None of the students of White Tiger College do not want to graduate.

"Or you can leave the White Tiger Academy by yourself and leave here." The man frowned and continued.

"Have you forgotten Miss Yuexi's account? She wants us to ruin her innocence and ruin her, so that Shangguan Qiong will no longer like her, and Miss Yuexi will give us enough resources for cultivation." After taking a look at that person, he immediately turned his head and fell coldly on Mu Qianyue's body, and the corner of her lips curled up with a ferocious touch, "Mu Qianyue, we can't blame us for all this. If you find someone to avenge you, go to Bai Yuexi. "

As soon as the voice fell, he rushed towards Mu Qianyue.

Mu Qianyue's eyes were cold, ruining her innocence? Humph! Bai Yuexi, I didn't want to trouble you, but you are asking for it yourself. She Mu Qianyue wrote down this grudge! I will count with you in the future!

"Wipe! Which woman is so vicious to dare to be innocent as Master Lao Tzu?" Tian Shuo's angry voice was heard from the Tongtian Tower. He was about to come out, but was stopped by Mu Qianyue.

"I can deal with these two people."

"Well, you quickly solve them, it's best to beat them to death." In the Tongtian Pagoda, Tian Shuo said angrily, sitting cross-legged, holding two thousand-year-old medicinal herbs in each hand and gnawing directly, Xiaoyue There are so many herbs in the month!

Now she is no longer the weak little girl who was poor and white in Feng Studio.

At this moment, another person's eyes flashed with helplessness, and his figure immediately moved, and he swooped over like a tiger.

"Hey!" A biting sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a cold light flashed in the air, and a huge white sword light suddenly appeared in the alley, slashing towards the back of the two with a terrifying and terrifying aura!

Feeling the murderous aura suddenly appearing behind them, the two were shocked, and quickly gave up attacking Mu Qianyue, turned around together, and slashed behind them.

The three sword lights collided together, and the sound of weapons exchange was deafening.

The two unanimously stepped back a few steps. They looked up at the alleyway, and after seeing the slightly familiar figure in the alley, they couldn't help but narrowed their eyes.

"Bai Zhi!"

Bai Zhi held the Bai Xuan Sword in his hand and looked at them both coldly, "Unexpectedly, you two are so despicable. Don't you know how important innocence is to a woman?"

Mu Qianyue looked at Bai Zhi with a little surprise, she didn't seem to expect that he would help her out of trouble, and she was a little surprised to say such words.

"We also obeyed Miss Yuexi's orders, but you Baizhi, don't you want to help Mu Qianyue not succeed? Don't forget, you are also the Bai family, if you help her, Miss Yuexi will be very happy "The man sneered.

"Could it be that Bai Yuexi's unhappy, because of her jealousy, can ruin a woman's innocence and future at will?" Bai Zhi snorted. The reason why she agreed to help Bai Yuexi at the time was because Bai Yuexi said that as long as Mu Qianyue could not pass the examination, she did not say that she would ruin Mu Qianyue's innocence.

Now Baiyuexi has obviously changed, becoming even more vicious, so jealousy is so terrible!

You can make a seemingly gentle and beautiful woman do such a vicious thing!

"Bai Zhi, why do you speak so high-soundingly? Didn't you deliberately embarrass Qianyue in Baihu Mountain for profit? Or you started to fall in love with people after you were beaten and stripped of your pants?" The man laughed disdainfully. .


Bai Zhi's face flushed suddenly, as if bloodshot, and then the shame on his face faded and turned into anger, "Anyway, as long as I'm here, you don't want to move a finger to her!"

Mu Qianyue blinked in surprise, he was so protecting herself? Did he really change his **** after being robbed by himself?

"Baizhi, you can protect her for a while, do you think you can protect her all the time? When she goes to the bathroom and sleeps, you can't always follow her. Haha. We have a chance. Let's go." The man waved his hand. , Took another person away.

Although the two people left, the sound of the two people's teasing still echoed in Bai Zhi's ears, his face flushed with anger, and he was ashamed and angry.

"Miss Mu, be careful yourself. As they said, I can save you once, but I can't save you a second time." After dropping a sentence, he hurriedly turned and left.

Before Mu Qianyue even had time to say thank you, Bai Zhi's figure disappeared into the alley, seeming to flee in panic.

"Hey, Xiaoyueyue, have you ever stripped people's underwear?" At this time, Tian Shuo's voice came from the Tongtian Tower, with a deep disdain and contempt, "You like to strip people's underwear, hit Fart~When will the habit of stocks be changed! Hey, I am really sad for Xiao Jingjing..."

Mu Qianyue's face turned dark, and she gritted her teeth.

"I didn't. My apprentice picked it up."

No, she didn't let Tong Ling take off the white underwear~pants, she said at the time that she only left a pair of pants... Could there be any twists and turns?

"Well, there is a teacher who has his disciples. You, a master, do not harm people and innocent teenagers." Tian Shuo sighed, then got out of the Tongtian Tower and landed on Mu Qianyue's side. Holding a thousand-year-old medicinal plant in one hand, he bites like a rabbit gnawing a radish.

Mu Qianyue staggered when she heard the words and almost fell. Does she have it?

She is so pure, okay!

"Let's go, let's go shopping in the street." Mu Qianyue stepped out of the alley and slid down the streets of White Tiger City.

Suddenly there was a sorrowful sound of trivial noise in front of him, and the pedestrians on the street had also retreated to the sides and watched.

Mu Qianyue and Tian Shuo also retreated to the side. It turned out that someone was going to go to the funeral, and the deceased was the biggest one. No matter what, they should give way.

The funeral is going to be a big battle. When Mu Qianyue saw the sign that those people were holding on the sign that said ‘Mo’, she couldn’t help but was taken aback. Someone in the Mo family died?

There was a person in the crowd crying miserably and sadly, Mu Qianyue stared at him, isn't that person Mo Yang?

Oh, this scumbag will also cry, it's really surprising, I feel that life is full of surprises and surprises. However, Mu Qianyue didn't get into trouble because of the death of the Mo family, after all, it was Mo Yang who had had a holiday with him.

Suddenly, Mu Qianyue's brows condensed, her eyes tightly falling on the scarlet coffin in the middle of the crowd, and she saw a drop of bright red blood dripping from the bottom of the coffin and falling on the ground like white jade.

Moreover, there are blood drops all the way.


A clear drink sounded in this noisy voice, with a touch of shocking momentum, resounding through the street, very clear.

A silver-purple figure stopped in front of the funeral team.

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