didn't forget the Bai Zhi she met during the assessment in Baihu Mountain. At that time, he was talking about Miss Yuexi, she wanted to come.

At that time, I was still wondering that I didn't know any Miss Yuexi, and I didn't offend someone named Yuexi. I thought it was because of Shangguan Qiong that Baiyuexi had troubled him.

Bai Yuexi glanced at Mu Qianyue and Xiao Xuan'er with contempt. When she looked at Shangguan Qiong, she showed a beautiful and generous smile. She stretched out her hand again and took his arm, "Shangguan brother, you are already quite a few Heaven hasn't gone to my house, did you forget the stream?"

Shangguan Qiong's face suddenly became difficult to look like, "Yuexi, men and women are different, so it's better to be more reserved in this big court."

Bai Yuexi’s beautiful face turned black, and his eyes like autumn water were filled with anger, "The difference between men and women? Ha... Shangguan Qiong, don’t think I don’t know the thoughts in your heart, don’t you just look at them two Are they prettier than me? Yes, I admit, they are prettier than me, but in terms of the family, they can’t help you, and may even drag you down.”

"Yuexi, I admit that your status and status are indeed very high, but my Shangguan family is not bad. Moreover, I don't need a woman to support my future in Shangguanqiong." Shangguanqiong's eyes showed a touch of anger, handsome as jade. His face instantly became gloomy.

Bai Yuexi was startled, knowing that he was really angry, and the momentum on his body immediately weakened. The eyes of autumn water were filled with tears of grievance, and he pitifully tugged at his clothes, "Brother Shangguan, Don't be angry, Xi'er doesn't mean that, Xi'er just likes you too much."

"Talk slowly." Mu Qianyue faintly threw a word and turned and left. She wasn't here to watch them show their affection, nor was she jealous with Baiyuexi.

And Xiao Xuan'er's face didn't show any strange expression, just a flash of curiosity in his eyes.

Then Mu Qianyue and Xiao Xuan'er left under Shangguanqiang's gloomy eyes.

"Brother Shangguan, let's go shopping, okay?" Bai Yuexi saw Shangguanqiong staring at the disappearing figure of Mu Qianyue three people in a daze, a look of unpleasantness appeared on her face, but she did not dare to show it, for fear of Shangguan Qiong angry.

But those two women, she would never let them go! The last time Bai Zhi was dispatched, he thought that Bai Zhi would take away Mu Qianyue's identity plate, but it turned out that Bai Zhi was anti-robbed. It is said that the woman used the Fragrant Fragrant Fragrance which can make the Sect Martial Artist lose his true energy!

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