Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 573: Extraordinarily lively

After a while, Tong Ling, Tian Shuo, and Xiao Xuan'er all came, including Mu Qianyue, the eight people gathered together, chatting very happily, very lively.

Although Mu Xueying, Mu Xueling, Chu Tiange, and Huo Xi were familiar with Xiao Xuan'er before this, it can be said that they met for the first time, but this did not hinder their feelings and communication. People get acquainted with each other and become good friends.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed, and soon came the opening day of White Tiger Academy.

Because Tong Ling was only a Tier 4 imperial martial artist, even if he could cross-tier combat and defeat a Tier 6 imperial martial artist, he would eventually lose to the hands of a martial artist, so Mu Qianyue took him into the Tongtian Tower space together.

The fifteen people who participated in the White Tiger Secret Realm this time followed the Great Elder, Ninth Elder and Ten Elder of the White Tiger Academy to the White House.

The Bai family in White Tiger City is just a stronghold, not the real residence of the Bai family. Afterwards, Mu Qianyue and her party followed the elders out of White Tiger City and came to Baihu Mountain outside of White Tiger City. They kept going around and passed through the wonderful formations inside Baihu Mountain. Everyone felt that their vision was widened. A huge and magnificent palace stands on the top of the mountain, like Qionglou Yuyu above the nine heavens, exuding a holy light.

At this moment, everyone seemed to have come to the sky.

"Oh my God! So this is the Bai family!"

"The Bai family is so atmospheric!"

After graduating from the Baihu Academy, students have the opportunity to be selected into the Bai family. Once they enter the Bai family and become disciples of the Bai family, they will truly become a phoenix.

It can be said that the White Tiger Academy is a place to gather talents for the Bai family!

"Okay, everyone follow me up now." said the great elder of the White Tiger Academy. With a move, he flew towards the temple above the mountain, his robes stretched out, hunting and flying, like a fairy flying by the wind.

Everyone couldn't help being excited after hearing this. They followed behind the great elder and flew towards the temple on the top of the mountain.

As soon as Mu Qianyue and his party landed, a middle-aged man greeted him, "Elder Li, you are here." He said, looking behind the elder, and smiled, "It seems that this year's These geniuses are very good."

Great Elder Bai Yili had a smile on his face, "No matter how good it is, it is no better than these direct geniuses of the Bai family."

After all, these geniuses of the Bai family are the real core strength of the Bai family, and they are all excellent inheritors with the blood of the white tiger. Among the same rank, they are generally invincible.

"Well, let's go in first, everyone from each family is about to arrive. Elder Li, I won't greet you anymore." The middle-aged man said, and turned to work.

Bai Yili led Mu Qianyue and others into the Bai family's martial arts field. After a while, a team of people came from a distance. People from the five major physical families of Jinmu, Water, Fire and Earth are all here, and Shui Qidan also In it. Although Shui Qidan did not get a place in the White Tiger Academy, she, as the protégé of the Shui family, would naturally have such a place.

What surprised Mu Qianyue was that Qin Chaoyang was among them. At this moment, he was standing next to Shui Qidan, and the relationship between the two seemed to be pretty good.

Suddenly the crowd started talking.

"Huh? Isn't that the genius of the new generation of Su family, Su Mengling?"

"Yes! Miss Su is so beautiful!"

"No, I heard that Miss Su has already reached the realm of a second-order paladin!"

"This talent is not much better than the geniuses in the six bloodline families!"

"Yes! This Su Mengling is indeed a manufacturable material!"

The crowd talked a lot.

Hearing the words Su Mengling, Mu Qianyue's face instantly became cold, and a bloodthirsty cold light flashed in her phoenix eyes.

Look up and look down the crowd.

I saw Su Mengling walking slowly in a pale golden fairy dress with wide sleeves. Walking in the crowd, she was extremely dazzling, coming like a nine-day fairy, and her beautiful face was full of coldness and arrogance.

Humph! Su Mengling!

Mu Qianyue didn't forget the hatred on the cliff, but kept it in her heart all the time. But what made Mu Qianyue surprised was that he only saw Su Mengling, but did not see Nalanjing. Isn't he with the Su family?

In the next moment, Su Mengling also saw Mu Qianyue, her beautiful face showed an unbelievable look, her eyes widened, she was not dead? Mu Qianyue didn't even die! How can this be? Even if she wasn't dead, she would never be able to stand here safe and sound!

That palm of her own obviously destroyed her veins and dantian, and it is impossible for her to recover!

But the facts tell her that Mu Qianyue has indeed recovered, and her strength has reached the realm of a Tier 1 Sect Martial Artist!

The fingers under the sleeve were twisted together bitterly, and his face was slightly twisted.

Humph! But even if she is not dead, what about an ant, she will definitely not be so lucky this time! This time she had better not enter the Baihu secret realm, otherwise she would definitely let her stay in it forever!

Then came the people of Suzaku blood.

"Those two are the most talented people in the Suzaku family, right?"

"Yes! Shangguan Lengyi and Shangguan Moyan are the best two in the family."

"Shangguan Moyan is a genius! He is already at the top of the Tier 3 paladin, and he is two years younger than Su Mengling. I think Shangguan Moyan is much better than Su Mengling!"

"Shangguan Leng Yi is not bad, he is a Tier 4 paladin!"

The crowd started talking again.

Su Mengling flushed with anger when she heard that she had been compared by others, but she didn't have a good attack, so she had to endure it.

Mu Qianyue obviously felt the jealous look in Shangguan Qiong's eyes when he saw Shangguan Lengyi. With his fifth-order martial artist's strength compared with Shangguan Lengyi, it was really too far!

Then came the genius of the White Tiger family. Bai Longying, a fourth-tier paladin of strength, had also reached the ninth level of bloodline awakening, but it was a beginner level, a bit worse than Mu Ruke’s ninth-level peak, but Is the leader of the people.

And the eldest young master of the Bai family, Bai Chen, has reached the strength of a fifth-order paladin, and his bloodline awakening is also a ninth-order.

Then came the members of the Xuanwu family. The geniuses of the Xuanwu family are mostly men, but women are not very brilliant.

Suddenly, the crowd burst into chaos.

"Look! The people from Qingzhou Mu's family are here!"

"Wow! Who is that woman? She's so beautiful, like a fairy of nine days!"

"You don't know, that is the new generation of Mu family genius, Mu Ruke! It is said that he has reached the level of a fifth-tier paladin, and the awakening of the Azure Dragon bloodline has reached the peak of the ninth level! You can step into it immediately. Perfect!"

"My God! It's so strong!"

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